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Aragon voting Interim Security Audit Report (merged)

tags: LIDO


Project overview

LIDO protocol is a project for stacking Ether to use it in Beacon chain. Users can deposit Ether to the Lido smart contract and receive stETH tokens in return. The stETH token balance corresponds to the amount of Beacon chain Ether that the holder could withdraw if state transitions were enabled right now in the Ethereum 2.0 network. The Lido DAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization that manages the liquid staking protocol by deciding on key parameters (e.g., setting fees, assigning node operators and oracles, etc.) through the voting power of governance token (DPG) holders. The Lido DAO is an Aragon organization. The protocol smart contracts extend AragonApp base contract and can be managed by the DAO.

A smart contract tested in this audit is intended for logic to manage user voting on the launch of some scripts. But here users do not just choose yes or no. Each voice has weight. To calculate the weight of each voice, the token MiniMeToken is used.

Below is the list the basic functions of a smart contract:

  • newVote() - creates a new Vote
  • vote() - makes a vote for participants
  • executeVote() - executes a Vote
  • isForwarder() - tells whether the Voting app is a forwarder or not
  • forward() - creates a Vote to execute the desired action, and casts a support vote if possible
  • canForward() - tells whether _sender can forward actions or not
  • canExecute() - tells whether a Vote _voteId can be executed or not
  • canVote() - tells whether _sender can participate in the Vote _voteId or not
  • getVote() - returns all information for a Vote by its _voteId
  • getVoterState() - returns the state of a voter for a given Vote by its _voteId
  • changeSupportRequiredPct() - changes required support
  • changeMinAcceptQuorumPct() - changes minimum acceptance quorum
  • unsafelyChangeVoteTime() - changes Vote time

Scope of the Audit

The scope of the audit includes the following smart contracts at:

The audited commit identifier is 8c46da8704d0011c42ece2896dbf4aeee069b84a

Security Assessment Methodology

A group of auditors are involved in the work on the audit who check the provided source code independently of each other in accordance with the methodology described below:

1. Project architecture review.

  • Reviewing project documentation.
  • General code review.
  • Reverse research and study of the architecture of the code based on the source code only.
  • Mockup prototyping.
Stage goals:
* Building an independent view of the project's architecture and identifying logical flaws in the code.

2. Checking the code against the checklist of known vulnerabilities.

  • Manual code check for vulnerabilities from the company's internal checklist.
  • The company's checklist is constantly updated based on the analysis of hacks, research and audit of the clients’ code.
  • Checking with static analyzers (i.e Slither, Mythril, etc).
Stage goal: 
Eliminate typical vulnerabilities (e.g. reentrancy, gas limit, flashloan attacks etc.)

3. Checking the code for compliance with the desired security model.

  • Detailed study of the project documentation.
  • Examining contracts tests.
  • Examining comments in code.
  • Comparison of the desired model obtained during the study with the reversed view obtained during the blind audit.
  • Exploits PoC development using brownie.
Stage goal: 
Detection of inconsistencies with the desired model

4. Consolidation of interim auditor reports into general one.

  • Cross check: each auditor reviews the reports of the others.
  • Discussion of the found issues by the auditors.
  • Formation of a general (merged) report.
Stage goals: 
* Re-check all the problems for relevance and correctness of the threat level
* Provide the client with an interim report

5. Bug fixing & re-check.

  • Client fixes or comments on every issue.
  • Upon completion of the bug fixing, the auditors double-check each fix and set the statuses with a link to the fix.
  • Additional verification of the entire initial project scope and code base.
Stage goal:
Preparation of the final code version with all the fixes and additional re-check

6. Preparation of the final audit report and delivery to the customer.

Findings Severity breakdown

Classification of Issues

  • CRITICAL: Bugs leading to assets theft, fund access locking, or any other loss funds to be transferred to any party.
  • MAJOR: Bugs that can trigger a contract failure. Further recovery is possible only by manual modification of the contract state or replacement.
  • WARNINGS: Bugs that can break the intended contract logic or expose it to DoS attacks.
  • COMMENTS: Other issues and recommendations reported to/ acknowledged by the team.

Based on the feedback received from the Customer's team regarding the list of findings discovered by the Contractor, they are assigned the following statuses:

Findings' breakdown status

  • FIXED: Recommended fixes have been made to the project code and no longer affect its security.
  • ACKNOWLEDGED: The project team is aware of this finding. Recommendations for this finding are planned to be resolved in the future. This finding does not affect the overall safety of the project.
  • NO ISSUE: Finding does not affect the overall safety of the project and does not violate the logic of its work
  • NEW: Waiting for project team's feedback on the finding discovered



Not found


1. Changing the shared variable can affect previous votes


At the lines in the unsafelyChangeVoteTime() method is a change in the common for all voting variable voteTime. Changing this variable will extend or shorten the voting time on existing voting. This will affect the voting results, because the process will not go as planned when creating a vote. So this action is potentially dangerous and may bring the unexpected side effects.


