This book is not an exhaustive reference on DOM scripting or JS. It may be the most exhaustive book written about DOM scripting without the use of a library/framework. The lack of authorship around this topic is not without good reason. Most technical authors are not willing to wrangle this topic because of the differences that exist among legacy browsers and their implementations of the DOM specifications (or lack thereof).
For the purpose of this book, I'm going to sidestep the browser API mess and dying browser discrepancies in an effort to expose the modern DOM. That's right, I'm going to sidestep the ugliness in an effort to focus on the here and now. After all, we have solutions like jQuery to deal with all that browser ugliness, and you should definitely be leveraging something like jQuery when dealing with deprecated browsers.
While I am not promoting the idea of only going native when it comes to DOM scripting, I did write this book in part so that developers may realize that DOM libraries are not always required when scripting the DOM. I also wrote for the lucky few who get to write JS code for a single environment (i.e. one browser, mobile browsers, or HTML+CSS+JS-to-native via something like PhoneGap). What you learn in this book may just make a DOM library unnecessary in ideal situations, say for example, some light DOM scripting for deployment on a Webkit mobile browser only.
I specifically had two types of developers in mind. I assume both types already have an intermediate to advanced knowledge of JS, HTML, and CSS. The first developer is someone who has a good handle on JS or jQuery, but has really never taken the time to understand the purpose and value of a library like jQuery (the reason for its rhyme, if you will). Equipped with the knowledge from this book, that developer should fully be able to understand the value provided by jQuery for scripting the DOM. And not just the value, but how jQuery abstracts the DOM and where and why jQuery is filling the gaps. The second type of developer is an engineer who is tasked with scripting HTML documents that will only run in modern browsers or that will get ported to native code for multiple OS's and device distributions (e.g. PhoneGap) and needs to avoid the overhead (i.e. size or size v.s. use) of a library.
The book is written in a style that favors small, isolated, immediately executable code over wordy explanations and monolithic programs. One of my favorite authors, C.S Lewis, asserts that words are the lowest form of communication that humans traffic in. I totally agree with this assertion and use it as the basis for the style of these books.
I feel that technical information is best covered with as few words as possible, in conjunction with just the right amount of executable code and commenting required to express an idea. The style of this book attempts to present a clearly defined idea with as few words as possible, backed with real code.
Because of this, you should execute and examine the code, thereby forming the foundation of a mental model for the words used to describe the concepts. Additionally, the format of these books attempts to systematically break ideas down into their smallest possible form and examine each one in an isolated context. All this to say that this is not a book with lengthy explanations or in-depth coverage on broad topics.
When you write an HTML document you encapsulate HTML content inside of other HTML content. By doing this you setup a hierarchy that can be expressed as a tree. Often this hierarchy or encapsulation system is indicated visually by indenting markup in an HTML document. The browser when loading the HTML document interrupts and parses this hierarchy to create a tree of node objects that simulates how the markup is encapsulated.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- Add your content here-->
The above HTML code when parsed by a browser creates a document that contains nodes structrured in a tree format (i.e. DOM).
For example, the body
element is an element node and an instance of the HTMLBodyElement
What you should take away here is that html documents get parsed by a browser and converted into a tree structure of node objects representing a live document. The purpose of the DOM is to provide a programatic interface for scripting (removing, adding, replacing, eventing, modifiying) this live document using JS.
The most common types of nodes one encounters when working with HTML documents are:
- DOCUMENT_NODE (e.g. window.document)
<body>, <a>, <p>, <script>, <style>, <html>, <h1>
etc...) - ATTRIBUTE_NODE (e.g.
) - TEXT_NODE (e.g. text characters in an html document including carriage returns and white space)
<!DOCTYPE html>
I've listed the node types above formatted exactly as the constant property is written in the JS browser environment as a property of the Node
object. These Node
properties are constant values and are used to store numeric code values which map to a specific type of node object. For example, Node.ELEMENT_NODE
is equal to 1. And 1 is the code value used to identify element nodes.
What I hope you take away is that the nodeType
value (i.e. 1) is just a numeric classificaiton used to describe a certain type of node constructed from a certain JS interface/constructor. For example, the HTMLBodyElement
interface represents a node object that has a node type of 1, which is a classification for ELEMENT_NODE
Each node object in a typical DOM tree inherits properties and methods from Node
. Depending upon the type of node in the document there are also additional sub node object/interfaces that extend the Node
object. Below I detail the inheritance model implemented by browsers for the most common node interfaces (< indicates inherited from).
- Object < Node < Element < HTMLElement < (e.g. HTML*Element)
- Object < Node < Attr (deprecated in DOM 4)
- Object < Node < CharacterData < Text
- Object < Node < Document < HTMLDocument
- Object < Node < DocumentFragment
It's important not only to remember that all nodes types inherit from Node
but that the chain of inheritance can be long. For example, all HTMLAnchorElement
nodes inherit properties and methods from HTMLElement, Element, Node, and Object
is just a JS constructor function. And so logically Node
inherits from Object.prototype
just like all objects in JS.
You will see a long list of properties that are available to the element node object. The properties & methods inherited from the Node
object are in this list as well as a great deal of other inherited properties and methods from the Element, HTMLElement, HTMLAnchorElement, Node, and Object
It's not my point to examine all of these properties and methods now but simply to point out that all nodes inherit a set of baseline properties and methods from its constructor as well as properties from the prototype chain.
