From 854005a7ab7f1620ba5ae8d71c5e2eb058541c3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Console Service Bot Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2024 03:05:47 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Localization Updates - 10/16/2024 03:05:46 --- .../Resources/cs-CZ/Resources.resw | 2 +- .../Resources/cs-CZ/ContextMenu.resw | 2 +- .../Resources/de-DE/Resources.resw | 96 +++++++++++++++++++ .../Resources/es-ES/Resources.resw | 96 +++++++++++++++++++ .../Resources/fr-FR/Resources.resw | 96 +++++++++++++++++++ .../Resources/it-IT/Resources.resw | 96 +++++++++++++++++++ .../Resources/ja-JP/Resources.resw | 96 +++++++++++++++++++ .../Resources/ko-KR/Resources.resw | 96 +++++++++++++++++++ .../Resources/pt-BR/Resources.resw | 96 +++++++++++++++++++ .../Resources/qps-ploc/Resources.resw | 96 +++++++++++++++++++ .../Resources/qps-ploca/Resources.resw | 96 +++++++++++++++++++ .../Resources/qps-plocm/Resources.resw | 96 +++++++++++++++++++ .../Resources/ru-RU/Resources.resw | 96 +++++++++++++++++++ .../Resources/zh-CN/Resources.resw | 96 +++++++++++++++++++ .../Resources/zh-TW/Resources.resw | 96 +++++++++++++++++++ 15 files changed, 1250 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/cascadia/CascadiaPackage/Resources/cs-CZ/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/CascadiaPackage/Resources/cs-CZ/Resources.resw index 8884b8af74e..80c44f49b51 100644 --- a/src/cascadia/CascadiaPackage/Resources/cs-CZ/Resources.resw +++ b/src/cascadia/CascadiaPackage/Resources/cs-CZ/Resources.resw @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ This is a menu item that will be displayed in the Windows File Explorer that launches the Preview version of Windows Terminal. Please mark one of the characters to be an accelerator key. - Otevřít v aplikaci &Terminal + Otevřít v &Terminálu This is a menu item that will be displayed in the Windows File Explorer that launches the non-preview version of Windows Terminal. Please mark one of the characters to be an accelerator key. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalApp/Resources/cs-CZ/ContextMenu.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalApp/Resources/cs-CZ/ContextMenu.resw index ee48fc26063..0d16843b45a 100644 --- a/src/cascadia/TerminalApp/Resources/cs-CZ/ContextMenu.resw +++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalApp/Resources/cs-CZ/ContextMenu.resw @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ This is a menu item that will be displayed in the Windows File Explorer that launches the Preview version of Windows Terminal. Please mark one of the characters to be an accelerator key. - Otevřít v aplikaci &Terminal + Otevřít v &Terminálu This is a menu item that will be displayed in the Windows File Explorer that launches the non-preview version of Windows Terminal. Please mark one of the characters to be an accelerator key. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/de-DE/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/de-DE/Resources.resw index e18d44a3b73..d689f8541c3 100644 --- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/de-DE/Resources.resw +++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/de-DE/Resources.resw @@ -294,6 +294,14 @@ URLs automatisch erkennen und klickbar machen Header for a control to toggle whether the terminal should automatically detect URLs and make them clickable, or not. + + Standard-URL, die für die Aktion "Web suchen" verwendet werden soll + Header for a control to set the query URL when using the "search web" action. + + + Der Platzhalter "%s" wird durch die Suchabfrage ersetzt. + {Locked="%s"} Additional text presented near "Globals_SearchWebDefaultQueryUrl.Header". + Leerzeichen am Ende einer rechteckigen Auswahl entfernen Header for a control to toggle whether a text selected with block selection should be trimmed of white spaces when copied to the clipboard, or not. @@ -552,10 +560,42 @@ Immer im Vordergrund Header for a control to toggle if the app will always be presented on top of other windows, or is treated normally (when disabled). + + Verwenden der Legacyeingabecodierung + Header for a control to toggle legacy input encoding for the terminal. + + + DECRQCRA zulassen (Prüfsumme des rechteckigen Bereichs anfordern, Request Checksum of Rectangular Area) + {Locked="DECRQCRA"}{Locked="Request Checksum of Rectangular Area"}Header for a control to toggle support for the DECRQCRA control sequence. + + + Ausführung von Windows Terminal im Hintergrund zulassen + Header for a control to toggle support for Windows Terminal to run in the background. + + + Ausführung jedes Fensters in einem eigenen Prozess erzwingen + Header for a control to toggle making each window be its own process. + + + Debugfeatures aktivieren + Header for a control to toggle debug features. + Terminal wird immer das oberste Fenster auf dem Desktop sein. A description for what the "always on top" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AlwaysOnTop.Header". + + Bestimmte Tastatureingaben in einigen Anwendungen funktionieren möglicherweise nicht mehr ordnungsgemäß, wenn diese Einstellung aktiviert ist. + Additional description for what the "force vt input" setting does. Presented near "Globals_ForceVTInput.Header". + + + Auf diese Weise können Aktionen wie globale Korrektur- und Quakemodusaktionen auch dann funktionieren, wenn keine Fenster geöffnet sind. + Additional description for what the "allow headless" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AllowHeadless.Header". + + + Bestimmte Funktionen funktionieren nicht ordnungsgemäß, darunter (jedoch nicht beschränkt auf) globale Hotkeys, Drag & Drop von Registerkarten und die Fensterausrichtung von wt.exe. + {Locked="wt.exe"} Additional description for what the "isolated mode" setting does. Presented near "Globals_IsolatedMode.Header". + Modus Registerkartenbreite Header for a control to choose how wide the tabs are. @@ -624,6 +664,10 @@ Interaktion Header for the "interaction" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the user's mouse and touch interactions with the app. + + Kompatibilität + Header for the "compatibility" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to compatibility with command line scenarios. + Starten Header for the "startup" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the app's launch experience (i.e. screen position, mode, etc.) @@ -660,6 +704,10 @@ Erweitert Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on more advanced scenarios. + + Terminalemulation + Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on customizing the capabilities of the terminal. + AltGr-Aliasing Header for a control to toggle whether the app treats ctrl+alt as the AltGr (also known as the Alt Graph) modifier key found on keyboards. {Locked="AltGr"} @@ -945,18 +993,34 @@ Zeilenhöhe Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + Zellenbreite + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + Zeilenhöhe Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + Zellenbreite + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + Überschreiben Sie die Zeilenhöhe des Terminals. Gemessen als Vielfaches des Schriftgrads. Der Standardwert hängt von Ihrer Schriftart ab und liegt in der Regel bei 1,2. A description for what the "line height" setting does. Presented near "Profile_LineHeight". + + Überschreiben Sie die Zellenbreite des Terminals. Gemessen als Vielfaches des Schriftgrads. Der Standardwert hängt von Ihrer Schriftart ab und liegt in der Regel bei 0,6. + A description for what the "cell width" setting does. Presented near "Profile_CellWidth". + 1.2 "1.2" is a decimal number. + + 0,6 + "0.6" is a decimal number. + Integrierte Glyphen The main label of a toggle. When enabled, certain characters (glyphs) are replaced with better looking ones. @@ -1861,4 +1925,36 @@ Proportionale Schriftarten: This is a label that is followed by a list of proportional fonts. + + ENQ-Antwort (ENQ, Request Terminal Status, Terminalstatus anfordern) + {Locked=ENQ}{Locked="Request Terminal Status"} Header for a control to determine the response to the ENQ escape sequence. This is represented using a text box. + + + Die Antwort, die gesendet wird, wenn eine ENQ-Steuersequenz empfangen wird. + {Locked=ENQ} A description for what the "ENQ response" setting does. Presented near "Profile_AnswerbackMessage". + + + Nützlich für die Problembehandlung oder Entwicklung eines Terminals. + Additional description for what the "debug features enabled" setting does. Presented near "Globals_DebugFeaturesEnabled.Header". + + + Experimentell: Eingabevorschläge in Regenbogenfarben anzeigen + This is a label for a setting that, when enabled, applies a rainbow coloring to the preview text from the suggestions UI. + + + Experimentell: Tastenzuordnungen zum Einfärben von ausgewähltem Text hinzufügen + Header for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. + + + Diese Tastenbindungen können den markierten Text oder alle Instanzen des markierten Texts mit einer angegebenen Farbe hervorheben. + Additional text for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. Presented near "Globals_EnableColorSelection.Header". + + + Acrylmaterial in unfokussierten Fenstern zulassen + Header for a control to toggle allowing unfocused windows to have an acrylic background. + + + Zeigt ein Schild in der Titelleiste an, wenn Windows Terminal als Administrator ausgeführt wird. + Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin" + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/es-ES/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/es-ES/Resources.resw index a9939833b35..5dd2efc9958 100644 --- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/es-ES/Resources.resw +++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/es-ES/Resources.resw @@ -294,6 +294,14 @@ Detectar automáticamente URL y hacer que se pueda hacer clic Header for a control to toggle whether the terminal should automatically detect URLs and make them clickable, or not. + + Dirección URL predeterminada que se usará para la acción "Buscar en la Web" + Header for a control to set the query URL when using the "search web" action. + + + El marcador de posición "%s" se reemplazará por la consulta de búsqueda. + {Locked="%s"} Additional text presented near "Globals_SearchWebDefaultQueryUrl.Header". + Quitar el espacio en blanco final en selección rectangular Header for a control to toggle whether a text selected with block selection should be trimmed of white spaces when copied to the clipboard, or not. @@ -552,10 +560,42 @@ Siempre en primer plano Header for a control to toggle if the app will always be presented on top of other windows, or is treated normally (when disabled). + + Usar la codificación de entrada heredada + Header for a control to toggle legacy input encoding for the terminal. + + + Permitir DECRQCRA (Request Checksum of Rectangular Area) + {Locked="DECRQCRA"}{Locked="Request Checksum of Rectangular Area"}Header for a control to toggle support for the DECRQCRA control sequence. + + + Permitir que Terminal Windows se ejecuten en segundo plano + Header for a control to toggle support for Windows Terminal to run in the background. + + + Forzar que cada ventana se ejecute en su propio proceso + Header for a control to toggle making each window be its own process. + + + Habilitar características de depuración + Header for a control to toggle debug features. + El terminal siempre será la ventana superior del escritorio. A description for what the "always on top" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AlwaysOnTop.Header". + + Es posible que determinada entrada de teclado en algunas aplicaciones deje de funcionar correctamente cuando esta configuración está habilitada. + Additional description for what the "force vt input" setting does. Presented near "Globals_ForceVTInput.Header". + + + Esto permite que acciones como las acciones de la convocatoria global y el modo de conferencia funcionen incluso cuando no hay ventanas abiertas. + Additional description for what the "allow headless" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AllowHeadless.Header". + + + Algunas características no funcionarán correctamente, incluidas(pero no limitadas a) teclas de acceso rápido globales, arrastrar y colocar pestañas y wt.exe destino de ventana. + {Locked="wt.exe"} Additional description for what the "isolated mode" setting does. Presented near "Globals_IsolatedMode.Header". + Modo de ancho de pestaña Header for a control to choose how wide the tabs are. @@ -624,6 +664,10 @@ Interacción Header for the "interaction" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the user's mouse and touch interactions with the app. + + Compatibilidad + Header for the "compatibility" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to compatibility with command line scenarios. + Inicio Header for the "startup" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the app's launch experience (i.e. screen position, mode, etc.) @@ -660,6 +704,10 @@ Avanzado Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on more advanced scenarios. + + Emulación de terminal + Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on customizing the capabilities of the terminal. + Alias AltGr Header for a control to toggle whether the app treats ctrl+alt as the AltGr (also known as the Alt Graph) modifier key found on keyboards. {Locked="AltGr"} @@ -945,18 +993,34 @@ Alto de línea Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + Ancho de celda + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + Alto de línea Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + Ancho de celda + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + Invalide el alto de línea del terminal. Medido como múltiplo del tamaño de fuente. El valor predeterminado depende de la fuente y suele ser alrededor de 1,2. A description for what the "line height" setting does. Presented near "Profile_LineHeight". + + Invalidar el ancho de celda del terminal. Medido como múltiplo del tamaño de fuente. El valor predeterminado depende de la fuente y suele ser alrededor de 0,6. + A description for what the "cell width" setting does. Presented near "Profile_CellWidth". + 1.2 "1.2" is a decimal number. + + 0.6 + "0.6" is a decimal number. + Glifos integrados The main label of a toggle. When enabled, certain characters (glyphs) are replaced with better looking ones. @@ -1861,4 +1925,36 @@ Fuentes no monoespaciadas: This is a label that is followed by a list of proportional fonts. + + Respuesta de ENQ (Request Terminal Status) + {Locked=ENQ}{Locked="Request Terminal Status"} Header for a control to determine the response to the ENQ escape sequence. This is represented using a text box. + + + Respuesta que se envía cuando se recibe una secuencia de control ENQ. + {Locked=ENQ} A description for what the "ENQ response" setting does. Presented near "Profile_AnswerbackMessage". + + + Útil para solucionar problemas o desarrollar terminales. + Additional description for what the "debug features enabled" setting does. Presented near "Globals_DebugFeaturesEnabled.Header". + + + Experimental: Mostrar la entrada sugerida en colores de arco iris + This is a label for a setting that, when enabled, applies a rainbow coloring to the preview text from the suggestions UI. + + + Experimental: Agregar enlaces de teclado al texto seleccionado de color + Header for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. + + + Estos enlaces de teclas pueden resaltar el texto seleccionado o todas las instancias del texto seleccionado con un color especificado. + Additional text for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. Presented near "Globals_EnableColorSelection.Header". + + + Permitir material acrílico en ventanas sin foco + Header for a control to toggle allowing unfocused windows to have an acrylic background. + + + Mostrar un escudo en la barra de título cuando Terminal Windows se ejecute como administrador + Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin" + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/fr-FR/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/fr-FR/Resources.resw index e02ce602ec7..cc1fb26915f 100644 --- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/fr-FR/Resources.resw +++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/fr-FR/Resources.resw @@ -294,6 +294,14 @@ Détecter automatiquement les URL et les rendre cliquables Header for a control to toggle whether the terminal should automatically detect URLs and make them clickable, or not. + + URL par défaut à utiliser pour l’action « Rechercher sur le web » + Header for a control to set the query URL when using the "search web" action. + + + L’espace réservé "%s" sera remplacé par la requête de recherche. + {Locked="%s"} Additional text presented near "Globals_SearchWebDefaultQueryUrl.Header". + Supprimer l’espace blanc de fin dans la sélection rectangulaire Header for a control to toggle whether a text selected with block selection should be trimmed of white spaces when copied to the clipboard, or not. @@ -552,10 +560,42 @@ Toujours au premier plan Header for a control to toggle if the app will always be presented on top of other windows, or is treated normally (when disabled). + + Utiliser l’encodage d’entrée hérité + Header for a control to toggle legacy input encoding for the terminal. + + + Autoriser les DECRQCRA (Request Checksum of Rectangular Area) + {Locked="DECRQCRA"}{Locked="Request Checksum of Rectangular Area"}Header for a control to toggle support for the DECRQCRA control sequence. + + + Autoriser Terminal Windows à s’exécuter en arrière-plan + Header for a control to toggle support for Windows Terminal to run in the background. + + + Forcer chaque fenêtre à s’exécuter dans son propre processus + Header for a control to toggle making each window be its own process. + + + Activer les fonctionnalités de débogage + Header for a control to toggle debug features. + Le terminal est toujours la fenêtre située au premier plan sur le bureau. A description for what the "always on top" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AlwaysOnTop.Header". + + Certaines entrées de clavier dans certaines applications peuvent cesser de fonctionner correctement lorsque ce paramètre est activé. + Additional description for what the "force vt input" setting does. Presented near "Globals_ForceVTInput.Header". + + + Cela permet aux actions telles que les actions en mode d’engagement global et de mode Dent de fonctionner même lorsqu’aucune fenêtre n’est ouverte. + Additional description for what the "allow headless" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AllowHeadless.Header". + + + Certaines fonctionnalités ne fonctionnent pas correctement, notamment les touches de raccourci globales, le glisser-déplacer des onglets et le ciblage de fenêtres wt.exe. + {Locked="wt.exe"} Additional description for what the "isolated mode" setting does. Presented near "Globals_IsolatedMode.Header". + Largeur des onglets Header for a control to choose how wide the tabs are. @@ -624,6 +664,10 @@ Interaction Header for the "interaction" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the user's mouse and touch interactions with the app. + + Compatibilité + Header for the "compatibility" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to compatibility with command line scenarios. + Démarrage Header for the "startup" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the app's launch experience (i.e. screen position, mode, etc.) @@ -660,6 +704,10 @@ Avancé Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on more advanced scenarios. + + Émulation de terminal + Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on customizing the capabilities of the terminal. + Alias AltGr Header for a control to toggle whether the app treats ctrl+alt as the AltGr (also known as the Alt Graph) modifier key found on keyboards. {Locked="AltGr"} @@ -945,18 +993,34 @@ Hauteur de ligne Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + Largeur de cellule + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + Hauteur de ligne Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + Largeur de cellule + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + Remplacez la hauteur de la ligne du terminal. Mesuré sous la forme d’un multiple de la taille de la police. La valeur par défaut dépend de votre police et se situe généralement autour de 1,2. A description for what the "line height" setting does. Presented near "Profile_LineHeight". + + Remplacez la largeur de cellule du terminal. Se mesure en tant que multiple de la taille de police. La valeur par défaut dépend de votre police et est généralement autour de 0,6. + A description for what the "cell width" setting does. Presented near "Profile_CellWidth". + 1.2 "1.2" is a decimal number. + + 0.6 + "0.6" is a decimal number. + Glyphes intégrés The main label of a toggle. When enabled, certain characters (glyphs) are replaced with better looking ones. @@ -1861,4 +1925,36 @@ Polices non monospaciales : This is a label that is followed by a list of proportional