- data is automatically replicated to 3 AZ
- Kinesis Streams: low latency streaming ingest at scale
- Kinesis Analytics: perform real-time analytics on streams using SQL
- Kinesis Firehose: load streams into S3, Redshift, ElasticSearch
- streams are divided in ordered Shards / Partitions
- retentions: 1 (default) - 7 days
- ability to reprocess / replay data
- multiple apps can consume the same stream
- real-time processing with scale of throughput
- one data is inserted in Kinesis, it can't be deleted (immutability)
- one stream is made of many different shards
- 1MB/s or 1000 messages/s at write PER SHARD
- 2MB/s at read PER SHARD
- billing is per shard provisioned
- batching available or per message calls
- number of shards can change over time (reshard/merge)
- records are ordered per shard
- data + partition key (message key) ⇒ PutRecord
- partition key to determine shard id
- messages sent get a "sequence number"
- choose a partition key that is highly distributed
- user_id if many users
- Not country_id if 90% of the users are in one country
- Not date
- use Batching with PutRecords to reduce costs and increase throughput
- ProvisionedThroughputExceeded if go over the limits
can use normal consumer
can use Kinesis Client Library
- read record from a Kinesis Streams with distributed apps sharing the read workload (run on EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, on-premise)
- each shard is be read by only 1 KCL instance
- means 4 shards = max 4 KCL instances, means 6 shards = max 6 KCL instances
- progress is check pointed into DynamoDB (need IAM access)
- ProvisionedThroughputExceeded: over the limits of any shard
- make sure don't have a hot shard
- solutions:
- retries with backoff
- increase shards
- ensure good partition key
- perform real-time analytics on Kinesis Streams using SQL
- auto scaling
- don't need provision
- can create streams out of the real-time queries (windowed average)
- pay for actual consumption rate
- near real time (60s latency)
- load data into Redshift / S3 / ElasticSearch / Splunk
- auto scaling
- don't need provision
- pay for the amount of data going through Firehose
- control access / authorization using IAM policies
- Encrypt in flight using HTTPS
- Encrypt at rest using KMS
- possible to encrypt / decrypt data client side
- VPC Endpoints available for Kinesis
consumer "pull data"
data is deleted after being consumed
can have as many workers (consumers) as we want
no need to provision throughput
no ordering guarantee (except FIFO queues)
individual message delay capability
push data to many subscribers
up to 10,000,000 subscribers
data is not persisted (lost if not delivered)
Up to 100,000 topics
No need to provision throughput
Integrates with SQS for fan-out architecture pattern
consumers " pull data"
as many consumers as we want (1 shard - 1 consumer)
possible to replay data
meant for real-time big data, analytics and ETL (IOT)
ordering at the shard level
data expires after X days
must provision throughput