Like we have been discussing all node objects (e.g Element, Attr, Text
etc...) inherit properties and methods from a primary Node
object. These properties and methods are the baseline values and functions for manipulating, inspecting, and traversing the DOM.
In addtion to the properties and methods provided by the node interface there are a great deal of other relevant properties and methods that are provided by sub node interfaces such as the document, HTMLElement, or HTML*Element
Below I list out the most common Node
properties and methods inherited by all node objects including the relevant inherited properties for working with nodes from sub-node interfaces.
Node Properties:
Node Methods:
Document Methods:
HTML * Element Properties:
HTML element Methods:
Every node has a nodeType
and nodeName
property that is inherited from Node
. For example Text nodes have a nodeType
code of 3 and nodeName
value of '#text'. As previously mentioned the numeric value 3 is a numeric code representing the type of underlying object the node represents (i.e. Node.TEXT_NODE === 3).
It makes sense to simply memorize these numeric code's for the more common nodes given that we are only dealing with 5 numeric codes.
The nodeValue
property returns null for most of the node types (except Text and Comment). It's use is centered around extracting actual text strings from Text and Comment nodes.
When a browser parses an HTML document it constructs the nodes and tree based on the contents of the HTML file. The browser deals with the creation of nodes for the intial loading of the HTML document. However it's possible to create your own nodes using JS. The following two methods allow us to programatically create Element and Text nodes using JS:
var elementNode = document.createElement('div');
console.log(elementNode, elementNode.nodeType); //log <div> 1, and 1 indicates an element node
var textNode = document.createTextNode('Hi');
console.log(textNode, textNode.nodeType); //logs Text {} 3, and 3 indicates a text node
The innerHTML, outerHTML, textContent and insertAdjacentHTML()
properties and methods provide the functionality to create and add nodes to the DOM using JS strings.
//create a strong element and text node and add it to the DOM
document.getElementById('A').innerHTML = '<strong>Hi</strong>';
//create a div element and text node
document.getElementById('B').outerHTML = '<div id="B">Whats Shaking</div>';
//create a text node and update the #C with the text node
document.getElementById('C').textContent = 'dude';
The insertAdjacentHTML()
method, which only works on Element nodes, is a good deal more precise than the previously mentioned methods. Using this method it's possible to insert nodes before the beginning tag, after the beginning tag, before the end tag, and after the end tag.
The same exact properties (innerHTML, outerHTML, textContent
) that we use to create and add nodes to the DOM can also be used to extract parts of the DOM (or really the entire DOM) as a JS string. In the code example below I use these properties to return a string value containing text and html values from the HTML document.
console.log(document.getElementById('A').innerHTML); //logs '<i>Hi</i>'
console.log(document.getElementById('A').outerHTML); //logs <div id="A">Hi</div>
// all text is returned even if it's in child element nodes (i.e. <strong> !</strong>)
console.log(document.getElementById('B').textContent); //logs 'Dude !'
The appendChild()
and insertBefore()
Node methods allow us to insert JS node objects into the DOM tree.
The appendChild()
method will append a node(s) to the end of the child node(s) of the node the method is called on. If there are no child node(s) then the node being appended is appended as the first child.
In the code below we are creating a element node (<strong>
) and text node (Dude). Then the <p>
is selected from the DOM and our <strong>
element is appended using appendChild()
. Notice that the <strong>
element is encapsulated inside of the <p>
element and added as the last child node. Next the <strong>
element is selected and the text 'Dude' is appended to the <strong>
//create a blink element node and text node
var elementNode = document.createElement('strong');
var textNode = document.createTextNode(' Dude');
//append these nodes to the DOM
When it becomes necessary to control the location of insertion beyond appending nodes to the end of a child list of nodes we can use insertBefore()
//create a text node and li element node and append the text to the li
var text1 = document.createTextNode('1');
var li = document.createElement('li');
//select the ul in the document
var ul = document.querySelector('ul');
// add the new li element to the DOM using ul.firstChild
ul.insertBefore(li, ul.firstChild);
Removing a node from the DOM is a bit of a multi-step process. First you have to select the node you want to remove. Then you need to gain access to its parent element typically using the parentNode
property. It's on the parent node that you invoke the removeChild()
method passing it the reference to the node to be removed.
//remove element node
var divA = document.getElementById('A');
//replace element node
var divA = document.getElementById('A');
var newSpan = document.createElement('span');
newSpan.textContent = 'Howdy';
divA.parentNode.replaceChild(newSpan, divA);
Using the cloneNode()
method it's possible to duplicate a single node or a node and all its children nodes.
var cloneUL = document.querySelector('ul').cloneNode();
To clone a node and all of its children nodes you pass the cloneNode()
method a parameter of of true.
var cloneUL = document.querySelector('ul').cloneNode(true);
When selecting groups of nodes from a tree or accessing pre-defined sets of nodes, the nodes are either placed in a NodeList
(e.g. document.querySelectorAll('*')
) or HTMLCollection
(e.g. document.scripts). These array like (i.e. not a real Array) object collections that have the following characteristics:
- A collection can either be live or static. Meaning that the nodes contained in the collection are either literally part of the live document or a snapshot of the live document.