fonts. + + Réponse ENQ (Request Terminal Status) + {Locked=ENQ}{Locked="Request Terminal Status"} Header for a control to determine the response to the ENQ escape sequence. This is represented using a text box. + + + Réponse envoyée lors de la réception d’une séquence de contrôle ENQ. + {Locked=ENQ} A description for what the "ENQ response" setting does. Presented near "Profile_AnswerbackMessage". + + + Utile pour le dépannage ou le développement de Terminal. + Additional description for what the "debug features enabled" setting does. Presented near "Globals_DebugFeaturesEnabled.Header". + + + Expérimental : afficher l’entrée suggérée dans les couleurs arc-en-ciel + This is a label for a setting that, when enabled, applies a rainbow coloring to the preview text from the suggestions UI. + + + Expérimental : ajouter des liaisons de touches au texte sélectionné en couleur + Header for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. + + + Ces liaisons clés peuvent mettre en surbrillance le texte sélectionné ou toutes les instances du texte sélectionné avec une couleur spécifiée. + Additional text for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. Presented near "Globals_EnableColorSelection.Header". + + + Autoriser les matériaux d’authentification dans les fenêtres sans focus + Header for a control to toggle allowing unfocused windows to have an acrylic background. + + + Afficher un bouclier dans la barre de titre lorsque Terminal Windows s’exécute en tant qu’administrateur + Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin" + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/it-IT/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/it-IT/Resources.resw index 91f9392397e..7d27c22b9bb 100644 --- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/it-IT/Resources.resw +++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/it-IT/Resources.resw @@ -294,6 +294,14 @@ Rilevare automaticamente gli URL e renderli selezionabili Header for a control to toggle whether the terminal should automatically detect URLs and make them clickable, or not. + + URL predefinito da usare per l'azione "Cerca sul Web" + Header for a control to set the query URL when using the "search web" action. + + + Il segnaposto "%s" verrà sostituito con la query di ricerca. + {Locked="%s"} Additional text presented near "Globals_SearchWebDefaultQueryUrl.Header". + Rimuovere gli spazi vuoti finali nella selezione rettangolare Header for a control to toggle whether a text selected with block selection should be trimmed of white spaces when copied to the clipboard, or not. @@ -552,10 +560,42 @@ Sempre in primo piano Header for a control to toggle if the app will always be presented on top of other windows, or is treated normally (when disabled). + + Usa la codifica di input legacy + Header for a control to toggle legacy input encoding for the terminal. + + + Consenti DECRQCRA (Request Checksum of Rectangular Area) + {Locked="DECRQCRA"}{Locked="Request Checksum of Rectangular Area"}Header for a control to toggle support for the DECRQCRA control sequence. + + + Consenti l'esecuzione di Terminale Windows in background + Header for a control to toggle support for Windows Terminal to run in the background. + + + Forza l'esecuzione di ogni finestra nel proprio processo + Header for a control to toggle making each window be its own process. + + + Abilita funzionalità di debug + Header for a control to toggle debug features. + Il terminale sarà sempre la finestra più in alto sul desktop. A description for what the "always on top" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AlwaysOnTop.Header". + + Alcuni input da tastiera in alcune applicazioni potrebbero smettere di funzionare correttamente quando questa impostazione è abilitata. + Additional description for what the "force vt input" setting does. Presented near "Globals_ForceVTInput.Header". + + + Questo consente ad azioni quali richiamo globale e modalità quake di funzionare anche quando non sono aperte finestre. + Additional description for what the "allow headless" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AllowHeadless.Header". + + + Alcune funzionalità non funzioneranno correttamente, tra cui tasti di scelta rapida globali, trascinamento tabulazione e wt.exe destinazione finestra. + {Locked="wt.exe"} Additional description for what the "isolated mode" setting does. Presented near "Globals_IsolatedMode.Header". + Modalità larghezza tabulazione Header for a control to choose how wide the tabs are. @@ -624,6 +664,10 @@ Interazione Header for the "interaction" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the user's mouse and touch interactions with the app. + + Compatibilità + Header for the "compatibility" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to compatibility with command line scenarios. + Avvio Header for the "startup" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the app's launch experience (i.e. screen position, mode, etc.) @@ -660,6 +704,10 @@ Avanzate Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on more advanced scenarios. + + Emulazione terminale + Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on customizing the capabilities of the terminal. + Aliasing AltGr Header for a control to toggle whether the app treats ctrl+alt as the AltGr (also known as the Alt Graph) modifier key found on keyboards. {Locked="AltGr"} @@ -945,18 +993,34 @@ Altezza linea Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + Larghezza cella + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + Altezza linea Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + Larghezza cella + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + Sovrascrive l'altezza della linea del terminale. Si misura come multiplo della dimensione del carattere. Il valore predefinito dipende dal tipo di carattere e in genere è intorno a 1,2. A description for what the "line height" setting does. Presented near "Profile_LineHeight". + + Esegue l'override della larghezza della cella del terminale. Misurato come multiplo delle dimensioni del carattere. Il valore predefinito dipende dal tipo di carattere e in genere è circa 0,6. + A description for what the "cell width" setting does. Presented near "Profile_CellWidth". + 1.2 "1.2" is a decimal number. + + 0,6 + "0.6" is a decimal number. + Glifi incorporati The main label of a toggle. When enabled, certain characters (glyphs) are replaced with better looking ones. @@ -1861,4 +1925,36 @@ Caratteri senza spaziatura fissa: This is a label that is followed by a list of proportional fonts. + + Risposta ENQ (Request Terminal Status) + {Locked=ENQ}{Locked="Request Terminal Status"} Header for a control to determine the response to the ENQ escape sequence. This is represented using a text box. + + + Risposta inviata alla ricezione di una sequenza di controllo ENQ. + {Locked=ENQ} A description for what the "ENQ response" setting does. Presented near "Profile_AnswerbackMessage". + + + Utile per la risoluzione dei problemi o lo sviluppo del terminale. + Additional description for what the "debug features enabled" setting does. Presented near "Globals_DebugFeaturesEnabled.Header". + + + Sperimentale: visualizza l'input suggerito nei colori arcobaleno + This is a label for a setting that, when enabled, applies a rainbow coloring to the preview text from the suggestions UI. + + + Sperimentale: aggiungi tasti di scelta rapida al testo selezionato + Header for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. + + + Questi tasti di scelta rapida possono evidenziare il testo selezionato o tutte le istanze del testo selezionato con un colore specificato. + Additional text for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. Presented near "Globals_EnableColorSelection.Header". + + + Consenti materiale acrilico in finestre non sfocate + Header for a control to toggle allowing unfocused windows to have an acrylic background. + + + Visualizza uno scudo nella barra del titolo quando Terminale Windows viene eseguito come amministratore + Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin" + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ja-JP/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ja-JP/Resources.resw index 28626817b53..81d98f5981c 100644 --- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ja-JP/Resources.resw +++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ja-JP/Resources.resw @@ -294,6 +294,14 @@ URL を自動的に検出して、クリックできるようにする Header for a control to toggle whether the terminal should automatically detect URLs and make them clickable, or not. + + "Web の検索" アクションに使用する既定の URL + Header for a control to set the query URL when using the "search web" action. + + + プレースホルダー "%s" は検索クエリに置き換えられます。 + {Locked="%s"} Additional text presented near "Globals_SearchWebDefaultQueryUrl.Header". + 四角形の選択末尾の空白を削除する Header for a control to toggle whether a text selected with block selection should be trimmed of white spaces when copied to the clipboard, or not. @@ -552,10 +560,42 @@ 常に手前に表示 Header for a control to toggle if the app will always be presented on top of other windows, or is treated normally (when disabled). + + レガシ入力エンコードを使用する + Header for a control to toggle legacy input encoding for the terminal. + + + DECRQCRA を許可する (Request Checksum of Rectangular Area) + {Locked="DECRQCRA"}{Locked="Request Checksum of Rectangular Area"}Header for a control to toggle support for the DECRQCRA control sequence. + + + Windows ターミナルのバックグラウンドでの実行を許可する + Header for a control to toggle support for Windows Terminal to run in the background. + + + 各ウィンドウを独自のプロセスで強制的に実行する + Header for a control to toggle making each window be its own process. + + + デバッグ機能を有効にする + Header for a control to toggle debug features. + ターミナルは常にデスクトップの最上位ウィンドウになります。 A description for what the "always on top" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AlwaysOnTop.Header". + + この設定を有効にすると、一部のアプリケーションでキーボード入力が正しく動作しなくなる可能性があります。 + Additional description for what the "force vt input" setting does. Presented near "Globals_ForceVTInput.Header". + + + これにより、ウィンドウが開かなくても、グローバル デコレーションや Quake モードのアクションなどのアクションを実行できます。 + Additional description for what the "allow headless" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AllowHeadless.Header". + + + グローバル ホットキー、タブ ドラッグ アンド ドロップ、ウィンドウターゲット設定など、一部の機能は正しく動作しません(ただし wt.exe、これらに限定されません)。 + {Locked="wt.exe"} Additional description for what the "isolated mode" setting does. Presented near "Globals_IsolatedMode.Header". + タブ幅モード Header for a control to choose how wide the tabs are. @@ -624,6 +664,10 @@ 操作 Header for the "interaction" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the user's mouse and touch interactions with the app. + + 互換性 + Header for the "compatibility" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to compatibility with command line scenarios. + スタートアップ Header for the "startup" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the app's launch experience (i.e. screen position, mode, etc.) @@ -660,6 +704,10 @@ 詳細設定 Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on more advanced scenarios. + + ターミナル エミュレーション + Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on customizing the capabilities of the terminal. + AltGr エイリアス Header for a control to toggle whether the app treats ctrl+alt as the AltGr (also known as the Alt Graph) modifier key found on keyboards. {Locked="AltGr"} @@ -945,18 +993,34 @@ 行の高さ Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + セルの幅 + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + 行の高さ Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + セルの幅 + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + ターミナルの行の高さをオーバーライドします。フォント サイズの倍数として測定されます。 既定値はフォントによって異なりますが、通常は約 1.2 です。 A description for what the "line height" setting does. Presented near "Profile_LineHeight". + + ターミナルのセル幅をオーバーライドします。フォント サイズの倍数として計測されます。既定値はフォントによって異なり、通常は 0.6 前後です。 + A description for what the "cell width" setting does. Presented near "Profile_CellWidth". + 1.2 "1.2" is a decimal number. + + 0.6 + "0.6" is a decimal number. + 組み込みグリフ The main label of a toggle. When enabled, certain characters (glyphs) are replaced with better looking ones. @@ -1861,4 +1925,36 @@ 非等幅フォント: This is a label that is followed by a list of proportional fonts. + + ENQ (Request Terminal Status) 応答 + {Locked=ENQ}{Locked="Request Terminal Status"} Header for a control to determine the response to the ENQ escape sequence. This is represented using a text box. + + + ENQ 制御シーケンスを受信したときに送信される応答です。 + {Locked=ENQ} A description for what the "ENQ response" setting does. Presented near "Profile_AnswerbackMessage". + + + ターミナルのトラブルシューティングや開発に役立ちます。 + Additional description for what the "debug features enabled" setting does. Presented near "Globals_DebugFeaturesEnabled.Header". + + + 試験段階: 入力候補を虹色で表示する + This is a label for a setting that, when enabled, applies a rainbow coloring to the preview text from the suggestions UI. + + + 試験段階: 選択した色のテキストにキー バインドを追加する + Header for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. + + + これらのキー バインドは、選択したテキスト、または選択したテキストのすべてのインスタンスを指定された色で強調表示できます。 + Additional text for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. Presented near "Globals_EnableColorSelection.Header". + + + フォーカスされていないウィンドウでアクリル素材を許可する + Header for a control to toggle allowing unfocused windows to have an acrylic background. + + + Windows ターミナルが管理者として実行されているときにタイトル バーにシールドを表示する + Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin" + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ko-KR/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ko-KR/Resources.resw index 3e7502a4e98..1f9bd27dcdd 100644 --- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ko-KR/Resources.resw +++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ko-KR/Resources.resw @@ -294,6 +294,14 @@ 자동으로 URL을 감지하고 클릭 가능한 상태로 만들기 Header for a control to toggle whether the terminal should automatically detect URLs and make them clickable, or not. + + "웹 검색" 작업에 사용할 기본 URL + Header for a control to set the query URL when using the "search web" action. + + + 자리 표시자 "%s" 검색 쿼리로 대체됩니다. + {Locked="%s"} Additional text presented near "Globals_SearchWebDefaultQueryUrl.Header". + 직사각형 선택 영역의 후행 공백 제거 Header for a control to toggle whether a text selected with block selection should be trimmed of white spaces when copied to the clipboard, or not. @@ -552,10 +560,42 @@ 항상 위 Header for a control to toggle if the app will always be presented on top of other windows, or is treated normally (when disabled). + + 레거시 입력 인코딩 사용 + Header for a control to toggle legacy input encoding for the terminal. + + + DECRQCRA 허용(Request Checksum of Rectangular Area) + {Locked="DECRQCRA"}{Locked="Request Checksum of Rectangular Area"}Header for a control to toggle support for the DECRQCRA control sequence. + + + Windows 터미널 백그라운드에서 실행하도록 허용 + Header for a control to toggle support for Windows Terminal to run in the background. + + + 각 창이 자체 프로세스에서 실행되도록 강제 적용 + Header for a control to toggle making each window be its own process. + + + 디버깅 기능 사용 + Header for a control to toggle debug features. + 터미널은 항상 데스크톱에 있는 최상위 창이 됩니다. A description for what the "always on top" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AlwaysOnTop.Header". + + 이 설정을 사용하면 일부 응용 프로그램의 특정 키보드 입력이 제대로 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다. + Additional description for what the "force vt input" setting does. Presented near "Globals_ForceVTInput.Header". + + + 이렇게 하면 창이 열려 있지 않아도 전역 관리자 및 관리자 모드 작업과 같은 작업이 작동할 수 있습니다. + Additional description for what the "allow headless" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AllowHeadless.Header". + + + 전역 바로 가기 키, 탭 끌어서 놓기, 창 대상 지정 wt.exe 포함하지만 제한되지 않는 특정 기능은 제대로 작동하지 않습니다. + {Locked="wt.exe"} Additional description for what the "isolated mode" setting does. Presented near "Globals_IsolatedMode.Header". + 탭 너비 모드 Header for a control to choose how wide the tabs are. @@ -624,6 +664,10 @@ 상호 작용 Header for the "interaction" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the user's mouse and touch interactions with the app. + + 호환성 + Header for the "compatibility" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to compatibility with command line scenarios. + 시작 Header for the "startup" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the app's launch experience (i.e. screen position, mode, etc.) @@ -660,6 +704,10 @@ 고급 Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on more advanced scenarios. + + 터미널 에뮬레이션 + Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on customizing the capabilities of the terminal. + AltGr 별칭 Header for a control to toggle whether the app treats ctrl+alt as the AltGr (also known as the Alt Graph) modifier key found on keyboards. {Locked="AltGr"} @@ -945,18 +993,34 @@ 줄 높이 Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + 셀 너비 + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + 줄 높이 Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + 셀 너비 + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + 터미널에서 각 줄의 높이를 재정의합니다. 글꼴 크기의 배수로 설정합니다. 기본값은 글꼴에 따라 달라지며 일반적으로 약 1.2입니다. A description for what the "line height" setting does. Presented near "Profile_LineHeight". + + 터미널의 셀 너비를 재정의합니다. 글꼴 크기의 배수로 측정되었습니다. 기본값은 글꼴에 따라 달라지며 대개 약 0.6입니다. + A description for what the "cell width" setting does. Presented near "Profile_CellWidth". + 1.2 "1.2" is a decimal number. + + 0.6 + "0.6" is a decimal number. + 기본 제공 문자 모양 The main label of a toggle. When enabled, certain characters (glyphs) are replaced with better looking ones. @@ -1861,4 +1925,36 @@ 고정 폭이 아닌 글꼴: This is a label that is followed by a list of proportional fonts. + + ENQ(Request Terminal Status) 응답 + {Locked=ENQ}{Locked="Request Terminal Status"} Header for a control to determine the response to the ENQ escape sequence. This is represented using a text box. + + + ENQ 컨트롤 시퀀스를 받을 때 전송되는 응답입니다. + {Locked=ENQ} A description for what the "ENQ response" setting does. Presented near "Profile_AnswerbackMessage". + + + 터미널 문제 해결 또는 개발에 유용합니다. + Additional description for what the "debug features enabled" setting does. Presented near "Globals_DebugFeaturesEnabled.Header". + + + 실험적: 제안된 입력을 무지개 색으로 표시 + This is a label for a setting that, when enabled, applies a rainbow coloring to the preview text from the suggestions UI. + + + 실험적: 선택한 텍스트 색에 키 바인딩 추가 + Header for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. + + + 이러한 키 바인딩은 선택한 텍스트 또는 선택한 텍스트의 모든 인스턴스를 지정한 색으로 강조 표시할 수 있습니다. + Additional text for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. Presented near "Globals_EnableColorSelection.Header". + + + 사용되지 않는 창에서 아크릴 재질 허용 + Header for a control to toggle allowing unfocused windows to have an acrylic background. + + + Windows 터미널 관리자 권한으로 실행 중일 때 제목 표시줄에 실드 표시 + Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin" + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/pt-BR/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/pt-BR/Resources.resw index 6716056fa65..97805450f86 100644 --- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/pt-BR/Resources.resw +++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/pt-BR/Resources.resw @@ -294,6 +294,14 @@ Detectar automaticamente URLs e os tornar clicáveis Header for a control to toggle whether the terminal should automatically detect URLs and make them clickable, or not. + + URL padrão a ser usada para a ação "Pesquisar na Web" + Header for a control to set the query URL when using the "search web" action. + + + O espaço reservado "%s" será substituído pela consulta de pesquisa. + {Locked="%s"} Additional text presented near "Globals_SearchWebDefaultQueryUrl.Header". + Remover o espaço vazio na seleção retangular Header for a control to toggle whether a text selected with block selection should be trimmed of white spaces when copied to the clipboard, or not. @@ -552,10 +560,42 @@ Sempre no topo Header for a control to toggle if the app will always be presented on top of other windows, or is treated normally (when disabled). + + Usar a codificação de entrada herdada + Header for a control to toggle legacy input encoding for the terminal. + + + Permitir DECRQCRA (Request Checksum of Rectangular Area) + {Locked="DECRQCRA"}{Locked="Request Checksum of Rectangular Area"}Header for a control to toggle support for the DECRQCRA control sequence. + + + Permitir Terminal do Windows ser executado em segundo plano + Header for a control to toggle support for Windows Terminal to run in the background. + + + Forçar cada janela a ser executada em seu próprio processo + Header for a control to toggle making each window be its own process. + + + Habilitar recursos de depuração + Header for a control to toggle debug features. + O terminal sempre será a janela mais superior na área de trabalho. A description for what the "always on top" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AlwaysOnTop.Header". + + Determinada entrada de teclado em alguns aplicativos pode parar de funcionar corretamente quando esta configuração está habilitada. + Additional description for what the "force vt input" setting does. Presented near "Globals_ForceVTInput.Header". + + + Isso