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116 lines (101 loc) · 6.4 KB

File metadata and controls

116 lines (101 loc) · 6.4 KB

###Other notes-to-self

** New 2016-07

  • Install 'calfw' from package-install
  • (Installed org-gcal from github)


  • Install auctex using package-install: M-x package-list-packages RET, locate auctex, and install (package-list-packages updates the package list).
  • Install projectile using package-install: M-x package-install RET projectile
  • Install auto-complete using package-install: M-x package-install RET auto-complete RET
  • Install latex-preview-pane using package-install: M-x package-install RET latex-preview-pane RET
  • Install magit using package-install: M-x package-install RET magit RET
  • Install flycheck using package-install: M-x package-install RET flycheck RET
    • Also, for flycheck and R, install the lintr-package in R
  • For load-theme-buffer-local using package-install: M-x package-install RET load-theme-buffer-local
  • For pdf-tools: see for dependencies and do M-x package-install RET pdf-tools
  • For Helm: Download from git and make.
  • For python: see



  • C-x u to vizualize the undo tree
  • C-_ to undo and M-_ to redo


  • C-x g magit-status
  • s stage files, u unstage files (S and U to stage/unstage all hunks)
  • c c to commit -> type message -> C-c C-c to finish
  • b b to switch branch
  • P P (in capital letters) to git push
  • F F (in capital letters) to git pull


  • M-n r in polymode-r mode to use the new rmarkdown (render()). Thanks to @r2evans and @malcook.

    • Ploymode dependencies: OS needs lmodern, pandoc, and LaTex; R needs pander, knitr and rmarkdown.
  • M-n w to weave (capital W to choose weaver), and M-n e to export (capital E to choose exporter)


Keybinding Description
C-c p f Display a list of all files in the project. With a prefix argument it will clear the cache first.
C-c p F Display a list of all files in all known projects.
C-c p g Display a list of all files at point in the project. With a prefix argument it will clear the cache first.
C-c p 4 f Jump to a project's file using completion and show it in another window.
C-c p 4 g Jump to a project's file based on context at point and show it in another window.
C-c p d Display a list of all directories in the project. With a prefix argument it will clear the cache first.
C-c p 4 d Switch to a project directory and show it in another window.
C-c p 4 a Switch between files with the same name but different extensions in other window.
C-c p T Display a list of all test files(specs, features, etc) in the project.
C-c p l Display a list of all files in a directory (that's not necessarily a project)
C-c p s g Run grep on the files in the project.
M-- C-c p s g Run grep on projectile-grep-default-files in the project.
C-c p v Run vc-dir on the root directory of the project.
C-c p b Display a list of all project buffers currently open.
C-c p 4 b Switch to a project buffer and show it in another window.
C-c p 4 C-o Display a project buffer in another window without selecting it.
C-c p a Switch between files with the same name but different extensions.
C-c p o Runs multi-occur on all project buffers currently open.
C-c p r Runs interactive query-replace on all files in the projects.
C-c p i Invalidates the project cache (if existing).
C-c p R Regenerates the projects TAGS file.
C-c p j Find tag in project's TAGS file.
C-c p k Kills all project buffers.
C-c p D Opens the root of the project in dired.
C-c p e Shows a list of recently visited project files.
C-c p s s Runs ag on the project. Requires the presence of ag.el.
C-c p ! Runs shell-command in the root directory of the project.
C-c p & Runs async-shell-command in the root directory of the project.
C-c p c Runs a standard compilation command for your type of project.
C-c p P Runs a standard test command for your type of project.
C-c p t Toggle between an implementation file and its test file.
C-c p 4 t Jump to implementation or test file in other window.
C-c p z Adds the currently visited file to the cache.
C-c p p Display a list of known projects you can switch to.
C-c p S Save all project buffers.
C-c p m Run the commander (an interface to run commands with a single key).
C-c p ESC Switch to the most recently selected Projectile buffer.
C-c p C-h Display/show projectiles keybindings


M-x helm-M-x List commands M-y helm-show-kill-ring Shows the content of the kill ring C-x b helm-mini Shows open buffers, recently opened files C-x C-f helm-find-files The helm version for find-file C-s helm-ff-run-grep Run grep from within helm-find-files C-c h i helm-semantic-or-imenu Helm interface to semantic/imenu C-c h m helm-man-woman Jump to any man entry C-c h / helm-find Helm interface to find C-c h l helm-locate Helm interface to locate C-c h o helm-occur Similar to occur C-c h a helm-apropos Describes commands, functions, variables, … C-c h h g helm-info-gnus C-c h h i helm-info-at-point C-c h h r helm-info-emacs C-c h helm-lisp-completion-at-point Provides a list of available functions C-c h b helm-resume Resumes a previous helm session C-h SPC helm-all-mark-rings Views content of local and global mark rings C-c h r helm-regex Visualizes regex matches C-c h x helm-register Shows content of registers C-c h t helm-top Helm interface to top C-c h s helm-surfraw Command line interface to many web search engines C-c h g helm-google-suggest Interactively enter search terms and get results from Google in helm buffer C-c h c helm-color Lists all available faces C-c h M-: helm-eval-expression-with-eldoc Get instant results for emacs lisp expressions in the helm buffer C-c h C-, helm-calcul-expression Helm interface to calc C-c C-l helm-eshell-history Interface to eshell history C-c C-l helm-comint-input-ring Interface to shell history C-c C-l helm-mini-buffer-history Interface to mini-buffer history