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PnP Provisioning Schema

Topic automatically generated on 8/24/2015


The namespace of the PnP Provisioning Schema is:

All the elements have to be declared with that namespace reference.

Root Elements

Here follows the list of root elements available in the PnP Provisioning Schema.


   <pnp:Preferences />
   <pnp:Templates />
   <pnp:Sequence />
   <pnp:ImportSequence />

Here follow the available child elements for the Provisioning element.

Element Type Description
Preferences Preferences The mandatory section of preferences for the current provisioning definition.
Templates Templates An optional section made of provisioning templates.
Sequence Sequence An optional section made of provisioning sequences, which can include Sites, Site Collections, Taxonomies, Provisioning Templates, etc.
ImportSequence ImportSequence Imports sequences from an external file. All current properties should be sent to that file.


Represents the root element of the SharePoint Provisioning Template

   <pnp:SitePolicy />
   <pnp:PropertyBagEntries />
   <pnp:Security />
   <pnp:SiteFields />
   <pnp:ContentTypes />
   <pnp:Lists />
   <pnp:Features />
   <pnp:CustomActions />
   <pnp:Files />
   <pnp:Pages />
   <pnp:TermGroups />
   <pnp:ComposedLook />
   <pnp:Providers />

Here follow the available child elements for the ProvisioningTemplate element.

Element Type Description
SitePolicy xsd:string The Site Policy of the Provisioning Template, optional element
PropertyBagEntries PropertyBagEntries The Property Bag entries of the Provisioning Template, optional collection of elements
Security Security The Security Groups Members of the Provisioning Template, optional collection of elements
SiteFields SiteFields The Site Columns of the Provisioning Template, optional element
ContentTypes ContentTypes The Content Types of the Provisioning Template, optional element
Lists Lists The Lists instances of the Provisioning Template, optional element
Features Features The Features (Site or Web) to activate or deactivate while applying the Provisioning Template, optional collection of elements
CustomActions CustomActions The Custom Actions (Site or Web) to provision with the Provisioning Template, optional element
Files Files The Files to provision into the target Site through the Provisioning Template, optional element
Pages Pages The Pages to provision into the target Site through the Provisioning Template, optional element
TermGroups TermGroups The TermGroups element allows provisioning one or more TermGroups into the target Site, optional element
ComposedLook ComposedLook The ComposedLook for the Provisioning Template, optional element
Providers Providers The Extensiblity Providers to invoke while applying the Provisioning Template, optional collection of elements

Here follow the available attributes for the ProvisioningTemplate element.

Attibute Type Description
ID xsd:ID The ID of the Provisioning Template, required attribute
Version xsd:decimal The Version of the Provisioning Template, required attribute

Child Elements and Complex Types

Here follows the list of all the other child elements and complex types that can be used in the PnP Provisioning Schema.


General settings for a Provisioning file.

   <pnp:Parameters />

Here follow the available child elements for the Preferences element.

Element Type Description
Parameters Parameters Definition of parameters that can be used as replacement within templates and provisioning objects.

Here follow the available attributes for the Preferences element.

Attibute Type Description
Version xsd:string Optional version number.
Author xsd:string Optional Author name
Generator xsd:string Optional Name of tool generating this file


Definition of parameters that can be used as replacement within templates and provisioning objects.

   <pnp:Parameter />

Here follow the available child elements for the element.

Element Type Description
Parameter Parameter A Parameter that can be used as a replacement within templates and provisioning objects.


SharePoint Templates, which can be inline or references to external files

   <pnp:ProvisioningTemplateFile />
   <pnp:ProvisioningTemplateReference />
   <pnp:ProvisioningTemplate />

Here follow the available child elements for the Templates element.

Element Type Description
ProvisioningTemplateFile ProvisioningTemplateFile Reference to an external template file, which will be based on the current schema but will focus only on the SharePointProvisioningTemplate section.
ProvisioningTemplateReference ProvisioningTemplateReference Reference to another template by ID.
ProvisioningTemplate ProvisioningTemplate

Here follow the available attributes for the Templates element.