permite que ações como Ações de Bloqueio Global e Modo de Quake funcionem mesmo quando nenhuma janela estiver aberta. + Additional description for what the "allow headless" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AllowHeadless.Header". + + + Determinados recursos não funcionarão corretamente, incluindo, mas não se limitando a, teclas de atalho globais, arrastar e soltar guias e wt.exe de janela. + {Locked="wt.exe"} Additional description for what the "isolated mode" setting does. Presented near "Globals_IsolatedMode.Header". + Modo da largura da guia Header for a control to choose how wide the tabs are. @@ -624,6 +664,10 @@ Interação Header for the "interaction" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the user's mouse and touch interactions with the app. + + Compatibilidade + Header for the "compatibility" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to compatibility with command line scenarios. + Inicialização Header for the "startup" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the app's launch experience (i.e. screen position, mode, etc.) @@ -660,6 +704,10 @@ Avançado Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on more advanced scenarios. + + Emulação de Terminal + Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on customizing the capabilities of the terminal. + Alias para AltGr Header for a control to toggle whether the app treats ctrl+alt as the AltGr (also known as the Alt Graph) modifier key found on keyboards. {Locked="AltGr"} @@ -945,18 +993,34 @@ Altura da linha Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + Largura da célula + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + Altura da linha Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + Largura da célula + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + Substituir a altura da linha do terminal. Medido como um múltiplo do tamanho da fonte. O valor padrão depende da sua fonte e geralmente fica em torno de 1,2. A description for what the "line height" setting does. Presented near "Profile_LineHeight". + + Substituir a largura da célula do terminal. Medido como um múltiplo do tamanho da fonte. O valor padrão depende de sua fonte e geralmente está em torno de 0,6. + A description for what the "cell width" setting does. Presented near "Profile_CellWidth". + 1.2 "1.2" is a decimal number. + + 0,6 + "0.6" is a decimal number. + Glifos internos The main label of a toggle. When enabled, certain characters (glyphs) are replaced with better looking ones. @@ -1861,4 +1925,36 @@ Fontes não monoespaçadas: This is a label that is followed by a list of proportional fonts. + + Resposta ENQ (Request Terminal Status) + {Locked=ENQ}{Locked="Request Terminal Status"} Header for a control to determine the response to the ENQ escape sequence. This is represented using a text box. + + + A resposta que é enviada quando uma sequência ENQ controle é recebida. + {Locked=ENQ} A description for what the "ENQ response" setting does. Presented near "Profile_AnswerbackMessage". + + + Útil para solucionar problemas ou desenvolver o Terminal. + Additional description for what the "debug features enabled" setting does. Presented near "Globals_DebugFeaturesEnabled.Header". + + + Experimental: exibir entrada sugerida em cores de arco-íris + This is a label for a setting that, when enabled, applies a rainbow coloring to the preview text from the suggestions UI. + + + Experimental: adicionar associações de teclas ao texto selecionado colorido + Header for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. + + + Essas associações de teclas podem realçar o texto selecionado ou todas as instâncias do texto selecionado com uma cor especificada. + Additional text for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. Presented near "Globals_EnableColorSelection.Header". + + + Permitir material acrílico em janelas sem foco + Header for a control to toggle allowing unfocused windows to have an acrylic background. + + + Exibir um escudo na barra de título quando o Terminal do Windows estiver sendo executado como Administrador + Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin" + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-ploc/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-ploc/Resources.resw index 8c83899c466..64e26d80008 100644 --- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-ploc/Resources.resw +++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-ploc/Resources.resw @@ -294,6 +294,14 @@ Λυτοмдτìćăŀŀÿ đзťēćτ ЦŖĿš аňđ máĸë ţнэм сŀĭçќάвłĕ !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! Header for a control to toggle whether the terminal should automatically detect URLs and make them clickable, or not. + + Ðёƒάųĺţ ЏҐĽ то ύš℮ ƒòŗ ŧĥě "Ѕёάяĉн ŵёъ" άċŧïóή !!! !!! !!! !!! ! + Header for a control to set the query URL when using the "search web" action. + + + Ţђě рłд¢èнøĺđĕг "%s" щіłĺ ѓēφŀāćεđ ẃĩτђ τђе šέªґ¢ħ qύėгў. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !! + {Locked="%s"} Additional text presented near "Globals_SearchWebDefaultQueryUrl.Header". + Ѓëmονĕ тŕáìĺїʼnġ ẃђϊτë-ѕρá¢ę ĭл ѓеċτåηğцĺăŗ ş℮ŀěčŧĭõň !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! Header for a control to toggle whether a text selected with block selection should be trimmed of white spaces when copied to the clipboard, or not. @@ -552,10 +560,42 @@ Аŀẅâγš ōп ŧбφ !!! Header for a control to toggle if the app will always be presented on top of other windows, or is treated normally (when disabled). + + Ũśë τђê ľέģάçу īņрцţ επćбđιʼnğ !!! !!! !!! + Header for a control to toggle legacy input encoding for the terminal. + + + Àłℓöω DECRQCRA (Request Checksum of Rectangular Area) !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + {Locked="DECRQCRA"}{Locked="Request Checksum of Rectangular Area"}Header for a control to toggle support for the DECRQCRA control sequence. + + + Ǻℓĺŏщ Ẁιйđòώѕ Тёŗмїⁿàļ тǿ řϋŋ ϊň тђě ьąςќġѓőůήď !!! !!! !!! !!! !! + Header for a control to toggle support for Windows Terminal to run in the background. + + + ₣ōґçê éãćĥ шĭňđθẁ тǿ ґυή ĭñ ïťş ǿŵʼn ρŕόčэşś !!! !!! !!! !!! + Header for a control to toggle making each window be its own process. + + + Єлάвĺé ðèъûġğįñģ ƒέàŧµřэš !!! !!! ! + Header for a control to toggle debug features. + Ťèřmĭήäľ ŵϊłļ àļщāÿş ъĕ ŧħє ţóрmόѕŧ шíñđθώ όи ŧħě δεşĸţбφ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !! A description for what the "always on top" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AlwaysOnTop.Header". + + Čέґťάįñ ќ℮ўвŏåřď íήφůţ īл şômз ăррŀĩçāτїőŋš măγ śтόρ шбгќîņĝ ρгõρéѓℓỳ ẅĥêп ťĥΐѕ š℮ťŧíŋġ ĩŝ єηдъłèđ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + Additional description for what the "force vt input" setting does. Presented near "Globals_ForceVTInput.Header". + + + Ťнϊš äłℓσωš ąçťїőňš ŝΰ¢ђ ãѕ Ğℓøъâļ Ŝûmmǿл αⁿð Qũăķэ Μöδе äçťϊõпѕ το ŵθřќ èνεπ ẅћěи πό ẁįňδòŵš άяę öрęŋ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + Additional description for what the "allow headless" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AllowHeadless.Header". + + + Ćěřţªіʼn ƒěąτùŕєś ẅіľĺ иοŧ ώóѓķ ρřσрèřĺỳ, ίпčļūďîйğ—ьϋŧ ņότ ĺîmìτĕđ ţõ—ğℓõъªł ћотĸëўŝ, ŧªъ δяªģ äлđ δřőρ, ąŋď wt.exe щїлďǿш ţäŕġэтīπġ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + {Locked="wt.exe"} Additional description for what the "isolated mode" setting does. Presented near "Globals_IsolatedMode.Header". + Ťâв ώΐđťн mбðě !!! ! Header for a control to choose how wide the tabs are. @@ -624,6 +664,10 @@ Íŋт℮řâçτîöй !!! Header for the "interaction" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the user's mouse and touch interactions with the app. + + Ĉθмρατĩвìľϊŧŷ !!! + Header for the "compatibility" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to compatibility with command line scenarios. + Ѕţâŕτűр !! Header for the "startup" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the app's launch experience (i.e. screen position, mode, etc.) @@ -660,6 +704,10 @@ Дδναиċēδ !! Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on more advanced scenarios. + + Ŧëŕмíⁿªĺ Εmũļäţįóπ !!! !! + Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on customizing the capabilities of the terminal. + AltGr αŀìαŝίлĝ !!! ! Header for a control to toggle whether the app treats ctrl+alt as the AltGr (also known as the Alt Graph) modifier key found on keyboards. {Locked="AltGr"} @@ -945,18 +993,34 @@ Ŀīйĕ ĥĕΐĝђŧ !!! Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + Čеℓł ωįďтђ !!! + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + ₤ìŋè ħέίģћť !!! Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + Çєℓŀ ẁīðтħ !!! + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + Ονëřŗíďĕ тђэ ℓìʼnё ћëîğнτ оƒ ŧнè τёґмįņªļ. Мēáśυґ℮đ аś ª mϋłţìρℓè õƒ тне ƒõήτ ѕΐżë. Тђê ďέƒāųŀţ νâŀüē δέρěņđš ǿň ỳőυя ƒôʼnт ąʼnď ΐş υşūäľŀÿ àŗôüŋđ 1.2. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !! A description for what the "line height" setting does. Presented near "Profile_LineHeight". + + Ώνęяѓîδè ŧђě çеľŀ ẅįδţђ оƒ ŧћē ţєřmīńäľ. Μέαŝµяёđ ǻš ă мύĺťĭφĺз οƒ ŧћè ƒôήť ѕїźĕ. Ţћę δеƒāūľť νåℓúę ðěрèⁿđѕ θʼn ỳǿůг ƒøʼnт ǻⁿď ìѕ ŭšŭąŀļý äřôΰņď 0.6. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !! + A description for what the "cell width" setting does. Presented near "Profile_CellWidth". + 1.2 "1.2" is a decimal number. + + 0.6 + "0.6" is a decimal number. + Ьùïľŧïň Ģłуφĥś !!! ! The main label of a toggle. When enabled, certain characters (glyphs) are replaced with better looking ones. @@ -1865,4 +1929,36 @@ Νόņ-mσиόšραςз ƒоʼnтŝ: !!! !!! This is a label that is followed by a list of proportional fonts. + + ENQ (Request Terminal Status) ґęşрōňѕэ !!! !!! !!! !! + {Locked=ENQ}{Locked="Request Terminal Status"} Header for a control to determine the response to the ENQ escape sequence. This is represented using a text box. + + + Ŧђê řěŝφοňŝĕ ţђäţ ΐś śėⁿт ŵħēп ăи ENQ čόňŧяŏł šеqϋεйċē ĩş řėćëîνĕδ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !! + {Locked=ENQ} A description for what the "ENQ response" setting does. Presented near "Profile_AnswerbackMessage". + + + Ũšèƒΰľ ƒόґ ţгōūвŀ℮ŝħōǿţΐŋģ οř ďενзļöрïńğ Ťęŗмìñąŀ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + Additional description for what the "debug features enabled" setting does. Presented near "Globals_DebugFeaturesEnabled.Header". + + + Ĕжφзѓϊмзʼnťáℓ: Đĭѕрĺâγ şùġğεѕŧéð ĭňрύţ ìň řαΐйъοω ςόľθяś !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! ! + This is a label for a setting that, when enabled, applies a rainbow coloring to the preview text from the suggestions UI. + + + Єхрěŕĩмéйţąŀ: Ăδδ ќèу ьϊήδĩⁿĝş то ςǿľöř ŝέĺέçťēδ ŧёхт !