- By default nodes are sorted inside of the collection by tree order. Meaning the order matches the liner path from tree trunk to branches.
- The collections have a length property that reflects the number of elements in the list
Using the childNodes
property produces an array like list (i.e. NodeList
) of the immediate child nodes. Below I select the <ul>
element which I then use to create a list of all of the immediate child nodes contained inside of the <ul>
var ulElementChildNodes = document.querySelector('ul').childNodes;
Node lists and html collections are array like but not a true JS array which inherits array methods. We programtically confirm this using isArray()
Converting a node list and html collection list to a true JS array can provide a good deal of advantages.
First it gives us the ability to create a snapshot of the list that is not tied to the live DOM considering that NodeList
and HTMLCollection
are live lists.
Secondly, converting a list to a JS array gives access to the methods provided by the Array object (e.g. forEach, pop, map, reduce
In ES6 we have Array.from
to look forward to which converts a single argument that is an array-like object or list (eg. arguments, NodeList, DOMTokenList, NamedNodeMap) into a new Array()
and returns it.
From a node reference (i.e. document.querySelector('ul')
) it's possible to get a different node reference by traversing the DOM using the following properties:
If you have been around the DOM much then it should be no surprise that traversing the DOM includes not just traversing element nodes but also text and comment nodes, and this is not exactly ideal. Using the following properties we can traverse the DOM ignoring text and comment nodes:
It's possible to know if a node is contained inside of another node by using the contains()
Node method.
// is <body> inside <html lang="en"> ?
var inside = document
If you need more robust information about the position of a node in the DOM tree in regards to the nodes around it you can use the compareDocumentPosition()
Node method. Basically this method gives you the ability to request information about a selected node relative to the node passed in. The information that you get back is a number.
Two nodes are equal if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:
- The two nodes are of the same type.
- The following string attributes are equal:
nodeName, localName, namespaceURI, prefix, nodeValue
. That is: they are both null, or they have the same length and are character for character identical. - The
attributes NamedNodeMaps
are equal. That is: they are both null, or they have the same length and for each node that exists in one map there is a node that exists in the other map and is equal, although not necessarily at the same index. - The
childNodes NodeLists
are equal. That is: they are both null, or they have the same length and contain equal nodes at the same index. Note that normalization can affect equality; to avoid this, nodes should be normalized before being compared.
Calling the isEqualNode()
method on a node in the DOM will ask if that node is equal to the node that you pass it as a parameter.
The HTMLDocument
constructor (which inherits from document
) when instantiated represents specifically a DOCUMENT_NODE (i.e. window.document
) in the DOM. To verify this we can simply ask which constructor was used in the creation of the document
node object.
console.log(window.document.constructor); //logs function HTMLDocument()
console.log(window.document.nodeType); //logs 9, which is mapping to DOCUMENT_NODE
The code above concludes that the HTMLDocument
constructor function constructs the window.document
node object and that this node is a DOCUMENT_NODE
To get accurate information pertaining to the available properties and methods on an HTMLDocument
node it's best to ignore the specification and to ask the browser what is available.
The available properties are many even if the inherited properties were not considered. Below I've hand pick a list of noteworthy properties and methods for the context of this chapter:
The document
object provides access to some general information about the HTML document/DOM being loaded with document.title, document.URL, document.referrer, document.lastModified, and document.compatMode
properties to gain some general information about the document. Based on the property name the returned values should be obvious.
nodes can contain one DocumentType
node object and one Element
node object. This should not be a surprise since HTML documents typically contain only one doctype (e.g. <!DOCTYPE html>
) and one element (e.g. <html lang="en">
). Thus if you ask for the children (e.g. document.childNodes
) of the Document object you will get an array containing at the very least the documents doctype/DTD
and <html lang="en">
Using the properties listed below we can get a shortcut reference to the following nodes:
refers to<!DOCTYPE>
refers to<html lang="en">
refers to<head>
refers to<body>
It's possible using document.implementation.hasFeature()
to ask (boolean) the current document what feature and level the browser has implemented/supports. For example we can ask if the browser has implemented the core DOM level 3 specification by passing the name of the feature and the version to the hasFeature() method.
// ask if the browser has implemented the Core 2.0 specification
console.log(document.implementation.hasFeature('Core', '2.0'));
Using the document.activeElement
we can quickly get a reference to the node in the document that is focused/active.
Using the document.hasFocus()
method it's possible to know if the user currently is focused on the window that has the HTML document loaded.
You should be aware that the defaultView
property is a shortcut to the JS head object or what some refer to as the global object. The head object in a web browser is the window
object and defaultView
will point to this object in a JS browser enviroment.
The ownerDocument
property when called on a node returns a reference to the Document
the node is contained within.
Elements in an html document all have a unique nature and as such they all have a unique JS constructor that instantiates the element as a node object in a DOM tree. For example, an <a>
element is created as a DOM node from the HTMLAnchorElement()
Each element in the DOM is constructed from a unique JS intefaces/constructor. Each HTML*Element
inherits properties and methods from HTMLElement, Element, Node, and Object
To get accurate information pertaining to the available properties and methods on an HTML*Element
node it's best to ignore the specification and to ask the browser what is available.