Attibute Type Description
ID xsd:ID A unique identifier of the Templates collection, optional attribute


The Property Bag entries of the Provisioning Template, optional collection of elements

   <pnp:PropertyBagEntry />

Here follow the available child elements for the element.

Element Type Description
PropertyBagEntry PropertyBagEntry


The Security Groups Members of the Provisioning Template, optional collection of elements

   <pnp:AdditionalAdministrators />
   <pnp:AdditionalOwners />
   <pnp:AdditionalMembers />
   <pnp:AdditionalVisitors />

Here follow the available child elements for the element.

Element Type Description
AdditionalAdministrators UsersList List of additional Administrators for the Site, optional collection of elements
AdditionalOwners UsersList List of additional Owners for the Site, optional collection of elements
AdditionalMembers UsersList List of additional Members for the Site, optional collection of elements
AdditionalVisitors UsersList List of additional Visitors for the Site, optional collection of elements


The Site Columns of the Provisioning Template, optional element

   <!-- Any other XML content -->


The Content Types of the Provisioning Template, optional element

   <pnp:ContentType />

Here follow the available child elements for the element.

Element Type Description
ContentType ContentType


The Lists instances of the Provisioning Template, optional element

   <pnp:ListInstance />

Here follow the available child elements for the element.

Element Type Description
ListInstance ListInstance


The Features (Site or Web) to activate or deactivate while applying the Provisioning Template, optional collection of elements

   <pnp:SiteFeatures />
   <pnp:WebFeatures />

Here follow the available child elements for the element.

Element Type Description
SiteFeatures FeaturesList The Site Features to activate or deactivate while applying the Provisioning Template, optional collection of elements
WebFeatures FeaturesList The Web Features to activate or deactivate while applying the Provisioning Template, optional collection of elements


The Custom Actions (Site or Web) to provision with the Provisioning Template, optional element

   <pnp:SiteCustomActions />
   <pnp:WebCustomActions />

Here follow the available child elements for the element.

Element Type Description
SiteCustomActions CustomActionsList The Site Custom Actions to provision while applying the Provisioning Template, optional element
WebCustomActions CustomActionsList The Web Custom Actions to provision while applying the Provisioning Template, optional element


The Files to provision into the target Site through the Provisioning Template, optional element

   <pnp:File />

Here follow the available child elements for the element.

Element Type Description
File File


The Pages to provision into the target Site through the Provisioning Template, optional element

   <pnp:Page />

Here follow the available child elements for the element.

Element Type Description
Page Page


The TermGroups element allows provisioning one or more TermGroups into the target Site, optional element

   <pnp:TermGroup />

Here follow the available child elements for the element.

Element Type Description
TermGroup TermGroup The TermGroup element to provision into the target Site through the Provisioning Template, optional element


The Extensiblity Providers to invoke while applying the Provisioning Template, optional collection of elements

   <pnp:Provider />

Here follow the available child elements for the element.

Element Type Description
Provider Provider


A property bag entry


Here follow the available attributes for the PropertyBagEntry element.

Attibute Type Description
Indexed xsd:boolean


Defines a StringDictionary element


Here follow the available attributes for the StringDictionaryItem element.

Attibute Type Description
Key xsd:string The Key of the property to store in the StringDictionary, required attribute
Value xsd:string The Value of the property to store in the StringDictionary, required attribute


List of Users for the Site Security, collection of elements

   <pnp:User />

Here follow the available child elements for the UsersList element.

Element Type Description
User User


The base abstract type for a User element


Here follow the available attributes for the User element.

Attibute Type Description
Name xsd:string The Name of the User, required attribute


Defines a ListInstance element

   <pnp:ContentTypeBindings />
   <pnp:Views />
   <pnp:Fields />
   <pnp:FieldRefs />
   <pnp:DataRows />

Here follow the available child elements for the ListInstance element.

