The firmware can be uploaded to AVR JTAG ICE usb stick with no dismantling or soldering just by a simple upload tool.
Currently AVR JTAG ICE can be bought from various sources, one of them: Aliexpress
+----------+ +---------------------+ +--------------------+ | PC | | AVR JTAG ICE VTref +(4)--------->--------------+ Vcc | | avrdude | | | +----------+ | | | | | nSRST +(6)---+ 4k7 +---------+ UPDI | | USB +----------+ USB | +----------+ | | | | | | | Target | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | GND +(2)-+ +--+ GND | +----------+ +---------------------+ | | +--------------------+ JTAGICE MkII +-+ UPDI +-+ Protocol GND Protocol GND
Just remember VTref will supply the target MCU chip with 5V from the AVR JTAG ICE ! For using with different own MCU board potential (e.g. 3.3V or 1.8V) leave VTref unconnected. Also you can step down the voltage using a regulator (e.g. 3.3V) from VTref if target mcu supports lower voltage only.
Uncomment lines below to enable AVR JTAG ICE support and then run makefile to compile the firmware.
- For windows build edit make.bat remove remarks from two lines:
rem select AVRJTAGICE v2.0 as target (override upper)
set TARGETMCU=atmega16
set DEFINES=-DNDEBUG -DUPDI_BAUD=120000U -DF_CPU=7372800 ...
- For linux build edit uncomment two of the lines:
## select AVRJTAGICE v2.0 as target (override upper)
To burn the USB module, use uploader tool (as superuser) plug in USB module and while the LED blinks fast red-blue (5 seconds window at statup) run these steps:
- Erase content of module:
python2 -op erase
S = AVRBOOT #programmer id
V = 10 #software version
v = ? #hardware version
p = S #programmer type
a = Y #autoincrement support
b = ? #block mode support
t = [7400] #supported device code
s = 02941e #signature
N = ? #high fuse bits
F = ? #low fuse bits
r = ? #lock bits
Q = ? #extended fuse bits
ERASE program memory
- Upload the firmware:
python2 -op write -file ../../build/JTAG2UPDI.hex
S = AVRBOOT #programmer id
V = 10 #software version
v = ? #hardware version
p = S #programmer type
a = Y #autoincrement support
b = ? #block mode support
t = [7400] #supported device code
s = 02941e #signature
N = ? #high fuse bits
F = ? #low fuse bits
r = ? #lock bits
Q = ? #extended fuse bits
WRITE program memory [../../build/JTAG2UPDI.hex] #2378 bytes
0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done.
Unplug and then replug the USB stick, red-blue blinking stops with permanent red LED turned on.
With red LED turned on firmware is active and can be used with avrdude, see provided wiring to target MCU.