The available properties are many even if the inherited properties were not considered. Below I've hand pick a list of note worthy properties and methods (inherited as well) for the context of this chapter:
nodes are instantiated for us when a browser interputs an HTML document and a corresponding DOM is built based on the contents of the document. After this fact, it's also possible to programaticlly create Element
nodes using createElement()
// create a <textarea> element node and then inject that node into the live DOM tree
var elementNode = document.createElement('textarea');
The value passed to the createElement()
method is a string that specifices the type of element (aka tagName
) to be created.
Using the tagName
property we can access the name of an element. The tagName
property returns the same value that using nodeName
would return.
Using the attributes
property (inherited by element nodes from Node
) we can get a collection of the Attr
nodes that an element currently has defined. The list returned is a NameNodeMap
The most consistent way to get, set, or remove an elements attribute value is to use the getAttribute(), setAttribute(), and removeAttribute()
The best way to determine if an element has an attribute is to use the hasAttribute()
Using the classList
property available on element nodes we can access a list (i.e. DOMTokenList
) of class attribute values that is much easier to work with than a space-delimited string value returned from the className
property. The classList
is an array like collection.
console.log(elm.classList); // big brown {0="big", 1="brown", length=2, ...}
console.log(elm.className); // logs 'big brown'
Using the classList.add()
and classList.remove()
methods it's extremely simple to edit the value of a class attribute.
Using the classList.toggle()
method we can toggle a sub-value of the class attribute. This allows us to add a value if it's missing or remove a value if it's already added.
Using the classList.contains()
method it's possible to determine if a class attribute value contains a specific sub-value.
console.log(elm.classList.contains('brown')); // logs true
The dataset
property of a element node provides an object containing all of the attributes of an element that starts with data-*. Because it's a simply a JS object we can manipulate dataset
and have the element in the DOM reflect those changes
contains camel case versions of data attributes. Meaning data-foo-foo
will be listed as the property fooFoo
in the dataset DOMStringMap
object. The -
is replaced by camel casing.
The most common methods for getting a reference to a single element node are:
The getElementById()
method is pretty simple compared to the more robust querySelector()
method. The querySelector()
method permits a parameter in the form of a CSS selector syntax. Basically you can pass this method a CSS 3 selector (e.g. '#score>tbody>tr>td:nth-of-type(2)'
) which it will use to select a single element in the DOM. querySelector()
will return the first node element found in the document based on the selector.
The most common methods for selecting/creating a list of nodes in an HTML document are:
The methods create a list (aka NodeLists
) of elements that you can select from.
getElementsByTagName() and getElementsByClassName()
are considered live and will always reflect the state of the document even if the document is updated after the list is created/selected.
does not return a live list of elements.The list created from querySelectorAll()
is a snap shot of the document at the time it was created and is not reflective of the document as it changes. The list is static, not live.
Using the children
property from an element node we can get a list (aka HTMLCollection
) of all the immediate children nodes that are element nodes. Notice that using children
only gives us the immediate element nodes excluding any nodes (e.g. text nodes) that are not elements.
// create a selection/list of all of the <li>'s contained wiithin the <ul>
The methods querySelector(), querySelectorAll(), getElementsByTagName(), and getElementsByClassName()
typically accessed from the document
object are also defined on element nodes. This allows for these methods to limit its results to specific vein(s) of the DOM tree. Or said another, you can select a specific context in which you would like the methods to search for element nodes by invoking these methods on element node objects.
//select a div as the context to run the selecting methods
You should be aware that there are some legacy, pre-configured arrays-like-lists, containing element nodes from an HTML document.
- all elements in HTML documentdocument.forms
- all<form>
elements in HTML documentdocument.images
- all<img>
elements in HTML documentdocument.links
- all<a>
elements in HTML documentdocument.scripts
- all<script>
elements in HTML documentdocument.styleSheets
- all<link> or <style>
objects in HTML document
Using the matches()
method we can determine if an element will match a selector string.
document.querySelector('li').matches('li:first-child'); // true
DOM nodes are parsed and painted into visual shapes when viewing html documents in a web browser. Nodes, mostly element nodes, have a corresponding visual representation made viewable/visual by browsers. To inspect and in some cases manipulate the visual representation and gemometry of nodes programatically a set of API's exists and are specified in the CSSOM View Module. A subset of methods and properties found in this specification provide an API to determine the geometry (i.e. size & position using offset) of element nodes as well as hooks for manipulating scrollable nodes and getting values of scrolled nodes.
Most of the properties from the CSSOM View Module specification are read only and calculated each time they are accessed. In other words, the values are live.
Using the properties offsetTop
and offsetLeft
we can get the offset pixel value of an element node from the offsetParent
. These element node properties give us the distance in pixels from an elements outside top and left border to the inside top and left border of the offsetParent
. The value of the offsetParent is determined by searching the nearest ancestor elements for an element that has a CSS position value not equal to static. If none are found then the <body>
element or what some refer to as the "document" (as opposed to the browser viewport) is the offsetParent value.
5.3 Getting an elements top, right, bottom and left border edge offset relative to the viewport using getBoundingClientRect()
Using the getBoundingClientRect()
method we can get the position of an elements outside border edges as it's painted in the browser viewport relative to the top and left edge of the viewport. This means the left and right edge are measured from the outside border edge of an element to the left edge of the viewport. And the top and bottom edges are measured from the outside border edge of an element to the top edge of the viewport.
