- best practice to write as specific regular expressions as possible: "success" vs "Error: unsuccessful operation"
. // any single character except newline
[a-z] // letters from a to z, lowercase
[A-Z] // letters from a to z, uppercase
\d // 0-9
\w // [a-zA-Z0-9_]
\s // whitespace (space, tab, newline)
[^] // exclude
.{3,} // 3 or more times any single character
a* // zero or more a
a+ // one or more a
a? // optional a
| // or
() // capture group to reuse
(\d(\d)) // two captured groups, e.g. 15 and 5
(?:com|de) // non-capturing group
$1 // use first captured group
/g // find all matches, not only first one
/i // ignore case
/m // multiline
Further Readings: