- MJML 4.1.2
- Allow to use custom v4 engine again (#255) - @kmcb777
- Change path of tmp file for screenshots to respect relative paths (#246) - @eikaramba
- Change default path of html export (#245) - @eikaramba
- Stop displaying migrate button after migrating (44c8137) - @kmcb777
- Allow attributes in mjml tag (5defeae) - @kmcb777
- Ability to create and update code snippets (#227) - @ngarnier
- MJML 4.0.3
- Ability to search projects from dashboard (#220)
- Associate .MJML extension with MJML app (#144)
- Fix click on links behind mobile/desktop switch (#191)
- MJML 4 (#213), update of default templates for MJML 4
- Setup auto-updates
- Crashes fixes (#188) - @kmcb777
- Handle subfolders when create/delete file (#192) - @kmcb777
- Fix path resolution in node_modules (#174) - @kmcb777
- Ability to change the sender name when sending test email - @Mistra - #177
- Ability to duplicate project from projects list
- Securize app - prevent crash (#171)
- Mass export to JPG/PNG (#166)
- Improved beautify (#140)
- Put in trash instead of permanently delete folders & files (#168)
- Paste multiple target emails in the send modal (#164)
- Export multiple emails to HTML (#154)
- Open file with drag & drop (#143)
- Fix Documentation link in menu (#146)
- MJML 3.3.3
- Sync autocomplete attributes with MJML 3.3.3 - @ngarnier
- Add Try-it-live link to the menu - @MateuszDabrowski
- Alternative high contrast theme (#136)
- Display syntax errors directly in editor (#142)
- Customize
field when sending email (#139) - Prevent scrollbars on screenshots (#120)
- Send email to multiple targets (#126)
- Keep track of recent sent emails targets (#125)
- Compact view for API informations (#127)
- Option to minify HTML output (#133)
- Option to beautify HTML output (#137)
- Hide app with Cmd+H (#131)
- Refresh file list on app focus (#135)
- Display local images using relative path (#134)
- Export desktop & mobile view to image (#120)
- Option to automatically fold lines based on indentation level (#117)
- Option to highlight matching tags (#116)
- Button to beautify MJML (#96)
- Keep history by file when switching file
- Preview images directly in app (to be improved)
- Link to online documentation in app menu (#109)
- Display project name in project view (#108)
- Ability to rename file inside project (#104)
- Ability to rename projects and option to remove them from fs when remove from list (#103)
- Ability to hide file list on project view (#105)
- On OSX, ensure opened Finder is on top when opening project (#106)
- Remember last created project destination (#107)
- [FIX] Reset Codemirror history when switching file
- New interface, full rewrite.
- Projects are now based on file-system folders
- Support for
(#65) - Ability to use custom MJML binary for rendering
- Resizable panels, for easier responsive work
- Customizable breakpoints for mobile/desktop
- Fetch official templates from source (not stored in source code)
- Open email links in browser (#73)
- Better alert system for notifying new version
- ... and certainly other things
- Fix email sending (#85) 📫
- MJML 3.2.2 🆙
- Remember last used folder when exporting a template (#69) ♻️
- Sync Scrolling ⚖
- Font size in editor settings 🍅
- MJML 2.2 🆙
- Fixed Package version notification on first load ✋
- Fix a bug which caused issues with template saves #47 🐛
- Add modal to show app version and mjml version 📓
- Correct bug with notification bar 🐛
- Mjml 2.1.1 with new components 💥
- Fix buggy overlay hover, and prevent edit name of preset 😃
- Typos fixes 📝
- Correct app quit when closing main window 👏
- Better windows size 💻
- Confirmation modal when deleting template 😄
- Thumbnails support for Windows 😆
- Custom notifications system ☝️
- Local bug reporter 🐛
- All presets updated with mjml@2 syntax 🎆
- Human windows size 💻
- Visual helper texts in UI (for send email) ❓
- Display a notification bar when an update is available 🤘
- Dependencies updates: mjml@2 and react@15 ✅
- New Design for modals 💡
- Home is the new AppData 🍊
- Developer config folder is separated from the prod one 💉
- EsDoc compilant comments 📄
- Redux crash report middleware 💥
- Prevent drag'n'drop on the app ☂
- Added dmg build config for OSX ❤️
- Better Error handling on the editor 🛡
- Templates manager on the Home Page 🖼
- Mobile/Desktop preview 📲
- Live reloading 🏃
- Auto save 😄
- Theme manager 🖼
- Test email 💬
- Export as Gist 🍊