The getBoundingClientRect()
returns an object with a top, right, bottom, and left property/value but also with a height and width property/value. The height and width properties indicate the size of the element where the total size is derived by adding the content of the div, its padding, and borders together.
The clientWidth
and clientHeight
properties return a total size of an element by adding together the content of the element and its padding excluding the border sizes.
Using elementFromPoint()
it's possible to get a reference to the topmost element in an html document at a specific point in the document.
The scrollHeight
and scrollWidth
properties simply give you the height and width of the node being scrolled.
The scrollTop
and scrollLeft
properties are read-write properties that return the pixels to the left or top that are not currently viewable in the scrollable viewport due to scrolling.
By selecting a node contained inside a node that is scrollable we can tell the selected node to scroll into view using the scrollIntoView()
Every HTML element has a style attribute that can be used to inline CSS properties specific to the element.
That what is returned from the style property is a CSSStyleDeclaration
object and not a string. Additionally note that only the elements inline styles (i.e. excluding the computed styles, computed styles being any styles that have cascaded from style sheets) are included in the CSSStyleDeclartion
Inline CSS styles are individually represented as a property (i.e. object property) of the style object available on element node objects. This provides the interface for us to get, set, or remove individual CSS properties on an element by simply setting an objects property value.
// get
// set
document.querySelector('div').style.backgroundColor = 'red';
// remove
document.querySelector('div').style.backgroundColor = '';
The style object is a CSSStyleDeclaration
object and it provides not only access to inidividual CSS properties, but also the setPropertyValue(propertyName), getPropertyValue(propertyName,value), and removeProperty()
methods used to manipulate individual CSS properties on a element node.
// get
// set
// remove
It's possible using the cssText
property as well as the getAttribute() and setAttribute()
method to get, set, and remove the entire (i.e. all inline CSS properties) value of the style attribute using a JS string.
6.4 Getting an elements computed styles (i.e. actual styles including any from the cascade) using getComputedStyle()
The style
property only contains the css that is defined via the style attribute. To get an elements css from the cascade (i.e. cascading from inline style sheets, external style sheets, browser style sheets) as well as its inline styles you can use getComputedStyle()
. This method provides a read-only CSSStyleDeclaration
object similar to style
. Make sure you note that getComputedStyle()
method honors the CSS specificity hierarchy.
Style rules defined in a inline style sheet or external style sheet can be added or removed from an element using the class
and id
attribute. This is a the most common pattern for manipulating element styles.
Text in an HTML document is represented by instances of the Text()
constructor function, which produces text nodes. When an HTML document is parsed the text mixed in among the elements of an HTML page are converted to text nodes.
To get accurate information pertaining to the available properties and methods on an Text node, it's best to ignore the specification and to ask the browser what is available.
The available properties are many even if the inherited properties were not considered. Below I've hand pick a list of note worthy properties and methods for the context of this chapter:
(not a property or inherited property of text nodes)
When a DOM is contstructed either by the browser or by programmatic means text nodes are created from white space as well as from text characters. After all, whitespace is a character. A paragraph containing an empty space has a child Text node.
Don't forget that white space and text characters in the DOM are typically represented by a text node. This of course means that carriage returns are considered text nodes.
The reality is if you can input the character or whitespace into an html document using a keyboard then it can potentially be interputed as a text node. If you think about it, unless you minimze/compress the html document the average html page contains a great deal of whitespace and carriage return text nodes.
Text nodes are created automatically for us when a browser interputs an HTML document and a corresponding DOM is built based on the contents of the document. After this fact, it's also possible to programatically create Text nodes using createTextNode()
var textNode = document.createTextNode('Hi');
Keep in mind that we can also inject text nodes into programmatically created DOM structures as well.
var elementNode = document.createElement('p');
var textNode = document.createTextNode('Hi');
The text value/data represented by a Text
node can be extracted from the node by using the data
or nodeValue
property. Both of these return the text contained in a Text node.
7.6 Maniputlating Text nodes with appendData(), deleteData(), insertData(), replaceData(), subStringData()
The CharacterData
object that Text nodes inherits methods from provides the following methods for manipulating and extracting sub values from Text node values:
Typically, immediate sibling Text nodes do not occur because DOM trees created by browsers intelligently combines text nodes, however two cases exist that make sibling text nodes possible.
The first case is rather obvious. If a text node contains an Element node (e.g. <p>Hi, <strong>cody</strong> welcome!</p>
) than the text will be split into the proper node groupings. The contents of the <p>
element is not a single Text node, it is in fact 3 nodes, a Text node, Element node, and another Text node.
The textContent
property can be used to get all child text nodes, as well as to set the contents of a node to a specific Text node.
When it's used on a node to get the textual content of the node it will returned a concatenataed string of all text nodes contained with the node you call the method on. This functionality would make it very easy to extract all text nodes from an HTML document.
Notice that textContent
gathers not just immediate child text nodes but all child text nodes no matter the depth of encapsulation inside of the node the method is called.
When textContent
is used to set the text contained within a node it will remove all child nodes first, replacing them with a single Text node.
