Validations are often nested to test JSON objects / arrays / trees
We use a test file generator to build complex validations
Validation files are located in the /app/TestFiles directory and are json files that control the validation tests.
You can mount a local volume into the Docker container at /app/TestFiles to test your files against your server if you don't want to rebuild the container
HTTP redirects are not followed
All string comparisons are case sensitive
path (required)
- path to resource (do not include http or dns name)
- valid: must begin with /
- default: GET
- valid: HTTP verbs
tag (optional)
- default: string.empty
- tag for the request
- this will override the --tag value for that request only
failOnValidationError (optional)
- If true, any validation error will cause that test to fail
- default: false
validation (optional)
- if not specified in test file, no validation checks will run
- statusCode
- required
- http status code
- a validation error will cause the test to fail and return a non-zero error code
- no other validation checks are executed
- default: 200
- valid: 100-599
- contentType
- required
- http Content-Type
- a validation error will cause the test to fail and return a non-zero error code
- no other validation checks are executed
- default: application/json
- valid: valid MIME type
- length
- length of content
- cannot be combined with minLength or maxLength
- valid: null or >= 0
- length of content
- minLength
- minimum content length
- valid: null or >= 0
- maxLength
- maximum content length
- valid: null or > MinLength
- valid: if MinLength == null >= 0
- maxMilliSeconds
- maximum duration in ms
- valid: null or > 0
- exactMatch
- Body exactly matches value
- valid: null or non-empty string
- contains[string]
- case sensitive string "contains"
- string array
- valid: null or non-empty string array
- notContains[string]
- case sensitive negated string "contains"
- string array
- valid: null or non-empty string array
- jsonArray
- valid: parses into json array
- count
- exact number of items
- Valid: >= 0
- valid: cannot be combined with MinCount or MaxCount
- minCount
- minimum number of items
- valid: >= 0
- can be combined with MaxCount
- maxCount
- maximum number of items
- valid: > MinCount
- can be combined with MinCount
- byIndex[JsonObject]
- checks a json object in the array by index
- jsonObject[]
- validates object[index]
- index
- index of object to check
- valid: >= 0
- jsonObject
- jsonObject definition to check
- valid: JsonObject rules
- forAny[JsonObject]
- checks each json object in the array until it finds a valid item
- jsonObject[]
- jsonObject
- jsonObject definition to check
- valid: jsonObject rules
- jsonObject
- forEach[JsonObject]
- checks each json object in the array
- jsonObject[]
- jsonObject
- jsonObject definition to check
- valid: jsonObject rules
- jsonObject
- jsonObject[]
- valid: parses into json object
- field
- name of field
- valid: non-empty string
- value (optional)
- if not specified, verifies the Field exists in the json document
- valid: null, number or string
- validation (optional)
- validation object to execute (for json objects within objects)
- valid: null or valid json
perfTarget (optional)
- category
- used to group requests into categories for reporting
- valid: non-empty string
- targets[3]
- maximum quartile value in ascending order
- example: [ 100, 200, 400 ]
- Quartile 1 <= 100 ms
- Quartile 2 <= 200 ms
- Quartile 3 <= 400 ms
- Quartile 4 > 400 ms
- category
WebV can substitute environment variable values in the test file(s).
- Define the environment variable substitutions in the
json array - Include the
in the test file(s) - If one or more environment variables are not set, WebV will substitute with
empty string
which could cause validation errors - The comparison is
case sensitive
# set the environment variables
export ROBOTS=robots.txt
export FAVICON=favicon.ico
# run the test
webv -s --files envvars.json
JSON sample using environment variable substitution
"variables": [ "ROBOTS", "FAVICON" ],
"requests": [
"path": "/${ROBOTS}",
"validation": { "contentType": "text/plain" }
"path": "/${FAVICON}",
"validation": { "contentType": "image/x-icon" }
The msft.json file contains sample validation tests that will will successfully run against the
endpoint (assuming content hasn't changed)
- note that http status codes are not specified when 200 is expected
- note that ContentType is not specified when the default of application/json is expected
- Note that redirects are not followed
"validation": { "statusCode":302 }
{ "value":"<title>Microsoft - Official Home Page</title>" },
{ "value":"<head data-info=\"{" }
"path": "/favicon.ico",
"path": "/robots.txt",
"contentType": "text/plain",
"minLength": 200,
{ "value": "User-agent: *" },
{ "value": "Disallow: /en-us/windows/si/matrix.html"}
"path": "/orgs/octokit/repos",
"validation": {
"contentType": "application/json",
"jsonArray": {
"count": 30,
"forEach": [
"jsonObject": [
{ "field": "id" },
{ "field": "node_id" },
{ "field": "name" },
{ "field": "full_name" },
{ "field": "private" },
"field": "owner",
"validation": {
"jsonObject": [
{ "field": "login" },
{ "field": "id" },
{ "field": "node_id" },
{ "field": "avatar_url" },
{ "field": "gravatar_id" },
{ "field": "url" },
{ "field": "html_url" },
{ "field": "followers_url" },
{ "field": "following_url" },
{ "field": "gists_url" },
{ "field": "starred_url" },
{ "field": "subscriptions_url" },
{ "field": "organizations_url" },
{ "field": "repos_url" },
{ "field": "events_url" },
{ "field": "received_events_url" },
{ "field": "type" },
{ "field": "site_admin" }
"path": "/repos/octokit/",
"validation": {
"contentType": "application/json",
"jsonObject": [
"field": "id",
"value": 7528679
"field": "name",
"value": ""
"field": "owner",
"validation": {
"jsonObject": [
"field": "login",
"value": "octokit"
"field": "id",
"value": 3430433
"field": "url",
"value": ""
"field": "html_url",
"value": ""
"field": "type",
"value": "Organization"
"field": "html_url",
"value": ""