嵌套类的名字存在于一个封闭的类作用范围中,嵌套类的成员函数在检查嵌套类的范围之后,在封闭类的作用于内查找类名称。 和封闭类的其他成员一样,嵌套类可以访问封闭类的任意名称(私有、保护等等),但是它是独立的,不能访问封闭类的this指针。
- 在嵌套类中仅仅可以定义类型名,静态成员,和枚举类 (until C++11)
- 在嵌套类中可以使用封闭类的所以有成员,依据usual usage rules
int x,y; // globals
class enclose // enclosing class
// note: private members
int x;
static int s;
struct inner // nested class
void f(int i)
x = i; // Error: can't write to non-static enclose::x without instance
int a = sizeof x; // Error until C++11,
// OK in C++11: operand of sizeof is unevaluated,
// this use of the non-static enclose::x is allowed.
s = i; // OK: can assign to the static enclose::s
::x = i; // OK: can assign to global x
y = i; // OK: can assign to global y
void g(enclose* p, int i)
p->x = i; // OK: assign to enclose::x
struct enclose
struct inner
static int x;
void f(int i);
int enclose::inner::x = 1; // definition
void enclose::inner::f(int i) {} // definition
class enclose
class nested1; // forward declaration
class nested2; // forward declaration
class nested1 {}; // definition of nested class
class enclose::nested2 { }; // definition of nested class
嵌套类定义遵循member access规则,私有变量不能在封闭类之外使用,尽管可以操作类对象。
class enclose
struct nested // private member
void g() {}
static nested f() { return nested{}; }
int main()
//enclose::nested n1 = enclose::f(); // error: 'nested' is private
enclose::f().g(); // OK: does not name 'nested'
auto n2 = enclose::f(); // OK: does not name 'nested'