Most of the modern browser support a seemingly similiar property to textContent
named innerText
. However these properties are not the same. You should be aware of the following differences between textContent & innerText
is aware of CSS. So if you have hidden textinnerText
ignores this text,textContent
will not- Because
cares about CSS it will trigger a reflow, whereastextContent
will not innerText
ignores the Text nodes contained in<script>
, unliketextContent
will normalize the text that is returned. Just think oftextContent
as returning exactly what is in the document with the markup removed. This will include white space, line breaks, and carriage returnsinnerText
is considered to be non-standard and browser specific whiletextContent
is implemented from the DOM specifications
Sibling Text nodes are typically only encountered when text is programaticly added to the DOM. To eliminate sibling Text nodes that contain no Element
nodes we can use normalize()
. This will concatenate sibling text nodes in the DOM into a single Text
When splitText()
is called on a Text
node it will alter the text node it's being called on (leaving the text up to the offset) and return a new Text node that contains the text split off from the orginal text based on the offset.
The creation and use of a DocumentFragment
node provides a light weight document DOM that is external to the live DOM tree. Think of a DocumentFragment
as an empty document template that acts just like the live DOM tree, but only lives in memory, and its child nodes can easily be manipulated in memory and then appended to the live DOM.
Using a documentFragment
to create node structures in memory is extrememly efficent when it comes time to inject the documentFragment
into live node structures.
You might wonder what is the advantage to using a documentFragment
over simply creating (via createElement()
) a <div>
in memory and working within this <div>
to create a DOM structure. The follow are the differences:
- A document fragment may contain any kind of node (except
) where as an element may not - The document fragment itself is not added to the DOM when you append a fragment. The contents of the node are. As opposed to appending an element node in which the element itself is part of the appending.
- When a document fragment is appended to the DOM it transfers from the document fragment to the place it's appended. It's no longer in memory in the place you created it. This is not true for element nodes that are temperately used to contained nodes briefly and then are moved to the live DOM.
By passing the appendChild()
and insertBefore()
node methods a documentFragment
argument the child nodes of the documentFragment
are transported as children nodes to the DOM node the methods are called on.
Creating a DOM structure in memory using node methods can be verbose and laboring. One way around this would be to created a documentFragment
, append a <div>
to this fragment because innerHTML
does not work on document fragments, and then use the innerHTML
property to update the fragment with a string of HTML. By doing this a DOM structure is crafted from the HTML string.
When it comes time to append a DOM structure created using a documentFragment
and <div>
you'll want to append the structure skipping the injection of the <div>
When appending a documentFragment
the nodes contained in the Fragment are moved from the Fragment to the structure you are appending too. To leave the contents of a fragment in memory, so the nodes remain after appending, simply clone using cloneNode()
the documentFragment
when appending.
A style sheet is added to an HTML document by either using the HTMLLinkElement
node (i.e. <link href="stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
) to include an external style sheet or the HTMLStyleElement
node (i.e. <style></style>
) to define a style sheet inline. In the HTML document below both of these Element node's are in the DOM and I verify which constructor, constructs these nodes.
Once a style sheet is added to an HTML document it's represented by the CSSStylesheet
object. Each CSS rule inside of a style sheet is represent by a CSSStyleRule
gives access to a list of all style sheet objects (aka CSSStylesheet
) explicitly linked (i.e. <link>
) or embedded (i.e. <style>
) in an HTML document.
In addtion to using styleSheets
to access a documents styles sheets it's also possible to access a style sheet in an HTML document by first selecting the element in the DOM (<style>
or <link>
) and using the sheet
property to gain access to the CSSStyleSheet
To get accurate information pertaining to the available properties and methods on an CSSStyleSheet
node it's best to ignore the specification and to ask the browser what is available.
A CSSStyleRule
object represents each CSS rule contained in a style sheet. Basicly a CSSStyleRule
is the interface to the CSS properties and values attached to a selector.
To get accurate information pertaining to the available properties and methods on an CSSStyleRule
node it's best to ignore the specification and to ask the browser what is available.
As previously discussed the styleSheets
list provides a list of style sheets contained in a document. The CSSRules
list provides a list (aka CSSRulesList
) of all the CSS rules (i.e. CSSStyleRule
objects) in a specific style sheet.
The insertRule()
and deleteRule()
methods provided the ability to programatically manipulate the CSS rules in a style sheet.
Deleting or removing a rule is as simple as calling deleteRule()
method on a style sheet and passing it the index of the rule in the style sheet to be deleted.
Just like the style
property that facilitates the manipulation of inline styles on element nodes there is a also style
property for CSSStyleRule
objects that orchestrates the same manipulation of styles in style sheets.
To craft a new style sheet on the fly after an html page is loaded one only has to create a new <style>
node, add CSS rules using innerHTML
to this node, then append the <style>
node to the HTML document.
To add a CSS file to an HTML document programatically a <link>
element node is created with the appropriate attributes and then the <link>
element node is appended to the DOM.
Using the disabled
property of a CSSStyleSheet
object it's possible to enable or disabled a style sheet.
