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--- a/docs/README.md
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- [Handle requests](./network.md#handle-requests)
- [Modify requests](./network.md#modify-requests)
- [Abort requests](./network.md#abort-requests)
-1. Scraping and verification
- - Screenshots
- - Evaluation
+1. [Scraping and verification](./verification.md)
+ - [Screenshots](./verification.md#capturing-screenshot)
+ - [Evaluation](./verification.md#evaluating-javascript)
+ - [Console messages](./verification.md#listening-console-messages)
+ - [Uncaghut exceptions](./verification.md#uncaghut-exceptions)
+ - [Page crashes](./verification.md#page-crashes)
1. [Navigation and loading](./loading.md)
- [Common scenarios](./loading.md#common-scenarios)
- [Loading a popup](./loading.md#loading-a-popup)
diff --git a/docs/verification.md b/docs/verification.md
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+# Scraping and verification
+Playwright allows verifiying state of the page and catching abnormal behavior by:
+ - evaluating JavaScript code snippets in the page
+ - capturing screenshots (png or jpeg)
+ - listening console messages
+ - observing uncaghut exceptions in the page
+ - observing page crashes
+ - etc
+#### Contents
+- [Evaluating JavaScript](#evaluating-javascript)
+- [Capturing screenshot](#capturing-screenshot)
+- [Listening console messages](#listening-console-messages)
+- [Uncaghut exceptions](#uncaghut-exceptions)
+- [Page crashes](#page-crashes)
+## Evaluating JavaScript
+Execute JavaScript function in the page:
+ const href = await page.evaluate(() => document.location.href);
+If the result is a Promise or if the function is asynchronouse eveluate will automatically wait until it's resolved:
+ const status = await page.evaluate(async () => {
+ const response = await fetch(location.href);
+ return response.status;
+ });
+Get object handle and use it in multiple evaluations:
+ // Create a new array in the page, wriate a reference to it in
+ // window.myArray and get a handle to it.
+ const myArrayHandle = await page.evaluateHandle(() => {
+ window.myArray = [1];
+ return myArray;
+ });
+ // Get current length of the array using the handle.
+ const length = await page.evaluate(
+ (arg) => arg.myArray.length,
+ { myArray: myArrayHandle }
+ );
+ // Add one more element to the array using the handle
+ await page.evaluate((arg) => arg.myArray.push(arg.newElement), {
+ myArray:myArrayHandle,
+ newElement: 2
+ });
+ // Get current length of the array using window.myArray reference.
+ const newLength = await page.evaluate(() => window.myArray.length);
+ // Release the object when it's no longer needed.
+ await myArrayHandle.dispose();
+#### API reference
+- [page.$(selector)](./api.md#pageselector)
+- [page.$$(selector)](./api.md#pageselector-1)
+- [page.$eval(selector, pageFunction[, arg])](./api.md#pageevalselector-pagefunction-arg)
+- [page.$$eval(selector, pageFunction[, arg])](./api.md#pageevalselector-pagefunction-arg-1)
+- [page.evaluate(pageFunction[, arg])](./api.md#pageevaluatepagefunction-arg)
+- [page.evaluateHandle(pageFunction[, arg])](./api.md#pageevaluatehandlepagefunction-arg)
+## Capturing screenshot
+Take screenshot of the page's viewport and save it in a png file:
+ await page.screenshot({path: 'screenshot.png'});
+Capture entire scrollable area of the page:
+ await page.screenshot({path: 'screenshot.png', fullPage: true});
+Save screenshot in an in-memory buffer (the content is base64-encoded image bytes):
+ const buffer = await page.screenshot();
+ // Log the length.
+ console.log(buffer.length);
+#### API reference
+- [page.screenshot([options])](./api.md#pagescreenshotoptions)
+- [Node.js Buffer](https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html)
+## Listening console messages
+Listen all console messages in a page and dump _errors_ in to the terminal:
+ // Get all console messages from the page.
+ page.on('console', msg => {
+ // Handle only errors.
+ if (msg.type() !== 'error')
+ return;
+ console.log(`text: "${msg.text()}"`);
+ });
+ await page.evaluate(() => console.error('Page error message'));
+Get access to the console message arguments:
+ page.on('console', msg => {
+ for (let i = 0; i < msg.args().length; ++i)
+ console.log(`${i}: ${msg.args()[i]}`);
+ });
+#### API reference
+- [class: ConsoleMessage](./api.md#class-consolemessage)
+- [class `JSHandle`](./api.md#class-jshandle)
+- [event: 'console'](./api.md#event-console)
+## Uncaghut exceptions
+Listen uncaghut exceptions in the page:
+ // Log all uncaught errors to the terminal
+ page.on('pageerror', exception => {
+ console.log(`Uncaught exception: "${exception}"`);
+ });
+ // Navigate to a page with an exception.
+ await page.goto('data:text/html,');
+#### API reference
+- [event: 'pageerror'](./api.md#event-pageerror)
+## Page crashes
+Listen to page crashes:
+ page.on('crash', exception => {
+ console.log(`Page crashed`);
+ });
+It's very unusual for page to crash but might happen if a page allocates too much memory or due to a bug in a browser.
+#### API reference
+- [event: 'crash'](./api.md#event-crash)