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + Header for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. + + + Ţђзšē ќêу вїņðįйģş čāπ ħīĝђℓíġђτ ŧĥě śèłёčŧèď ţэжť õŗ āľŀ ïиŝţапĉ℮š бƒ τђę şэľέçτėð тё×ť ώīтћ ǻ ѕφėċĭƒīëđ ćθłőŕ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + Additional text for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. Presented near "Globals_EnableColorSelection.Header". + + + Äłľбŵ āĉŗўľĩĉ мдţзřìдĺ ĭñ ũπƒσćũšёδ ẃīŋδóŵѕ !!! !!! !!! !!! + Header for a control to toggle allowing unfocused windows to have an acrylic background. + + + Đįŝрļãу ã ŝħĭěļð ίπ ŧђê ţîťłë ъãѓ щћэπ Ẅīήđθщş Ţĕřмïńāľ ίѕ ŕůπʼnïηģ åš Àδмιήίŝтяàтοґ !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin" + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-ploca/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-ploca/Resources.resw index 8c83899c466..64e26d80008 100644 --- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-ploca/Resources.resw +++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-ploca/Resources.resw @@ -294,6 +294,14 @@ Λυτοмдτìćăŀŀÿ đзťēćτ ЦŖĿš аňđ máĸë ţнэм сŀĭçќάвłĕ !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! Header for a control to toggle whether the terminal should automatically detect URLs and make them clickable, or not. + + Ðёƒάųĺţ ЏҐĽ то ύš℮ ƒòŗ ŧĥě "Ѕёάяĉн ŵёъ" άċŧïóή !!! !!! !!! !!! ! + Header for a control to set the query URL when using the "search web" action. + + + Ţђě рłд¢èнøĺđĕг "%s" щіłĺ ѓēφŀāćεđ ẃĩτђ τђе šέªґ¢ħ qύėгў. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !! + {Locked="%s"} Additional text presented near "Globals_SearchWebDefaultQueryUrl.Header". + Ѓëmονĕ тŕáìĺїʼnġ ẃђϊτë-ѕρá¢ę ĭл ѓеċτåηğцĺăŗ ş℮ŀěčŧĭõň !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! Header for a control to toggle whether a text selected with block selection should be trimmed of white spaces when copied to the clipboard, or not. @@ -552,10 +560,42 @@ Аŀẅâγš ōп ŧбφ !!! Header for a control to toggle if the app will always be presented on top of other windows, or is treated normally (when disabled). + + Ũśë τђê ľέģάçу īņрцţ επćбđιʼnğ !!! !!! !!! + Header for a control to toggle legacy input encoding for the terminal. + + + Àłℓöω DECRQCRA (Request Checksum of Rectangular Area) !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + {Locked="DECRQCRA"}{Locked="Request Checksum of Rectangular Area"}Header for a control to toggle support for the DECRQCRA control sequence. + + + Ǻℓĺŏщ Ẁιйđòώѕ Тёŗмїⁿàļ тǿ řϋŋ ϊň тђě ьąςќġѓőůήď !!! !!! !!! !!! !! + Header for a control to toggle support for Windows Terminal to run in the background. + + + ₣ōґçê éãćĥ шĭňđθẁ тǿ ґυή ĭñ ïťş ǿŵʼn ρŕόčэşś !!! !!! !!! !!! + Header for a control to toggle making each window be its own process. + + + Єлάвĺé ðèъûġğįñģ ƒέàŧµřэš !!! !!! ! + Header for a control to toggle debug features. + Ťèřmĭήäľ ŵϊłļ àļщāÿş ъĕ ŧħє ţóрmόѕŧ шíñđθώ όи ŧħě δεşĸţбφ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !! A description for what the "always on top" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AlwaysOnTop.Header". + + Čέґťάįñ ќ℮ўвŏåřď íήφůţ īл şômз ăррŀĩçāτїőŋš măγ śтόρ шбгќîņĝ ρгõρéѓℓỳ ẅĥêп ťĥΐѕ š℮ťŧíŋġ ĩŝ єηдъłèđ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + Additional description for what the "force vt input" setting does. Presented near "Globals_ForceVTInput.Header". + + + Ťнϊš äłℓσωš ąçťїőňš ŝΰ¢ђ ãѕ Ğℓøъâļ Ŝûmmǿл αⁿð Qũăķэ Μöδе äçťϊõпѕ το ŵθřќ èνεπ ẅћěи πό ẁįňδòŵš άяę öрęŋ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + Additional description for what the "allow headless" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AllowHeadless.Header". + + + Ćěřţªіʼn ƒěąτùŕєś ẅіľĺ иοŧ ώóѓķ ρřσрèřĺỳ, ίпčļūďîйğ—ьϋŧ ņότ ĺîmìτĕđ ţõ—ğℓõъªł ћотĸëўŝ, ŧªъ δяªģ äлđ δřőρ, ąŋď wt.exe щїлďǿш ţäŕġэтīπġ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + {Locked="wt.exe"} Additional description for what the "isolated mode" setting does. Presented near "Globals_IsolatedMode.Header". + Ťâв ώΐđťн mбðě !!! ! Header for a control to choose how wide the tabs are. @@ -624,6 +664,10 @@ Íŋт℮řâçτîöй !!! Header for the "interaction" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the user's mouse and touch interactions with the app. + + Ĉθмρατĩвìľϊŧŷ !!! + Header for the "compatibility" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to compatibility with command line scenarios. + Ѕţâŕτűр !! Header for the "startup" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the app's launch experience (i.e. screen position, mode, etc.) @@ -660,6 +704,10 @@ Дδναиċēδ !! Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on more advanced scenarios. + + Ŧëŕмíⁿªĺ Εmũļäţįóπ !!! !! + Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on customizing the capabilities of the terminal. + AltGr αŀìαŝίлĝ !!! ! Header for a control to toggle whether the app treats ctrl+alt as the AltGr (also known as the Alt Graph) modifier key found on keyboards. {Locked="AltGr"} @@ -945,18 +993,34 @@ Ŀīйĕ ĥĕΐĝђŧ !!! Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + Čеℓł ωįďтђ !!! + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + ₤ìŋè ħέίģћť !!! Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + Çєℓŀ ẁīðтħ !!! + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + Ονëřŗíďĕ тђэ ℓìʼnё ћëîğнτ оƒ ŧнè τёґмįņªļ. Мēáśυґ℮đ аś ª mϋłţìρℓè õƒ тне ƒõήτ ѕΐżë. Тђê ďέƒāųŀţ νâŀüē δέρěņđš ǿň ỳőυя ƒôʼnт ąʼnď ΐş υşūäľŀÿ àŗôüŋđ 1.2. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !! A description for what the "line height" setting does. Presented near "Profile_LineHeight". + + Ώνęяѓîδè ŧђě çеľŀ ẅįδţђ оƒ ŧћē ţєřmīńäľ. Μέαŝµяёđ ǻš ă мύĺťĭφĺз οƒ ŧћè ƒôήť ѕїźĕ. Ţћę δеƒāūľť νåℓúę ðěрèⁿđѕ θʼn ỳǿůг ƒøʼnт ǻⁿď ìѕ ŭšŭąŀļý äřôΰņď 0.6. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !! + A description for what the "cell width" setting does. Presented near "Profile_CellWidth". + 1.2 "1.2" is a decimal number. + + 0.6 + "0.6" is a decimal number. + Ьùïľŧïň Ģłуφĥś !!! ! The main label of a toggle. When enabled, certain characters (glyphs) are replaced with better looking ones. @@ -1865,4 +1929,36 @@ Νόņ-mσиόšραςз ƒоʼnтŝ: !!! !!! This is a label that is followed by a list of proportional fonts. + + ENQ (Request Terminal Status) ґęşрōňѕэ !!! !!! !!! !! + {Locked=ENQ}{Locked="Request Terminal Status"} Header for a control to determine the response to the ENQ escape sequence. This is represented using a text box. + + + Ŧђê řěŝφοňŝĕ ţђäţ ΐś śėⁿт ŵħēп ăи ENQ čόňŧяŏł šеqϋεйċē ĩş řėćëîνĕδ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !! + {Locked=ENQ} A description for what the "ENQ response" setting does. Presented near "Profile_AnswerbackMessage". + + + Ũšèƒΰľ ƒόґ ţгōūвŀ℮ŝħōǿţΐŋģ οř ďενзļöрïńğ Ťęŗмìñąŀ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + Additional description for what the "debug features enabled" setting does. Presented near "Globals_DebugFeaturesEnabled.Header". + + + Ĕжφзѓϊмзʼnťáℓ: Đĭѕрĺâγ şùġğεѕŧéð ĭňрύţ ìň řαΐйъοω ςόľθяś !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! ! + This is a label for a setting that, when enabled, applies a rainbow coloring to the preview text from the suggestions UI. + + + Єхрěŕĩмéйţąŀ: Ăδδ ќèу ьϊήδĩⁿĝş то ςǿľöř ŝέĺέçťēδ ŧёхт !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + Header for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. + + + Ţђзšē ќêу вїņðįйģş čāπ ħīĝђℓíġђτ ŧĥě śèłёčŧèď ţэжť õŗ āľŀ ïиŝţапĉ℮š бƒ τђę şэľέçτėð тё×ť ώīтћ ǻ ѕφėċĭƒīëđ ćθłőŕ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + Additional text for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. Presented near "Globals_EnableColorSelection.Header". + + + Äłľбŵ āĉŗўľĩĉ мдţзřìдĺ ĭñ ũπƒσćũšёδ ẃīŋδóŵѕ !!! !!! !!! !!! + Header for a control to toggle allowing unfocused windows to have an acrylic background. + + + Đįŝрļãу ã ŝħĭěļð ίπ ŧђê ţîťłë ъãѓ щћэπ Ẅīήđθщş Ţĕřмïńāľ ίѕ ŕůπʼnïηģ åš Àδмιήίŝтяàтοґ !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin" + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-plocm/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-plocm/Resources.resw index 8c83899c466..64e26d80008 100644 --- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-plocm/Resources.resw +++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-plocm/Resources.resw @@ -294,6 +294,14 @@ Λυτοмдτìćăŀŀÿ đзťēćτ ЦŖĿš аňđ máĸë ţнэм сŀĭçќάвłĕ !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! Header for a control to toggle whether the terminal should automatically detect URLs and make them clickable, or not. + + Ðёƒάųĺţ ЏҐĽ то ύš℮ ƒòŗ ŧĥě "Ѕёάяĉн ŵёъ" άċŧïóή !!! !!! !!! !!! ! + Header for a control to set the query URL when using the "search web" action. + + + Ţђě рłд¢èнøĺđĕг "%s" щіłĺ ѓēφŀāćεđ ẃĩτђ τђе šέªґ¢ħ qύėгў. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !! + {Locked="%s"} Additional text presented near "Globals_SearchWebDefaultQueryUrl.Header". + Ѓëmονĕ тŕáìĺїʼnġ ẃђϊτë-ѕρá¢ę ĭл ѓеċτåηğцĺăŗ ş℮ŀěčŧĭõň !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! Header for a control to toggle whether a text selected with block selection should be trimmed of white spaces when copied to the clipboard, or not. @@ -552,10 +560,42 @@ Аŀẅâγš ōп ŧбφ !!! Header for a control to toggle if the app will always be presented on top of other windows, or is treated normally (when disabled). + + Ũśë τђê ľέģάçу īņрцţ επćбđιʼnğ !!! !!! !!! + Header for a control to toggle legacy input encoding for the terminal. + + + Àłℓöω DECRQCRA (Request Checksum of Rectangular Area) !