27/06/2016 - Fix for missing facts array when host option used
12/04/2016 - Support for --hostgroup-facts added
14/09/2015 - 0.0.14 - Fix regression for pre-2.2 support.
11/09/2015 - 0.0.13 - Support changes in API from 2.2 onwards
25/09/2014 - Support for --ignore-classes added
08/09/2014 - Support for --host and --template switch for manual addition of hosts.
28/11/2013 - Support for --timeout and --lockfile added
23/08/2013 - ZCollective will now create hostgroups in zabbix based on collectives it's discovered; it will then assign hosts to these hostgroups, based on f acts it's discovered via mcollective.