JS can be inserted in to an HTML document in a modern way by including external JS files or writing page level inline JS, which is basically the contents of an external JS file literally embed in the HTML page as a text node. Don't confuse element inline JS contained in attribute event handlers (i.e. <div onclick="alert('yo')"></div>
) with page inline JS (i.e. <script>alert('hi')</script>
Both methods of inserting JS into an HTML document require the use of a <script>
element node. The <script>
element can contain JS code or can be used to link to external JS files using the src
By default when the DOM is being parsed and it encounters a <script>
element it will stop parsing the document, block any further rendering & downloading, and exectue the JS.
Because this behavior is blocking and does not permit parallel parsing of the DOM or exection of JavaScriopt it's consider to be synchronous. If the JS is external to the html document the blocking is exacerbated because the JS must first be downloaed before it can be parsed.
The default blocking nature of a <script>
element can have a significant effect on the performance of the visual rendering of a HTML web page. If you have a couple of script elements at the start of an html page nothing else is happening (e.g. DOM parsing & resource loading) until each one is downloaded and executed sequentially.
The <script>
element has an attribute called defer that will defer the blocking, downloading, and executing of an external JS file until the browser has parsed the closing <html>
node. Using this attribute simply defers what normally occurs when a web browser encounters a <script>
The <script>
element has an attribute called async
that will override the sequential blocking nature of <script>
elements when the DOM is being constructed by a web browser.
By using this attribute, we are telling the browser not to block the construction (i.e. DOM parsing, downloading other assets e.g. images, style sheets, etc...) of the html page and forgo the the sequential loading as well.
What happens by using the async attribute is the files are loaded in parallel and parsed in order of download once they are fully downloaded.
A known hack for forcing a web browser into asynchronous JS downloading and parsing without using the async attribure is to programatically create <script>
elements that include external JS files and insert them in the DOM.
The <script>
element supports a load event handler (i.e. onload
) that will execute once an external JS file has been loaded and executed.
Given a <script>
elements synchronous nature, placing one in the <head>
element of an HTML document presents a timing problem if the JS execution is dependant upon any of the DOM that proceeds the <script>
Many developers, myself being one of them, for this reason will attempt to place all <script>
elements before the closing </body>
element. By doing this you can rest assured the DOM in front of the <script>
's has been parsed and is ready for scripting. As well, this strategy will remove a dependancy on DOM ready events that can liter a code base.
The document.scripts
property available from the document object provides a list (i.e. an HTMLCollection) of all of the scripts currently in the DOM.
An event, in terms of the DOM, is either a pre-defined or custom moment in time that occurs in relationship with an element in the DOM, the document object, or the window object. These moments are typically predetermined and programaticlly accounted for by associating functionality (i.e. handlers/callbacks) to occur when these moments in time come to pass. These moments can be initiated by that state of the UI (e.g. input is focused or something has been dragged), the state of the enviroment that is running the JS program (e.g. page is loaded or XHR request has finished), or the state of the program itself (e.g. start monitor users ui interaction for 30 seconds after the page has loaded).
Setting up events can be accomplished using inline attribute event handlers, property event handlers, or the addEventListener()
// inline attribure event handler pattern
<body onclick="console.log('fire/trigger attribure event handler')">
// property event handler pattern
document.querySelector('div').onclick = function(){...)};
//addEventListener method pattern
document.querySelector('div').addEventListener('click',function(){...}, false);
While all three of these patterns for attaching an event to the DOM programatically schedule the event, only the addEventListener()
provides a robust and organized solution. The inline attribute event handler mixes together JS and HTML and best practices advise keeping these things seperate.
The downside to using a property event handler is that only one value can be assigned to the event property at a time. Meaning, you can't add more than one propety event handler to a DOM node when assigning events as property values.
Additionaly, using event handlers inline or property event handlers can suffer from scoping nuances as one attempts to leverage the scope chain from the function that is invoked by the event. The addEventListener()
smooths out all of these issues, and will be used throughout this chapter.
In the tables below I detail the most common pre-defined events that can be attached to Element nodes, the document object, and the window object. Of course not all events are directly applicable to the node or object it can be attached too. That is, just because you can attach the event without error, and most likley invoke the event (i.e. bubbling events like onchange to window), does not mean that adding something like window.onchange is logical given that this event, by design was not meant for the window object.
Most used:
- Document:
- Mouse:
- Keyboard:
- Focus:
- UI:
- Form:
When an event is invoked the event flows or propagates through the DOM, firing the same event on other nodes and JS objects. The event flow can be programmed to occur as a capture phase (i.e. DOM tree trunk to branch, left to right) or bubbling phase (i.e. DOM tree branches to trunk, right to left), or both.
In the code below I set up 10 event listeners that can all be invoked, due to the event flow, by clicking once on the <div>
element in the HTML document. When the <div>
is clicked the capture phase begins at the window object and propagates down the DOM tree firing the click event for each object (i.e. window > document > <html> > <body> > event target
) until it hits the event target. Once the capture phase ends the target phase starts, firing the click event on the target element itself. Next the propagation phase propagates up from the event target firing the click event until it reaches the window object (i.e. event target > <body> > <html> > document > window
). With this knowledge it should be obvious why clicking the <div>
in the code example logs to the console 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
/* notice that I am passing the addEventListener() a boolean parameter of true so capture events fire, not just bubbling events*/
// 1 capture phase
() => {
// 2 capture phase
() => {
// 3 capture phase
() => {
// 4 capture phase
() => {
// 5 target phase occurs during capture phase
() => {
// 6 target phase occurs during bubbling phase
() => {
// 7 bubbling phase
() => {
// 8 bubbling phase
() => {
// 9 bubbling phase
() => {
// 10 bubbling phase
() => {
The addEventListener()
method is avaliabe on all Element nodes, the window object, and the document object providing the ability to added event listeners to parts of an HTML document as well as JS objects relating to the DOM and BOM (browser object model).
