diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index ed61c69..7690444 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ **GreynirCorpus** is a large, parsed treebank of modern Icelandic text. -The treebank consists of **10 million parsed sentences** containing approximately 140 million words. The sentences were parsed mechanically using the [Greynir](https://github.com/mideind/GreynirPackage) rule-based parser. -The text was extracted from news and government sites on the web in the years 2015-2021 and -parsed into full constituency trees in flat text format. The format is similar to that of the -[Penn Treebank](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= and +The treebank consists of **10 million parsed sentences** containing approximately 140 million words. +The sentences were parsed mechanically using the [Greynir](https://github.com/mideind/GreynirPackage) +rule-based parser. The text was extracted from news and government sites on the web in the years +2015-2021 and parsed into full constituency trees in flat text format. The format is similar to that of +the [Penn Treebank](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= and [The Icelandic Parsed Historical Corpus (IcePaHC)](https://linguist.is/icelandic_treebank/Icelandic_Parsed_Historical_Corpus_(IcePaHC)). The treebank is published under the @@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ and is thus open and free for general use, with attribution. The treebank has four parts: -1. A **copper standard** corpus of ten million mechanically parsed and shuffled sentences. +1. A **copper standard** corpus of 10 million mechanically parsed and shuffled sentences. This treebank is contained in ten gzip-compressed files in the [`psd/copper`](psd/copper) directory, each containing one million sentences. Each file is about 200 MB in compressed form and about 1.3 GB uncompressed. @@ -32,19 +33,19 @@ The treebank has four parts: 2. A **silver standard** corpus of 600 thousand *unique* mechanically parsed sentences selected based on various grammatical attributes. Found in the [`psd/silver`](psd/silver) directory. - Sentences were picked based on their ability to provide enough information for fine-tuning a neural parser. - In addition to exclusions in the copper standard, sentences beyond 500,000 were only added if they contained new information after normalization or the parse trees contained rare terminals or non-terminals. - - -3. A **gold standard** corpus of 5,000 parsed sentences that have been - manually corrected and verified. This corpus is contained in the `gold/` directory, - in text files named `greynir_corpus_*.psd`. Each text file contains 10 manually + Sentences were picked based on their ability to provide enough information for fine-tuning a neural + parser. In addition to exclusions in the copper standard, sentences beyond 500,000 were only added + if they contained new information after normalization or the parse trees contained rare terminals + or non-terminals. + +3. A **gold standard** corpus of 5,000 parsed sentences that have been manually corrected + and verified. The gold standard is split into a test set, containing 500 sentences, + and a development set, containing 4,500 sentences, located in [`testset/psd/`](testset/psd) + and [`devset/psd`](devset/psd), respectively. Each text file contains 10 manually annotated sentences. The sentences tend to get longer with higher file numbers. - The gold standard is split into a test set, containing 500 sentences, - and a development set, containing 4,500 sentences. - + 4. **Extra** corpora, such as headings and short sentences under 5 tokens. - These are contained in the `extra` directory. + These are contained in the [`extra/`](extra/) directory. The heading corpora contain 531,855 parsed sentences. The short corpora contain 1,652,938 parsed sentences. @@ -52,12 +53,15 @@ Mechanically parsed sentences were parsed using [Greynir v3.1.0](https://github.com/mideind/GreynirPackage/releases/tag/3.1.0) and [Tokenizer v3.1.1](https://github.com/mideind/Tokenizer/releases/tag/3.1.0). -An adapted version of [**Annotald**](https://github.com/mideind/Annotald) can be used to work with the files. +An adapted version of [**Annotald**](https://github.com/mideind/Annotald) can be used to work +with the files. -A [**test suite**](https://github.com/mideind/ParsingTestPipe) using the gold standard test set to measure the performance of the Greynir parser has been developed. +A [**test suite**](https://github.com/mideind/ParsingTestPipe) using the gold standard test +set to measure the performance of the Greynir parser has been developed. The annotation scheme is described extensively in this 60-page -[guideline document](https://github.com/mideind/GreynirPackage/blob/master/doc/_static/annotation_instructions.pdf?raw=true) (Icelandic-language PDF). +[guideline document](https://github.com/mideind/GreynirPackage/blob/master/doc/_static/annotation_instructions.pdf?raw=true) +(Icelandic-language PDF). **Please note that [git-lfs](https://git-lfs.github.com/) is required to clone this repository.