It is recommended to save the value of the variable voteTime in the structure Vote. This will be done in the same way as for the supportRequiredPct and minAcceptQuorumPct variables.



Client's commentary

The issue is acknowledged. While changing voting duration by the code in question would affect all currently running votes, that's something which we may and will tackle with operations. The alternative would be to change the Aragon Voting smart contract code considerably, potentially introducing other issues to DAO government process.

The ops plan is outlined in Lido Improvement Proposal 4:


1. Incorrect condition


At the lines in the function _canExecute() condition is made:

        if (vote_.executed) {
            return false;

At the lines in the function _canExecute() condition is made:

        if (_isVoteOpen(vote_)) {
            return false;

This is equivalent to this code:

        if (getTimestamp64() < vote_.startDate.add(voteTime) && !vote_.executed) {
            return false;

Thus, line 383 returns false for vote_.executed. And on line 393 the value false is returned with !vote_.executed.

On Lines 271-272 values are written:

        open = _isVoteOpen(vote_);
        executed = vote_.executed;

This is equivalent to this code:

        open = getTimestamp64() < vote_.startDate.add(voteTime) && !vote_.executed;
        executed = vote_.executed;

So on line 271 the value !vote_.executed is written. And on line 272 the value vote_.executed is written.


It is recommended to remove the &&!vote_.executed check in the _isVoteOpen() function.



Client's commentary

The check is redundant in _canExecute function, though it increases the readability of the method.

2. No variable check in initialize function


There is no check of the variable in the initialize function at the line


It is recommended to add a check.



Client's commentary

The Aragon Voting contract is already deployed, and the value of token variable is correctly set to 0x5a98fcbea516cf06857215779fd812ca3bef1b32

3. Function parameter not used


At the line, the canForward() function has 2 parameters. But the second parameter has no name and is not used anywhere. In the IForwarder interface, the second parameter is called evmCallScript. Thus, in a function from the interface, control must be delegated to the _sender address to execute the script. But in fact, in the Voting contract, this function does not modify the data, but only outputs a boolean value with the result of checking the rights to create new votes for the address. The second variable is not needed in the Voting contract.


It is recommended to remove the second variable for the canForward() function.



Client's commentary

The parameter is required for the Voting contract to conform to the Aragon IForwarder interface, so the function shouldn't be changed.

4. Possibility of gas overuse


At the lines if voter previosly voted yea and now voting yea again vote_.yea calculates twice: first it decreases and then it increases. And the same case occurs if voter previosly voted nay and now voting nay.


It is recommended to add checking if voter previosly vote equals his curent vote.



Client's commentary

The code has two side-effects, which should happen even if the vote isn't changing during the call:

  1. emitting CastVote event;
  2. executing the vote if it can be executed already and _executesIfDecided is true.


1. Duplicate code


At the lines and 88, the variables are checked and initialized in the initialize() function. Lines do the same in the changeSupportRequiredPct() function. This duplicate code can be moved into a separate internal function.


It is recommended to make refactoring of the source code.



Client's commentary

The error messages differ between the initialize and changeSupportRequiredPct functions, that makes the debugging easier. Having both checks in place arguably makes the code more explicit as well.

2. The source code intended for deployment should not contain TODO comments


At the line contains a comment with TODO. But the deployed code needs to be improved, since it cannot be changed. There is no point in such comments.


It is recommended to delete these comment.



Client's commentary

The comment was left as-is to have minimal diff with the current Voting contract.

3. Using function without any logic


At Voting.sol using empty useless function at


It is recommended to comment it or delete.



Client's commentary

The function isForwarder is required for IForwarder interface conformance.

4. Using unsuitable visibility modifier


Visibility of a contract functions at:


It is recommended to change public to external.



Client's commentary

Functions canExecute, canVote, getVote, getVoterState could be made external, but were decided to be left as-is to have minimal diff with the current Voting contract. forward is public in IForwarder interface the Voting contract conforms to.


Level Amount


Smart contracts have been audited and several suspicious places have been detected. During the audit no critical issues were found, one major, several warnings and comments were spotted. After working on the reported findings all of them were acknowledged by the client.

Final commit identifier with all fixes: 8c46da8704d0011c42ece2896dbf4aeee069b84a