Element Type Description
ContentTypeBindings ContentTypeBindings The ContentTypeBindings entries of the List Instance, optional collection of elements
Views Views The Views entries of the List Instance, optional collection of elements
Fields Fields The Fields entries of the List Instance, optional collection of elements
FieldRefs FieldRefs The FieldRefs entries of the List Instance, optional collection of elements
DataRows DataRows

Here follow the available attributes for the ListInstance element.

Attibute Type Description
Title xsd:string The Title of the List Instance, required attribute
Description xsd:string The Description of the List Instance, optional attribute
DocumentTemplate xsd:string The DocumentTemplate of the List Instance, optional attribute
OnQuickLaunch xsd:boolean The OnQuickLaunch flag for the List Instance, optional attribute
TemplateType xsd:int The TemplateType of the List Instance, required attribute Values available here:
Url xsd:string The Url of the List Instance, required attribute
EnableVersioning xsd:boolean The EnableVersioning flag for the List Instance, optional attribute
EnableMinorVersions xsd:boolean The EnableMinorVersions flag for the List Instance, optional attribute
EnableModeration xsd:boolean The EnableModeration flag for the List Instance, optional attribute
MinorVersionLimit xsd:int The MinorVersionLimit for versions history for the List Instance, optional attribute
MaxVersionLimit xsd:int The MaxVersionLimit for versions history for the List Instance, optional attribute
DraftVersionVisibility xsd:int The DraftVersionVisibility for the List Instance, optional attribute. The property will be cast to enum DraftVersionVisibility 0 - Reader - Any user who can read items, 1 - Author - Only users who can edit items, 2 - Approver - Only users who can approve items (and the author of the item)
RemoveExistingContentTypes xsd:boolean The RemoveExistingContentTypes flag for the List Instance, optional attribute
TemplateFeatureID GUID The TemplateFeatureID for the feature on which the List Instance is based, optional attribute
ContentTypesEnabled xsd:boolean The ContentTypesEnabled flag for the List Instance, optional attribute
Hidden xsd:boolean The Hidden flag for the List Instance, optional attribute
EnableAttachments xsd:boolean The EnableAttachments flag for the List Instance, optional attribute
EnableFolderCreation xsd:boolean The EnableFolderCreation flag for the List Instance, optional attribute


The ContentTypeBindings entries of the List Instance, optional collection of elements

   <pnp:ContentTypeBinding />

Here follow the available child elements for the element.

Element Type Description
ContentTypeBinding ContentTypeBinding


The Views entries of the List Instance, optional collection of elements

   <!-- Any other XML content -->

Here follow the available attributes for the element.

Attibute Type Description
RemoveExistingViews xsd:boolean A flag to declare if the existing views of the List Instance have to be removed, befire adding the custom views, optional attribute


The Fields entries of the List Instance, optional collection of elements

   <!-- Any other XML content -->


The FieldRefs entries of the List Instance, optional collection of elements

   <pnp:FieldRef />

Here follow the available child elements for the element.

Element Type Description
FieldRef ListInstanceFieldRef


   <pnp:DataRow />

Here follow the available child elements for the element.

Element Type Description
DataRow DataRow


The DataValue of a single field of a row to insert into a target ListInstance


Here follow the available attributes for the DataValue element.

Attibute Type Description
FieldName xsd:string


Defines a content type

   <pnp:FieldRefs />
   <pnp:DocumentTemplate />

Here follow the available child elements for the ContentType element.

Element Type Description
FieldRefs FieldRefs The FieldRefs entries of the List Instance, optional collection of elements
DocumentTemplate DocumentTemplate Specifies the document template for the content type. This is the file which SharePoint Foundation opens as a template when a user requests a new item of this content type.

Here follow the available attributes for the ContentType element.

