- Setup basic environment
- git
- TODO.md
- basic express app
- docker
- env files
- nodemon
- linting
- mocha testing framework
- refactor basic express app
- minimal integration test
- minimal unit test (utils, middleware, controller)
- npm scripts
- start, start:dev, start:prod
- lint
- test, debug:start, debug:start:dev, debug:start:prod, debug:test
- git hooks
- nyc code coverage
- Write test suite stubs
- integration
- unit
- Write the webserver using TDD
- realtime communication API
- basic websockets server
- basic websockets server for devices
- website dashboard
- basic dashboard showing devices
- highlightable table items
- setup new server for each wss integration test
- calculate and display speed
- non-active device highlighted
- documention
- description
- assumptions & system explanations
- installation
- debugging
- testing
- 100% code coverage
- license information
- device simulation