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InfoBlox DNS Records Webhook in Kubernetes cluster


To automate the creation of DNS records in Infoblox DNS servers when Kubernetes ingress resources are created. Use of External DNS controller was found to be inadequate, perhaps due to the development stage of Infoblox provider in External DNS. To overcome this shortcoming in External DNS, a webhook was created. The webhook examines the ingress resource, extracts the host information sends a request to the Infoblox for creation/deletion of DNS records.


  • Go installation
  • Local Kubernetes cluster
  • The following commandline utilities:
    • make
    • kubectl
    • helm
  • Access to an Infoblox Server test instance

Getting started

helm repo add infoblox-dns-webhook
helm repo update
  • Create/update a values.yaml file with values suitable for the target environment
helm install infoblox-dns-webhook -n infoblox-dns --create-namespace -f values.yaml

The following variables are used to deploy the webhook

NAME Description Type Default Name of the cluster where webhook is deployed string -
clusterInfo.ingressControllerNamespace Namespace where ingress controller is deployed string ingress-nginx
clusterInfo.ingressControllerName Ingress controller serviceName string ingress-nginx-controller
infobloxInfo.port Port of the InfoBlox Server port integer 443
infobloxInfo.protocol HTTP/HTTPS protocol string https
infobloxInfo.server Domain name or IP of InfoBlox Server string
infobloxInfo.version InfoBlox version string v2.12.1
infobloxInfo.view Infoblox DNS view string default.localdev InfoBlox DNS zone (DNS suffix) string
infobloxInfo.secret.username InfoBlox Server user string admin
infobloxInfo.secret.password InfoBlox Server password string p4ssw0rd Name of secret holding InfoBlox user credentials string infoblox-creds Name of the webhook used in the admission webhook manifests string infoblox-dns-webhook
repository Container registry where image is stored string Name of TLS certificate secret string infoblox-dns-webhook-tls
tls.cert TLS certificate content in Base64 string -
tls.key TLS key content in Base64 string -

Example installation with a self-signed certificate:

  • Create a self-signed certificate
openssl genrsa -out tls.key
openssl req -new -key tls.key --out tls.csr -subj "/CN=example-hook.example-ns.svc"
openssl x509 -req -extfile <(printf 'subjectAltName=DNS:example-hook.example-ns.svc') -in tls.csr -signkey tls.key -out tls.crt
  • Install the helm chart
helm install infoblox-dns-webhook infoblox-dns-webhook/infoblox-dns-webhook -n infoblox-dns --create-namespace \
    --set tls.cert=$(cat tls.crt | base64 | tr -d '\n') \
    --set tls.key=$(cat tls.key | base64 | tr -d '\n') \
    --set \
    --set infobloxInfo.secret.username=infoblox \
    --set infobloxInfo.secret.password=p4ssword \
    --set \
    --set clusterInfo.ingressControllerNamespace=infra-apps-dev \
    --set clusterInfo.ingressControllerName=infra-apps-controller