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + {Locked="DECRQCRA"}{Locked="Request Checksum of Rectangular Area"}Header for a control to toggle support for the DECRQCRA control sequence. + + + Ǻℓĺŏщ Ẁιйđòώѕ Тёŗмїⁿàļ тǿ řϋŋ ϊň тђě ьąςќġѓőůήď !!! !!! !!! !!! !! + Header for a control to toggle support for Windows Terminal to run in the background. + + + ₣ōґçê éãćĥ шĭňđθẁ тǿ ґυή ĭñ ïťş ǿŵʼn ρŕόčэşś !!! !!! !!! !!! + Header for a control to toggle making each window be its own process. + + + Єлάвĺé ðèъûġğįñģ ƒέàŧµřэš !!! !!! ! + Header for a control to toggle debug features. + Ťèřmĭήäľ ŵϊłļ àļщāÿş ъĕ ŧħє ţóрmόѕŧ шíñđθώ όи ŧħě δεşĸţбφ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !! A description for what the "always on top" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AlwaysOnTop.Header". + + Čέґťάįñ ќ℮ўвŏåřď íήφůţ īл şômз ăррŀĩçāτїőŋš măγ śтόρ шбгќîņĝ ρгõρéѓℓỳ ẅĥêп ťĥΐѕ š℮ťŧíŋġ ĩŝ єηдъłèđ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + Additional description for what the "force vt input" setting does. Presented near "Globals_ForceVTInput.Header". + + + Ťнϊš äłℓσωš ąçťїőňš ŝΰ¢ђ ãѕ Ğℓøъâļ Ŝûmmǿл αⁿð Qũăķэ Μöδе äçťϊõпѕ το ŵθřќ èνεπ ẅћěи πό ẁįňδòŵš άяę öрęŋ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + Additional description for what the "allow headless" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AllowHeadless.Header". + + + Ćěřţªіʼn ƒěąτùŕєś ẅіľĺ иοŧ ώóѓķ ρřσрèřĺỳ, ίпčļūďîйğ—ьϋŧ ņότ ĺîmìτĕđ ţõ—ğℓõъªł ћотĸëўŝ, ŧªъ δяªģ äлđ δřőρ, ąŋď wt.exe щїлďǿш ţäŕġэтīπġ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + {Locked="wt.exe"} Additional description for what the "isolated mode" setting does. Presented near "Globals_IsolatedMode.Header". + Ťâв ώΐđťн mбðě !!! ! Header for a control to choose how wide the tabs are. @@ -624,6 +664,10 @@ Íŋт℮řâçτîöй !!! Header for the "interaction" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the user's mouse and touch interactions with the app. + + Ĉθмρατĩвìľϊŧŷ !!! + Header for the "compatibility" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to compatibility with command line scenarios. + Ѕţâŕτűр !! Header for the "startup" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the app's launch experience (i.e. screen position, mode, etc.) @@ -660,6 +704,10 @@ Дδναиċēδ !! Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on more advanced scenarios. + + Ŧëŕмíⁿªĺ Εmũļäţįóπ !!! !! + Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on customizing the capabilities of the terminal. + AltGr αŀìαŝίлĝ !!! ! Header for a control to toggle whether the app treats ctrl+alt as the AltGr (also known as the Alt Graph) modifier key found on keyboards. {Locked="AltGr"} @@ -945,18 +993,34 @@ Ŀīйĕ ĥĕΐĝђŧ !!! Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + Čеℓł ωįďтђ !!! + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + ₤ìŋè ħέίģћť !!! Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + Çєℓŀ ẁīðтħ !!! + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + Ονëřŗíďĕ тђэ ℓìʼnё ћëîğнτ оƒ ŧнè τёґмįņªļ. Мēáśυґ℮đ аś ª mϋłţìρℓè õƒ тне ƒõήτ ѕΐżë. Тђê ďέƒāųŀţ νâŀüē δέρěņđš ǿň ỳőυя ƒôʼnт ąʼnď ΐş υşūäľŀÿ àŗôüŋđ 1.2. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !! A description for what the "line height" setting does. Presented near "Profile_LineHeight". + + Ώνęяѓîδè ŧђě çеľŀ ẅįδţђ оƒ ŧћē ţєřmīńäľ. Μέαŝµяёđ ǻš ă мύĺťĭφĺз οƒ ŧћè ƒôήť ѕїźĕ. Ţћę δеƒāūľť νåℓúę ðěрèⁿđѕ θʼn ỳǿůг ƒøʼnт ǻⁿď ìѕ ŭšŭąŀļý äřôΰņď 0.6. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !! + A description for what the "cell width" setting does. Presented near "Profile_CellWidth". + 1.2 "1.2" is a decimal number. + + 0.6 + "0.6" is a decimal number. + Ьùïľŧïň Ģłуφĥś !!! ! The main label of a toggle. When enabled, certain characters (glyphs) are replaced with better looking ones. @@ -1865,4 +1929,36 @@ Νόņ-mσиόšραςз ƒоʼnтŝ: !!! !!! This is a label that is followed by a list of proportional fonts. + + ENQ (Request Terminal Status) ґęşрōňѕэ !!! !!! !!! !! + {Locked=ENQ}{Locked="Request Terminal Status"} Header for a control to determine the response to the ENQ escape sequence. This is represented using a text box. + + + Ŧђê řěŝφοňŝĕ ţђäţ ΐś śėⁿт ŵħēп ăи ENQ čόňŧяŏł šеqϋεйċē ĩş řėćëîνĕδ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !! + {Locked=ENQ} A description for what the "ENQ response" setting does. Presented near "Profile_AnswerbackMessage". + + + Ũšèƒΰľ ƒόґ ţгōūвŀ℮ŝħōǿţΐŋģ οř ďενзļöрïńğ Ťęŗмìñąŀ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + Additional description for what the "debug features enabled" setting does. Presented near "Globals_DebugFeaturesEnabled.Header". + + + Ĕжφзѓϊмзʼnťáℓ: Đĭѕрĺâγ şùġğεѕŧéð ĭňрύţ ìň řαΐйъοω ςόľθяś !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! ! + This is a label for a setting that, when enabled, applies a rainbow coloring to the preview text from the suggestions UI. + + + Єхрěŕĩмéйţąŀ: Ăδδ ќèу ьϊήδĩⁿĝş то ςǿľöř ŝέĺέçťēδ ŧёхт !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + Header for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. + + + Ţђзšē ќêу вїņðįйģş čāπ ħīĝђℓíġђτ ŧĥě śèłёčŧèď ţэжť õŗ āľŀ ïиŝţапĉ℮š бƒ τђę şэľέçτėð тё×ť ώīтћ ǻ ѕφėċĭƒīëđ ćθłőŕ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + Additional text for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. Presented near "Globals_EnableColorSelection.Header". + + + Äłľбŵ āĉŗўľĩĉ мдţзřìдĺ ĭñ ũπƒσćũšёδ ẃīŋδóŵѕ !!! !!! !!! !!! + Header for a control to toggle allowing unfocused windows to have an acrylic background. + + + Đįŝрļãу ã ŝħĭěļð ίπ ŧђê ţîťłë ъãѓ щћэπ Ẅīήđθщş Ţĕřмïńāľ ίѕ ŕůπʼnïηģ åš Àδмιήίŝтяàтοґ !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! + Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin" + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ru-RU/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ru-RU/Resources.resw index c86a9bdf9ad..4d85c29a38a 100644 --- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ru-RU/Resources.resw +++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ru-RU/Resources.resw @@ -294,6 +294,14 @@ Автоматически определять URL-адреса и делать их доступными для нажатия Header for a control to toggle whether the terminal should automatically detect URLs and make them clickable, or not. + + URL-адрес по умолчанию, используемый для действия "Поиск в Интернете" + Header for a control to set the query URL when using the "search web" action. + + + Заполнитель "%s" будет заменен поисковым запросом. + {Locked="%s"} Additional text presented near "Globals_SearchWebDefaultQueryUrl.Header". + Удалить конечный пробел в прямоугольном выделении Header for a control to toggle whether a text selected with block selection should be trimmed of white spaces when copied to the clipboard, or not. @@ -552,10 +560,42 @@ Поверх остальных окон Header for a control to toggle if the app will always be presented on top of other windows, or is treated normally (when disabled). + + Использовать устаревшую входную кодировку + Header for a control to toggle legacy input encoding for the terminal. + + + Разрешить DECRQCRA (Request Checksum of Rectangular Area) + {Locked="DECRQCRA"}{Locked="Request Checksum of Rectangular Area"}Header for a control to toggle support for the DECRQCRA control sequence. + + + Разрешить запуск терминала Windows в фоновом режиме + Header for a control to toggle support for Windows Terminal to run in the background. + + + Принудительное выполнение каждого окна в отдельном процессе + Header for a control to toggle making each window be its own process. + + + Включить функции отладки + Header for a control to toggle debug features. + Терминал всегда будет верхним окном рабочего стола. A description for what the "always on top" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AlwaysOnTop.Header". + + Некоторые входные данные клавиатуры в некоторых приложениях могут перестать работать правильно, если этот параметр включен. + Additional description for what the "force vt input" setting does. Presented near "Globals_ForceVTInput.Header". + + + Это позволяет выполнять такие действия, как глобальный вызов и режим землетрясения, даже если ни одно окно не открыто. + Additional description for what the "allow headless" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AllowHeadless.Header". + + + Некоторые функции будут работать неправильно, включая глобальные сочетания клавиш, перетаскивание вкладок и wt.exe нацеливание окна. + {Locked="wt.exe"} Additional description for what the "isolated mode" setting does. Presented near "Globals_IsolatedMode.Header". + Режим ширины вкладки Header for a control to choose how wide the tabs are. @@ -624,6 +664,10 @@ Взаимодействие Header for the "interaction" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the user's mouse and touch interactions with the app. + + Совместимость + Header for the "compatibility" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to compatibility with command line scenarios. + Запуск Header for the "startup" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the app's launch experience (i.e. screen position, mode, etc.) @@ -660,6 +704,10 @@ Расширенная Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on more advanced scenarios. + + Эмуляция терминала + Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on customizing the capabilities of the terminal. + Псевдоним AltGr Header for a control to toggle whether the app treats ctrl+alt as the AltGr (also known as the Alt Graph) modifier key found on keyboards. {Locked="AltGr"} @@ -945,18 +993,34 @@ Высота строки Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + Ширина ячейки + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + Высота строки Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + Ширина ячейки + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + Переопределить высоту строки терминала. Измеряется как кратное размеру шрифта. Значение по умолчанию зависит от вашего шрифта и обычно составляет около 1,2. A description for what the "line height" setting does. Presented near "Profile_LineHeight". + + Переопределите ширину ячейки терминала. Измеряется как кратное размеру шрифта. Значение по умолчанию зависит от шрифта и обычно около 0,6. + A description for what the "cell width" setting does. Presented near "Profile_CellWidth". + 1,2 "1.2" is a decimal number. + + 0,6 + "0.6" is a decimal number. + Встроенные глифы The main label of a toggle. When enabled, certain characters (glyphs) are replaced with better looking ones. @@ -1861,4 +1925,36 @@ Шрифты, кроме моноширинных: This is a label that is followed by a list of proportional fonts. + + Ответ на ENQ (Request Terminal Status) + {Locked=ENQ}{Locked="Request Terminal Status"} Header for a control to determine the response to the ENQ escape sequence. This is represented using a text box. + + + Ответ, который отправляется при получении последовательности управления ENQ. + {Locked=ENQ} A description for what the "ENQ response" setting does. Presented near "Profile_AnswerbackMessage". + + + Это полезно для устранения неполадок и разработки терминала. + Additional description for what the "debug features enabled" setting does. Presented near "Globals_DebugFeaturesEnabled.Header". + + + Экспериментальная функция: показывать предлагаемые входные данные в цветах радуги + This is a label for a setting that, when enabled, applies a rainbow coloring to the preview text from the suggestions UI. + + + Экспериментальная функция: добавление привязок к ключам для изменения цвета выбранного текста + Header for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. + + + Эти привязки ключей могут выделять указанным цветом выбранный текст или все вхождения выбранного текста. + Additional text for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. Presented near "Globals_EnableColorSelection.Header". + + + Разрешить использование акрилового материала в несфокусированных окнах + Header for a control to toggle allowing unfocused windows to have an acrylic background. + + + Отображать экран в заголовке, когда Терминал Windows от имени администратора + Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin" + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/zh-CN/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/zh-CN/Resources.resw index 729341c51c6..3fed75c87bc 100644 --- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/zh-CN/Resources.resw +++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/zh-CN/Resources.resw @@ -294,6 +294,14 @@ 自动检测 URL 并使其可单击 Header for a control to toggle whether the terminal should automatically detect URLs and make them clickable, or not. + + 用于“搜索 Web”操作的默认 URL + Header for a control to set the query URL when using the "search web" action. + + + 占位符 "%s" 将替换为搜索查询。 + {Locked="%s"} Additional text presented near "Globals_SearchWebDefaultQueryUrl.Header". + 矩形选中复制时删除行尾空格 Header for a control to toggle whether a text selected with block selection should be trimmed of white spaces when copied to the clipboard, or not. @@ -552,10 +560,42 @@ 置于顶层 Header for a control to toggle if the app will always be presented on top of other windows, or is treated normally (when disabled). + + 使用旧输入编码 + Header for a control to toggle legacy input encoding for the terminal. + + + 允许 DECRQCRA (Request Checksum of Rectangular Area) + {Locked="DECRQCRA"}{Locked="Request Checksum of Rectangular Area"}Header for a control to toggle support for the DECRQCRA control sequence. + + + 允许Windows 终端在后台运行 + Header for a control to toggle support for Windows Terminal to run in the background. + + + 强制每个窗口在其自己的进程中运行 + Header for a control to toggle making each window be its own process. + + + 启用调试功能 + Header for a control to toggle debug features. + 终端将始终是桌面上最顶部的窗口。 A description for what the "always on top" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AlwaysOnTop.Header". + + 启用此设置后,某些应用程序中的某些键盘输入可能会停止正常工作。 + Additional description for what the "force vt input" setting does. Presented near "Globals_ForceVTInput.Header". + + + 通过此设置,即使没有打开任何窗口,全局召唤等操作和震动模式操作也可以正常工作。 + Additional description for what the "allow headless" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AllowHeadless.Header". + + + 某些功能将无法正常工作,包括全局热键、选项卡拖放以及 wt.exe 窗口目标。 + {Locked="wt.exe"} Additional description for what the "isolated mode" setting does. Presented near "Globals_IsolatedMode.Header". + 选项卡宽度 Header for a control to choose how wide the tabs are. @@ -624,6 +664,10 @@ 交互 Header for the "interaction" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the user's mouse and touch interactions with the app. + + 兼容性 + Header for the "compatibility" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to compatibility with command line scenarios. + 启动 Header for the "startup" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the app's launch experience (i.e. screen position, mode, etc.) @@ -660,6 +704,10 @@ 高级 Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on more advanced scenarios. + + 终端仿真 + Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on customizing the capabilities of the terminal. + AltGr 别名 Header for a control to toggle whether the app treats ctrl+alt as the AltGr (also known as the Alt Graph) modifier key found on keyboards. {Locked="AltGr"} @@ -945,18 +993,34 @@ 行高 Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + 单元格宽度 + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + 行高 Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + 单元格宽度 + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + 重写终端的行高。以字体大小的倍数度量。默认值取决于字体,通常约为 1.2。 A description for what the "line height" setting does. Presented near "Profile_LineHeight". + + 覆盖终端的单元格宽度。以字号的倍数度量。默认值取决于字体,通常约为 0.6。 + A description for what the "cell width" setting does. Presented near "Profile_CellWidth". + 1.2 "1.2" is a decimal number. + + 0.6 + "0.6" is a decimal number. + 内置字形 The main label of a toggle. When enabled, certain characters (glyphs) are replaced with better looking ones. @@ -1861,4 +1925,36 @@ 非等宽字体: This is a label that is followed by a list of proportional fonts. + + ENQ (Request Terminal Status)响应 + {Locked=ENQ}{Locked="Request Terminal Status"} Header for a control to determine the response to the ENQ escape sequence. This is represented using a text box. + + + 收到 ENQ 控制序列时发送的响应。 + {Locked=ENQ} A description for what the "ENQ response" setting does. Presented near "Profile_AnswerbackMessage". + + + 对于故障排除或开发终端非常有用。 + Additional description for what the "debug features enabled" setting does. Presented near "Globals_DebugFeaturesEnabled.Header". + + + 实验性: 以彩虹色显示建议的输入 + This is a label for a setting that, when enabled, applies a rainbow coloring to the preview text from the suggestions UI. + + + 实验性: 将键绑定添加到所选文本的颜色 + Header for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. + + + 这些键绑定可以突出显示所选文本或具有指定颜色的所选文本的所有实例。 + Additional text for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. Presented near "Globals_EnableColorSelection.Header". + + + 允许非聚焦窗口使用亚克力材料 + Header for a control to toggle allowing unfocused windows to have an acrylic background. + + + 当 Windows 终端以管理员身份运行时,在标题栏中显示一个盾牌图标 + Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin" + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/zh-TW/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/zh-TW/Resources.resw index 0802725da8d..aa90fd34096 100644 --- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/zh-TW/Resources.resw +++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/zh-TW/Resources.resw @@ -294,6 +294,14 @@ 自動偵測 URL 並使連結可點選 Header for a control to toggle whether the terminal should automatically detect URLs and make them clickable, or not. + + 用於「搜尋 Web」動作的預設 URL + Header for a control to set the query URL when using the "search web" action. + + + 佔位元 "%s" 將取代為搜尋查詢。 + {Locked="%s"} Additional text presented near "Globals_SearchWebDefaultQueryUrl.Header". + 移除矩形選取範圍中的尾端空白區域 Header for a control to toggle whether a text selected with block selection should be trimmed of white spaces when copied to the clipboard, or not. @@ -552,10 +560,42 @@ 最上層顯示 Header for a control to toggle if the app will always be presented on top of other windows, or is treated normally (when disabled). + + 使用舊版輸入編碼 + Header for a control to toggle legacy input encoding for the terminal. + + + 允許 DECRQCRA (Request Checksum of Rectangular Area) + {Locked="DECRQCRA"}{Locked="Request Checksum of Rectangular Area"}Header for a control to toggle support for the DECRQCRA control sequence. + + + 允許 Windows 終端機 在背景執行 + Header for a control to toggle support for Windows Terminal to run in the background. + + + 強制每個視窗在自己的處理程式中執行 + Header for a control to toggle making each window be its own process. + + + 啟用偵錯功能 + Header for a control to toggle debug features. + 終端機永遠是桌面最上方的視窗。 A description for what the "always on top" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AlwaysOnTop.Header". + + 啟用此設定時,某些應用程式中的某些鍵盤輸入可能會停止正常運作。 + Additional description for what the "force vt input" setting does. Presented near "Globals_ForceVTInput.Header". + + + 這可允許全域傳送與「受擷取模式」等動作運作,即使沒有開啟視窗也可運作。 + Additional description for what the "allow headless" setting does. Presented near "Globals_AllowHeadless.Header". + + + 某些功能將無法正常運作,包括但不限於全域快捷鍵、索引標籤拖放以及 wt.exe 窗口目標。 + {Locked="wt.exe"} Additional description for what the "isolated mode" setting does. Presented near "Globals_IsolatedMode.Header". + 索引標籤寬度模式 Header for a control to choose how wide the tabs are. @@ -624,6 +664,10 @@ 互動 Header for the "interaction" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the user's mouse and touch interactions with the app. + + 相容性 + Header for the "compatibility" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to compatibility with command line scenarios. + 啟動 Header for the "startup" menu item. This navigates to a page that lets you see and modify settings related to the app's launch experience (i.e. screen position, mode, etc.) @@ -660,6 +704,10 @@ 進階 Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on more advanced scenarios. + + 終端機模擬 + Header for a sub-page of profile settings focused on customizing the capabilities of the terminal. + AltGr 別名 Header for a control to toggle whether the app treats ctrl+alt as the AltGr (also known as the Alt Graph) modifier key found on keyboards. {Locked="AltGr"} @@ -945,18 +993,34 @@ 行高 Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + 儲存格寬度 + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + 行高 Header for a control that sets the text line height. + + 儲存格寬度 + Header for a control that sets the text character width. + 覆寫終端機的行高。以字型大小的倍數表示。預設值取決於您的字型,通常大約是 1.2。 A description for what the "line height" setting does. Presented near "Profile_LineHeight". + + 覆寫終端機的單元格寬度。以字型大小的倍數表示。默認值取決於您的字型,通常大約是0.6。 + A description for what the "cell width" setting does. Presented near "Profile_CellWidth". + 1.2 "1.2" is a decimal number. + + 0.6 + "0.6" is a decimal number. + 內建自符 The main label of a toggle. When enabled, certain characters (glyphs) are replaced with better looking ones. @@ -1861,4 +1925,36 @@ 非等寬字型: This is a label that is followed by a list of proportional fonts. + + ENQ (Request Terminal Status) 回應 + {Locked=ENQ}{Locked="Request Terminal Status"} Header for a control to determine the response to the ENQ escape sequence. This is represented using a text box. + + + 接收到 ENQ 控制順序時所傳送的回應。 + {Locked=ENQ} A description for what the "ENQ response" setting does. Presented near "Profile_AnswerbackMessage". + + + 適用於疑難排解或開發終端機。 + Additional description for what the "debug features enabled" setting does. Presented near "Globals_DebugFeaturesEnabled.Header". + + + 實驗性:以彩虹色顯示建議的輸入 + This is a label for a setting that, when enabled, applies a rainbow coloring to the preview text from the suggestions UI. + + + 實驗性: 將按鍵系結新增到選取文字的色彩 + Header for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. + + + 這些索引鍵系結可以醒目提示選取文字或具有指定色彩之選取文字的所有實例。 + Additional text for a control to toggle adding a set of key bindings that can be used to apply coloring to selected text in a terminal session. Presented near "Globals_EnableColorSelection.Header". + + + 允許未聚焦視窗中的壓克力素材 + Header for a control to toggle allowing unfocused windows to have an acrylic background. + + + 當 Windows 終端機 以系統管理員身分執行時,在標題欄中顯示遮罩 + Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin" + \ No newline at end of file