//add a mousemove event to a <div> element object, invoking the event during the bubbling phase
document.querySelector('div').addEventListener('mousemove',() => {...},false);
The addEventListener()
method used in the above code example takes three arguments. The first argument is the type of event to listen for. Notice that the event type string does not contain the "on" prefix (i.e. onmousemove
) that event handlers require. The second argument is the function to be invoked when the event occurs. The third parameter is a boolean indicating if the event should be fired during the capture phase or bubbling phase of the event flow.
Typically a developer wants events to fire during the bubbling phase so that object eventing handles the event before bubbling the event up the DOM. Because of this you almost always provide a false value as the last argument to the addEventListener()
. In modern browsers if the 3rd parameter is not specified it will default to false
The removeEventListener()
method can be used to remove events listeners, if the orginal listener was not added using an anonymous function. In the code below I add two events listeners to the HTML document and attempt to remove both of them. However, only the listener that was attached using a function reference is removed.
Anonymous functions added using addEventListener()
method simply cannot be removed.
The handler or callback function invoked for events is sent by default a parameter that contains all relevant information about an event itself. In the code below I demostrate access to this event object and log all of its properties and values for a load event as well as a click event. Make sure you click the <div>
to see the properties assocaited with a click event.
document.querySelector('div').addEventListener('click',(event) => {...},false);
Keep in mind that each event will contain slightly different properties based on the event type (e.g. MouseEvent, KeyboardEvent, WheelEvent).
The event object also provides the stopPropagation(), stopImediatePropagation(), and preventDefault() methods.
The value of this
inside of the event listener function passed to the addEventListener()
method will be a reference to the node or object the event is attached too.
When events are invoked as part of the event flow the this value will remain the value of the node or object that the event listener is attached too.
Additionally it's possible using the event.currentTarget property to get the same reference, to the node or object invoking the event listener, that the this property provides.
Because of the event flow it's possible to click a <div>
, contained inside of a <body>
element and have a click event listener attached to the <body>
element get invoked. When this happens, the event object passed to the event listener function attached to the <body>
provides a reference (i.e.
) to the node or object that the event originated on (i.e. the target).
The can be extremely useful when an event that fires because of the event flow needs knowledge about the origin of the event.
Browsers provide several events already wired up when an HTML page is presented to a user. For example, clicking a link has a corresponding event (i.e. you navigate to a url). So does clicking a checkbox (i.e. box is checked) or typing text into a text field (i.e. text is inputed and appears on screen). These browser events can be prevented by calling the preventDefault() method inside of the event handler function associated with a node or object that invokes a browser default event.
// stop the default event for <a> which would be to load a url
(event) => {
The preventDefault()
methods does not stop events from propagating (i.e. bubbling or capture phases)
Providing a return false at the end of the body of the event listener has the same result as call the preventDefault() method.
Calling stopProgagation()
from within an event handler/listener will stop the capture and bubble event flow phases, but any events directly attached to the node or object will still be invoked.
Additionally using stopPropagation()
does not prevent default events.
11.11 Stoping the event flow as well as other like events on the same target using stopImmediatePropagation()
Calling the stopImmediatePropagation()
from within an event handler/listener will stop the event flow phases (i.e. stopPropagation()
), as well as any other like events attached to the event target that are attached after the event listener that invokes the stopImmediatePropagation()
Using the stopImmediatePropagation()
does not prevent default events. Browser default events still get invoked and only calling preventDefault()
will stop these events.
A developer is not limited to the predefined event types. it's possible to attach and invoke a custom event, using the addEventListener()
method like normal in combiniation with document.createEvent(), initCustomEvent(), and dispatchEvent()
Simulating an event is not unlike creating a custom event. In the case of simulating a mouse event we create a 'MouseEvent' using document.createEvent()
. Then, using initMouseEvent()
we setup the mouse event that is going to occur. Next the mouse event is dispatched on the element that we'd like to simulate an event on.
Event delegation is the programmatic act of leveraging the event flow and a single event listener to deal with multiple event targets. A side effect of event delegation is that the event targets don't have to be in the DOM when the event is created in order for the targets to respond to the event. This is of course rather handy when dealing with XHR responses that update the DOM. By implementing event delegation new content that is added to the DOM post JS load parsing can immediately start responding to events.
Imagine you have a table with an unlimited number of rows and columns. Using event delegation we can add a single event listener to the <table>
node which acts as a delegate for the node or object that is the initial target of the event. In the code example below, clicking any of the <td>
's (i.e. the target of the event) will delegate its event to the click listener on the <table>
. Don't forget this is all made possible because of the event flow and in this specific case the bubbling phase.
function(event) {
//make sure we only run code if a td is the target
if ( === 'td') {
//use to gain access to target of the event which is the td
If we were to update the table in the code example with new rows, the new rows would responded to the click event as soon as they were render to the screen because the click event is delegated to the <table>
element node.