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105 lines (83 loc) · 4.47 KB

File metadata and controls

105 lines (83 loc) · 4.47 KB

Use the SARIF Multitool to rewrite, enrich, filter, result match, and do other common operations against SARIF files.


Mode Purpose
absoluteuri Turn all relative Uris into absolute URIs (to be used after rebaseUri is run)
apply-policy Apply policies from SARIF log
convert Convert a tool output log to SARIF format
export-validation-config Export validation rule options to an XML or JSON file that can be edited and used to configure subsequent analysis
export-validation-rules Export validation rules metadata to a SARIF or SonarQube XML file
file-work-items Send SARIF results to a work item tracking system such as GitHub or Azure DevOps
match-results-forward Match Results run over run to identify New, Absent, and Unchanged Results
merge Merge multiple SARIF files into one
page Extract a subset of results from a source SARIF file
query Find the matching subset of a SARIF file and output it or log it
rebaseuri Rebase the URIs in one or more sarif files
rewrite Transform a SARIF file to a reformatted version
suppress Suppress results from a SARIF file
validate Validate a SARIF File against the schema and against additional correctness rules.
help See Usage
version Display version information


: Install the current Sarif.Multitool to the local machine cache (requires Node.js)
npm i -g @microsoft/sarif-multitool

: Run the Sarif.Multitool using the NPM-installed copy
npx @microsoft/sarif-multitool <args>

: See Usage
Sarif.Multitool @microsoft/sarif-multitool help

: Convert a Fortify file to SARIF
Sarif.Multitool convert Current.fpr -tool FortifyFpr -output Current.sarif

: Add file contents from analyzed files and snippets from result regions to SARIF
Sarif.Multitool rewrite Current.sarif --insert TextFiles;RegionSnippets --log Inline

: Remove codeFlows from results regions to SARIF
Sarif.Multitool rewrite Current.sarif --remove CodeFlows --log Inline

: Transform to latest SARIF version (if older)
Sarif.Multitool rewrite OlderFormat.sarif --output CurrentFormat.sarif --sarif-output-version Current

: Rebase URIs from local paths to a token (for later resolution against remote URLs)
Sarif.Multitool rebaseuri Current.sarif --base-path-value "C:\Local\Path\To\Repo" --base-path-token REPO

: Compare to previous baseline to identify new Results
Sarif.Multitool match-results-forward Current.sarif --previous Baseline.sarif --output-file-path NewBaseline.sarif

: Export validation config (this can be used to validate and rewrite the default policies)
Sarif.Multitool export-validation-config validation.xml

: Export validation rules metadata
Sarif.Multitool export-validation-rules

: Merge multiple SARIF files into one
Sarif.Multitool merge C:\Input\*.sarif --recurse true --output-directory=C:\Output\ --output-file=MergeResult.sarif

: Extract new Results only from New Baseline
Sarif.Multitool query NewBaseline.sarif --expression "BaselineState == 'New'" --output Current.NewResults.sarif

: Suppress Results
Sarif.Multitool suppress current.sarif --justification "some justification" --alias "some alias" --guids --timestamps --expiryInDays 5 --status Accepted --output suppressed.sarif

: Validate a SARIF file conforms to the schema
Sarif.Multitool validate Other.sarif

Supported Converters

Run Sarif.Multitool convert --help for the current list.

  • AndroidStudio
  • ClangAnalyzer
  • ClangTidy
  • CppCheck
  • ContrastSecurity
  • Fortify
  • FortifyFpr
  • FxCop
  • PREfast
  • Pylint
  • SemmleQL
  • StaticDriverVerifier
  • TSLint


For Clang-tidy you can also provide an extra log file with file name [report file name with extension].log (e.g. report.yml.log) that will ingest and enhance the SARIF file with line number and column number.

clang-tidy --checks=* --header-filter=.* --system-headers --export-fixes=report.yml &>report.yml.log

This will generate an extra report.yml.log, leave in the same folder with the input report.yml file.

Common parameter --log log file persistence options

Name Purpose
ForceOverwrite Force overwrite of output file if it exists.
Inline Inline outputs to files where appropriate.
PrettyPrint Produce pretty-printed JSON output rather than compact form.
Minify Produce compact JSON output (all white space removed) rather than pretty-printed output.
Optimize Produce a smaller but non-human-readable log omitting redundant properties.