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@DaveyBiggers DaveyBiggers released this 19 Oct 16:39
· 956 commits to master since this release


It's a while since we've built a release, so quite a lot has gone into 0.18...

New features:

  • Build battles - added RewardForStructureCopying and BuildBattleDecorator. (#337)
  • WorldTime and TotalTime added to ObservationFromFullStats. (#262)
  • Agent can now quit by using MissionQuitCommands. (#170)
  • Python sample to test initial chunk loading. (#338)
  • Added startAtWithPitchAndYaw to API. (#295)
  • Greater control over drawing of rails and stairs. (#323)
  • Entities can now be placed by DrawingDecorator. (#322)
  • ObservationFromGrid has new optional attribute absoluteCoords for fixed-location grids. (#293)


  • Three second grace period on spawning removed. (#88)
  • AbsoluteMovementCommands can now teleport outside the current chunk. (#353)
  • FileWorldGenerator load issue + to test fix. (#342)
  • Weather is periodically reset to mission requirements. (#264)
  • ContinuousMovementCommands now allow the setting of yaw/pitch by Discrete or Absolute movement commands. (#255)
  • Continuous-mode use/attack weren't correctly triggering rewards for discarding/collecting items. (#303)
  • Discrete-mode use/attack weren't correctly triggering rewards for discarding/collecting items. (#297)

Breaking changes:

Most of these are subtle changes which are unlikely to affect anyone, but they do carry the potential to change results / break existing code:

  • Fix: The centre of the grid observation was being rounded to the nearest int in the y-axis. (#370)

    This will change your results for cases where the agent is in between blocks in the y-axis, eg if they are jumping / falling / climbing stairs. The grid observation will now be centred on floor(y) rather than floor(y+0.5)

  • Fix: temp folder and "mission_recordings" now removed from path of files in recordings. (#298)

    This means the folder structure of your mission recording files has changed - if you've written any automated tools for parsing recordings, you may need to tweak them.

  • New: AbsoluteMovementCommands tpx, tpy, tpz now applied immediately.

    Previously you could combine these commands by sending them immediately after each other - eg to teleport from the current location to (4,200,12) you could send:

    tpx 4
    tpy 200
    tpz 12

    and (most of the time) all three actions would be applied together at the next tick. In fact, in previous versions there was no other way to do this, since we hadn't provided a tp x y z command.
    This latest change, however, means that each individual action will be applied consecutively, so if the agent starts at, say, (16,32,64), they will now visit the intermediate points (4,32,64) and (4,200,64) before arriving at (4,200,12).

  • Fix: Extra block properties returned by ObservationFromRay are now prefixed with "prop_" to prevent collisions. (#355)

  • New: Mission worlds are now deleted after use unless destroyAfterUse is false. (#76)

    The default is for destroyAfterUse to be true - so, by default, starting with this version, any Minecraft saved worlds that get created to run the mission will eventually be deleted again after use. (Previous saved worlds won't be touched, and your own worlds should be safe.) If you rely on your saved worlds hanging around, make sure you explicitly set this flag in your XML.

Which version?

Unless you want to use the Arcade Learning Environment, avoid the _withALE builds.
The Redhat build was made with Fedora 23 but may work with other Redhat flavors.
The Ubuntu 16 build was built against boost 1.61; if you still have boost 1.58 installed then use the Ubuntu 15 build.