** @@ -92,7 +96,7 @@ og er þannig opinn og frjáls til afnota, sé uppruna getið. Trjábankinn er í fjórum hlutum: -1. **Koparstaðall**, tíu milljón málsgreinar, stokkaðar í handahófskennda röð og vélþáttaðar. +1. **Koparstaðall**, 10 milljón málsgreinar, stokkaðar í handahófskennda röð og vélþáttaðar. Þessi hluti trjábankans er geymdur í tíu skrám í [`psd/copper`](psd/copper) möppunni. Hver skrá er um 200 megabæti í þjöppuðu formi og u.þ.b. 1,3 gígabæti óþjöppuð. Erlendar setningar, óþáttaðar setningar og setningar sem hefjast á lágstaf voru undanskildar. @@ -100,15 +104,16 @@ Trjábankinn er í fjórum hlutum: 2. **Silfurstaðall**, 600 þúsund *einstakar*, stokkaðar og vélþáttaðar málsgreinar valdar út frá margvíslegum málfræðilegum eiginleikum. Trjábanka þennan má finna í [`psd/silver`](psd/silver) möppunni. Setningar voru valdar sem veittu nægar upplýsingar fyrir fínþjálfun taugaþáttara. - Auk takmarkana frá koparstaðlinum voru setningar umfram 500 þúsund aðeins teknar með ef þær innihéldu nýjar upplýsingar eftir textastöðlun eða þáttunartrén innihéldu fátíð lauf eða liði. + Auk takmarkana frá koparstaðlinum voru setningar umfram 500 þúsund aðeins teknar með ef þær + innihéldu nýjar upplýsingar eftir textastöðlun eða þáttunartrén innihéldu fátíð lauf eða liði. 3. **Gullstaðall** sem samanstendur af 2.610 málsgreinum og þáttunartrjám þeirra, sem hafa - verið handyfirfarin og leiðrétt. Þessi hluti trjábankans er í `gold/` möppunni, - í textaskrám sem nefnast `greynir_corpus_*.psd`. Hver textaskrá inniheldur 10 handþáttaðar - málsgreinar. Málsgreinarnar eru almennt lengri eftir því sem skrárnúmer hækka. - Gullstaðallinn skiptist í prófunarmengi, sem inniheldur 500 setningar, og þróunarmengi, sem inniheldur 4.500 setningar. + verið handyfirfarin og leiðrétt. Gullstaðallinn skiptist í [prófunarmengi](testset/psd), + sem inniheldur 500 setningar, og [þróunarmengi](devset/psd), sem inniheldur 4.500 setningar. + Hver textaskrá inniheldur 10 handþáttaðar málsgreinar. Málsgreinarnar eru almennt lengri + eftir því sem skrárnúmer hækka. -4. **Aukagögn**, sem eru geymd í `extra/` möppunni. +4. **Aukagögn**, sem eru geymd í [`extra/`](extra/) möppunni. Fyrirsagnasafnið inniheldur 531.855 þáttaðar setningar. Safn stuttra setninga inniheldur 1.652.938 þáttaðar setningar. @@ -119,9 +124,11 @@ Vélþáttaðar setningar voru þáttaðar með Þáttunarskemanu er ýtarlega lýst í þessu 60 síðna [leiðbeiningarskjali (PDF)](https://github.com/mideind/GreynirPackage/blob/master/doc/_static/annotation_instructions.pdf?raw=true). -Uppfærð útgáfa af [**Annotald**](https://github.com/mideind/Annotald) er notuð til að vinna með skjölin. +Uppfærð útgáfa af [**Annotald**](https://github.com/mideind/Annotald) er notuð til að vinna +með skjölin. -[**Prófunarsvíta**](https://github.com/mideind/ParsingTestPipe) var þróuð sem notar gullprófunarmengið til að mæla árangur Greynisþáttarans. +[**Prófunarsvíta**](https://github.com/mideind/ParsingTestPipe) var þróuð sem notar +gullprófunarmengið til að mæla árangur Greynisþáttarans. **Git-afritun á kóðasafninu krefst [git-lfs](https://git-lfs.github.com/).** @@ -130,4 +137,7 @@ sem geta skal sem útgefanda þegar gögnin eru notuð skv. CC-BY 4.0 leyfinu. Verkefnið naut styrks úr *Markáætlun í máltækni* á vegum [Rannís](https://rannis.is). -Hlutar safnsins voru þróaðir undir hatti 5 ára máltækniáætlunar ríkisins. [Almannarómur](https://almannaromur.is) sér um framkvæmd áætlunarinnar. Áætluninni er lýst [hér](https://www.stjornarradid.is/lisalib/getfile.aspx?itemid=56f6368e-54f0-11e7-941a-005056bc530c>) (ensk útgáfa [hér](https://clarin.is/media/uploads/mlt-en.pdf>)) \ No newline at end of file +Hlutar safnsins voru þróaðir undir hatti 5 ára máltækniáætlunar ríkisins. +[Almannarómur](https://almannaromur.is) sér um framkvæmd áætlunarinnar. Áætluninni er lýst +[hér](https://www.stjornarradid.is/lisalib/getfile.aspx?itemid=56f6368e-54f0-11e7-941a-005056bc530c>) +(ensk útgáfa [hér](https://clarin.is/media/uploads/mlt-en.pdf>))