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43 lines (26 loc) · 1.8 KB

File metadata and controls

43 lines (26 loc) · 1.8 KB

Project Description

it is very simple feature for getting location information for vehicles from RestAPI and show this info in Map and List .


first you need to configure add your google_maps_key in your google_maps_api.xml in your values folder and also add your SHA1 .

Project Structure

this application divided to 4 Modules based on Clean Architecture layers inspired by uncle bob:

  • app : that contain UI and presentation (view model) and Dependency injection configuration (Dagger 2) and Network Client (Retrofit).
  • domain :that contain Use Cases (Interactors) for our project , Domain Model and Repository interface which should be implemented by Data layer .
  • data : that contain the implementation for our repositories and work as Single source of truth for our Data (SSOT) and depend on abstraction for RemoteData and LocalData .
  • remote : that contain the implementation for out RemoteData and also depend on API Service interface which provide by our app Module.

Tech Stack

  • Kotlin .
  • Clean Architecture .
  • Android Architecture Component (AAC) liveData ,viewModel , Navigation component.
  • MVVM .
  • Dependency Injection (Dagger2) .
  • Reactive Paradigm (RxJava2 and RxKotlin2) .
  • Retrofit 2 and OkHttp for Networking .
  • Unit Test using Junit 4 and Mockito.
  • google Maps.


project code architecture follow clean architecture inspired by onion architecture by Uncle bob .

Clean Architecture



Android App, Clean Architecture + mvvm + Modularization