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Run with Configuration

Sheng Chen edited this page Mar 26, 2019 · 15 revisions

You can run tests with custom configuration. The configuration can be specified in settings.json using the key java.test.config.

It's recommended to save the test configuration as workspace settings. To open workspace settings, run command Preference: Open Workspace Settings. And click on the icon {} on the top right to show the source code of your settings.


Here is an example of the configuration schema:

"java.test.config": [
        "name": "myConfiguration",
        "workingDirectory": "${workspaceFolder}",
        "args": [ "-c", "com.test" ],
        "vmargs": [ "-Xmx512M" ],
        "env": { "key": "value" },
        // Another configuration item...

Note: The commands Run With Configuration and Debug With Configuration are removed from version 0.14.0. The extension will let you select the configuration if it detects there are customized configuration available.

Property Details

The value of java.test.config is an object or an object array, each object is a configuration item, which may have the following properties:

Property Name Description Default Value
name Specify the name of the configuration item ""
workingDirectory Specify the working directory when running the tests "${workspaceFolder}"
vmargs Specify the extra options and system properties for the JVM []
args Specify the command line arguments which will be passed to the test runner []
env Specify the extra environment variables when running the tests {}

Custom Configurations

When you have custom configurations, you'll be asked to pick one every time when running/debugging your test cases. To avoid that, you can use java.test.defaultConfig and set its value to the name of a configuration.

If you want to bypass any existing configurations, you can use the built-in configuration named "default" which has the following definition:

    "name": "default",
    "workingDirectory": "${workspaceFolder}"

Q & A

Q: How can I migrate to the new java.test.config setting?

A: You can trigger the command Java: Migrate Deprecated 'launch.test.json' or create your own customized configuration and test it according to the above document. If everything is fine, then the launch.test.json can be removed.

Q: Can I keep using the original launch.test.json to run with customized configuration?

A: For now, yes. But it's highly recommended that you work with the new schema. launch.test.json is deprecated and will be completely removed from 0.16.0.

Q: What will happen if I both have java.test.config setting and launch.test.json in my workspace?

A: java.test.config wins.

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