Yearn.Finance is a decentralized investment aggregator that leverages composability and uses automated strategies to earn high yield on crypto assets.
CRITICAL: Bugs leading to Ether or token theft, fund access locking or any other loss of Ether/tokens to be transferred to any party (for example, dividends).
MAJOR: Bugs that can trigger a contract failure. Further recovery is possible only by manual modification of the contract state or replacement.
WARNINGS: Bugs that can break the intended contract logic or expose it to DoS attacks.
COMMENTS: Other issues and recommendations reported to/ acknowledged by the team.
Two auditors independently verified the code.
Stages of the audit were as follows:
- "Blind" manual check of the code and its model
- "Guided" manual code review
- Checking the code compliance with the customer requirements
- Discussion of independent audit results
- Report preparation
Not found
Not found
The contractor discovered a code that is potentially susceptible to integer underflow vulnerability. To protect against vulnerabilities of this type, it is recommended to use the SafeMath library which is already contained in the gist submitted for the analysis and is also used in other parts of the code.
function submitClaim(Data storage data, uint coverId) internal returns (uint) {
Claims claims = Claims(data.nxMaster.getLatestAddress("CL"));
ClaimsData claimsData = ClaimsData(data.nxMaster.getLatestAddress("CD"));
uint claimId = claimsData.actualClaimLength() - 1;
return claimId;
If the claimsData.actualClaimLength () call returns 0, then integer underflow will occur and value uint256 (0-1) = 2 ** 256-1 will be written to the claimId variable. The likelihood of this event to take place directly depends on the implementation of the actualClaimLength method which is not presented in the investigated gist by the Customer. The contractor understands that the result of calculating actualClaimLength depends on the length of the allClaims
array (ClaimsData.sol#L75), however not using the SafeMath library for safe arithmetic creates additional risks and demonstrates a violation of safe development practices.
Status Acknowledged
The investigated gist contains a library for the implementation of mathematical operations and protects the contract from integer under/overflow vulnerabilities. However, not all mathematical operations in the contract code are coded using the SafeMath library. It is always recommended to code math operations using SafeMath, unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise. Moreover, if the logic is implemented without this library, it is important to prevent the occurrence of vulnerabilities such as integer under / overflow. Below several cases are specially given when the Contractor does not see the scenario of vulnerabilities, nevertheless, they are included in the report to emphasize the importance of safe coding of mathematical operations.
uint expirationTimestamp = block.timestamp + coverAPI.getLockTokenTimeAfterCoverExpiry() + coverPeriod * 1 days;
tokens[nextTokenId] = Token(expirationTimestamp,
coverId, false, 0);
Status Acknowledged
The gist under study already includes the Counters library, which is designed to implement a safe increment and decrement of numerical values. In particular, it is applied in the ERC721 contract (see the lines,, and other places), its purpose is to track the number of issued tokens. A similar task of accounting for the number of issued tokens is faced by the Distributor contract, however, the developer preferred not to use the Counters library to mint new tokens in its implementation (see the listing below).
// mint token
uint256 nextTokenId = issuedTokensCount++;
uint expirationTimestamp = block.timestamp + coverAPI.getLockTokenTimeAfterCoverExpiry() + coverPeriod * 1 days;
tokens[nextTokenId] = Token(expirationTimestamp,
coverId, false, 0);
_mint(msg.sender, nextTokenId);
The Counters library protects integer types from under/overflow vulnerabilities.
Status Acknowledged
Below there will be cases when the code does not process the result of calling one or another method. This does not pose a security problem in the given cases but it can be a problem in some circumstances. This is especially true when such methods are called which are defined in extraneous contracts already deployed on the network that are not controlled by the developer.
function setStrategy(address _token, address _strategy) public { require(msg.sender == strategist || msg.sender == governance, "!strategist"); require(approvedStrategies[_token][_strategy] == true, "!approved"); address _current = strategies[_token]; if (_current != address(0)) { Strategy(_current).withdrawAll(); } strategies[_token] = _strategy; }
According to the definition of the Strategy interface:
// Controller | Vault role - withdraw should always return to Vault function withdrawAll() external returns (uint);
The withdrawAll () method returns the result of its work, which is not processed in the Controller.setStrategy (address, address) method. It depends on the implementation of the withdrawAll () method for a particular strategy.
function withdrawAll(address _token) public { require(msg.sender == strategist || msg.sender == governance, "!strategist"); Strategy(strategies[_token]).withdrawAll(); }
A similar situation, the result of calling withdrawAl() is not processed in any way.
IERC20(_token).safeApprove(onesplit, _amount); (_expected, _distribution) = OneSplitAudit(onesplit).getExpectedReturn(_token, _want, _amount, parts, 0); OneSplitAudit(onesplit).swap(_token, _want, _amount, _expected, _distribution, 0); _after = IERC20(_want).balanceOf(address(this));
The swap method returns a value - the result of its work which is not processed in any way:
interface OneSplitAudit { function swap( address fromToken, address destToken, uint256 amount, uint256 minReturn, uint256[] calldata distribution, uint256 flags ) external payable returns(uint256 returnAmount);
Since the lack of processing of the calculation results is a fairly typical thing for the contracts under study, each case will not be analyzed in detail below.
The implementation of the yDelegatedVault.repay (address, uint256) method contains lines which lack the processing of the calculation results:
function repay(address reserve, uint amount) public { // Required for certain stable coins (USDT for example) IERC20(reserve).approve(address(getAaveCore()), 0); IERC20(reserve).approve(address(getAaveCore()), amount); Aave(getAave()).repay(reserve, amount, address(uint160(address(this)))); }
function _approveAll() internal { IERC20(token).approve(mcd_join_eth_a, uint(-1)); IERC20(dai).approve(mcd_join_dai, uint(-1)); IERC20(dai).approve(yVaultDAI, uint(-1)); IERC20(dai).approve(unirouter, uint(-1)); }
The approve method returns true if successful, and may return false otherwise. In fact, it will always return true if the arguments to the function are passed correctly, however, this is yet another case of not processing the calculation results.
Status Acknowledged
There are no boundary checks for withdrawalFee
in setter methods.
According to code logic it seems the values of those variables should be less than a particular max constant for each one.
We recommend adding a boundary check in the setters to keep the desired invariant.
Status Acknowledged
There is no boundary check for min
value. According to code logic it seems the value should be less than defined max
constant value.
We recommend adding a boundary check in the setters to keep the desired invariant.
Status: Acknowledged
Check strategy existence for given token.
Status: Acknowledged
StrategyCreamYFI.sol#L77 yDelegatedVault.sol#L96
Use modifiers to check transaction authorization as in the yInsure.sol contract, e.g add modifier onlyGovernance
and onlyStrategist
Status: Acknowledged
Use constants.
Status: Acknowledged
Use human readable/understandable errors.
Status: Acknowledged
Unused struct ApiId, CurrencyAssets, InvestmentAssets, IARankDetails, McrData.
Unused struct Cover, HoldCover.
Status: Acknowledged
The line is too long, it’s better to separate to a multiline.
Status: Acknowledged
We recommend adding reentrancy guards to all public methods which call other contracts just to avoid possible issues.
Status: Acknowledged
Little bit of wrong line alignment.
Status: Acknowledged
potentially can have zero value, so we recommend checking that case to save gas.
Status: Acknowledged
1. External openzeppelin library check for
The gist provided by the Customer contains many contracts and libraries imported from the well-known and trusted due to the attention of the community library OpenZeppelin ( The code related to the library version v2.5.1 and to commit 837828967a9831e4337deb24fb2009 is used. If we discard the interfaces and consider directly the code that can be published on the Ethereum network, then the Distributor contract stands out which is the implementation of the ERC721 token and supplemented with its own functionality. One can highlight the NexusMutualCover library, which is used by the Distributor contract. The Distributor contract is inherited from the ERC721Full, Ownable and ReentrancyGuard contracts, used in its code other contracts, interfaces and libraries published in the gist. The table below shows the contracts, interfaces and libraries borrowed from OpenZeppelin:
Contract | Link |
Context | openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/GSN/Context.sol |
IERC165 | openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/introspection/IERC165.sol |
IERC721 | openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721.sol |
IERC721Receiver | openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Receiver.sol |
SafeMath | openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol |
Address | openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/Address.sol |
Counters | openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/drafts/Counters.sol |
ERC165 | openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/introspection/ERC165.sol |
ERC721 | openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol |
IERC721Enumerable | openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Enumerable.sol |
ERC721Enumerable | openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721Enumerable.sol |
IERC721Metadata | openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC721/IERC721Metadata.sol |
ERC721Full | openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721Full.sol |
IERC20 | openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol |
Ownable | openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol |
ReentrancyGuard | openzeppelin-contracts/contracts/utils/ReentrancyGuard.sol |
The smart contracts were audited and no critical or major issues were found.
Several suspicious locations have been identified (marked as warning), but it’s assumed as not critical.
Also we recommend using modifiers and being careful with arithmetical operation(that point about yinsure.sol
Yearn Protocol next version will address the return values processing since it changes design on how vault + strategies interact. Next version of YInsure will take into account the comments on using SafeMath for the calculations suggested.