Releases: microsoft/navcontainerhelper
Experimental support for PowerShell 7, please report any issues on
Experimantal support for running BcContainerHelper on Linux (only non-container stuff), please report any issues on
Add parameter 'features' to Run-AlPipeline which allows for setting the compiler features
Add SchemaSyncMode to Publish-PerTenantExtensionApps
Use submodules inside BcContainerHelper
Issue #2765 Unused param in Publish-BuildOutputToAzureFeed.ps1
Fix multiple layout files with same file name in BC21
Add parameter ContainerEventLogFile to Run-AlPipeline to extract container event log after run
Add new parameter to Run-TestsInBcContainer - renewClientContextBetweenTests to renew client context between tests
Add new parameter to New-BcImage - databaseBackupPath which allows selecting custom backup (in place of original backup from artifacts)
Add new setting renewClientContextBetweenTests as default value for the same parameter in Run-TestsInBcContainer
Change PR process for ContainerHelper
Wait for tenants to be ready after Restart-BcContainer
Issue #2798 Get-NavContainerSharedFolders returns error The length must not be less than 0 (zero)
Check latest allowed runtime version in Run-AlValidation
Add PROOF OF CONCEPT PREVIEW functions to work with Business Central NuGet packages: New-BcNuGetPackage, Get-BcNuGetPackage, Push-BcNuGetPackage and New-ALGoNuGetContext
BcContainerHelper is now signed with a Code Signing certificate
Issue #2727 Retry download from direct download URL if CDN download was corrupt
Issue #2718 Add setting NoOfSecondsToSleepAfterPublishBcContainerApp to be able to setup wait time to avoid race condition when publishing some apps to online tenants using Dev Endpoint
AL-Go issue microsoft/AL-Go#228
Issue #2745 Support for Windows 10 22H2
Add parameter TreatTestFailuresAsWarnings to Run-AlPipeline
Add parameter knownApps to Sort-AppFoldersByDependencies, to return all known apps in sorted folders
Issue #2757 Fail early if .flf license file is specified for BC 22 or later containers
AL-Go issue microsoft/AL-Go#259
Support for specifying STANDARD or EXTENDED in UploadImportAndApply-ConfigPackageInBcContainer
Issue #2685 Typo in Get-BcArtifactUrl
Issue #2681 New-BcContainerWizard doesn't seem to support Public Preview Versions
Issue #2678 Compiling baseapp 21.x causes a compile error on .Net types
Issue #2692 Possible encoding error in New-AppSourceSubmission
Add 22H2 detection
Issue #2664 Image rebuild forced by different tags of a generic dev image
Issue #2671 In BcContainerHelper - 'Get-NavCompany' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet !!
Issue #2673 New-AppSourceSubmission appears to "timeout" and just continuously reauthenticate
Add parameter checkAlreadyInstalled to Publish-BcContainerApp to check whether the app is already installed in the same or newer version
Add parameter excludeInstalledApps to Sort-AppFilesByDependencies to exclude apps present in this array with the same or newer version
Country TT points to BR instead of W1 (for collation)