Attibute Type Description
ID ContentTypeId The value of the content type ID, required attribute
Name xsd:string The name of the content type, required attribute
Description xsd:string The description of the content type, optional attribute
Group xsd:string The group of the content type, optional attribute
Hidden xsd:boolean Optional Boolean. True to define the content type as hidden. If you define a content type as hidden, SharePoint Foundation does not display that content type on the New button in list views.
Sealed xsd:boolean Optional Boolean. True to prevent changes to this content type. You cannot change the value of this attribute through the user interface, but you can change it in code if you have sufficient rights. You must have site collection administrator rights to unseal a content type.
ReadOnly xsd:boolean Optional Boolean. TRUE to specify that the content type cannot be edited without explicitly removing the read-only setting. This can be done either in the user interface or in code.
Overwrite xsd:boolean Optional Boolean. TRUE to overwrite an existing content type with the same ID.


The FieldRefs entries of the List Instance, optional collection of elements

   <pnp:FieldRef />

Here follow the available child elements for the element.

Element Type Description
FieldRef ContentTypeFieldRef


Specifies the document template for the content type. This is the file which SharePoint Foundation opens as a template when a user requests a new item of this content type.


Here follow the available attributes for the element.

Attibute Type Description
TargetName xsd:string The value of the content type ID, required attribute


Defines the binding between a ListInstance and a ContentType


Here follow the available attributes for the ContentTypeBinding element.

Attibute Type Description
ContentTypeID ContentTypeId The value of the ContentTypeID to bind, required attribute
Default xsd:boolean Declares if the Content Type should be the default Content Type in the list or library, optional attribute


Defines a collection of elements of type Feature

   <pnp:Feature />

Here follow the available child elements for the FeaturesList element.

Element Type Description
Feature Feature


Defines a single Site or Web Feature, which will be activated or deactivated while applying the Provisioning Template


Here follow the available attributes for the Feature element.

Attibute Type Description
ID GUID The unique ID of the Feature, required attribute
Deactivate xsd:boolean Defines if the feature has to be deactivated or activated while applying the Provisioning Template, optional attribute
Description xsd:string The Description of the feature, optional attribute


Defines the binding between a ListInstance and a Field


Here follow the available attributes for the ListInstanceFieldRef element.

Attibute Type Description
ID GUID The value of the field ID to bind, required attribute
Name xsd:string The name of the field used in the field reference. This is for reference/readibility only.
Required xsd:boolean The Required flag for the field to bind, optional attribute
Hidden xsd:boolean The Hidden flag for the field to bind, optional attribute
DisplayName xsd:string The display name of the field to bind, only applicable to fields that will be added to lists, optional attribute


Defines the binding between a ContentType and a Field


Here follow the available attributes for the ContentTypeFieldRef element.

Attibute Type Description
ID GUID The value of the field ID to bind, required attribute
Name xsd:string The name of the field used in the field reference. This is for reference/readibility only.
Required xsd:boolean The Required flag for the field to bind, optional attribute
Hidden xsd:boolean The Hidden flag for the field to bind, optional attribute


Defines a collection of elements of type CustomAction

   <pnp:CustomAction />

Here follow the available child elements for the CustomActionsList element.

Element Type Description
CustomAction CustomAction


Defines a Custom Action, which will be provisioned while applying the Provisioning Template

   <pnp:CommandUIExtension />

Here follow the available child elements for the CustomAction element.

Element Type Description
CommandUIExtension CommandUIExtension Defines the Custom UI Extension XML, optional element.

Here follow the available attributes for the CustomAction element.

Attibute Type Description
Name xsd:string The Name of the CustomAction, required attribute
Description xsd:string The Description of the CustomAction, optional attribute
Group xsd:string The Group of the CustomAction, optional attribute
Location xsd:string The Location of the CustomAction, required attribute
Title xsd:string The Title of the CustomAction, required attribute
Sequence xsd:int The Sequence of the CustomAction, optional attribute
Rights xsd:int The Rights for the CustomAction, based on values from Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.BasePermissions, optional attribute
Url xsd:string The URL of the CustomAction, optional attribute
Enabled xsd:boolean The Enabled flag for the CustomAction, optional attribute
ScriptBlock xsd:string The ScriptBlock of the CustomAction, optional attribute
ImageUrl xsd:string The ImageUrl of the CustomAction, optional attribute
ScriptSrc xsd:string The ScriptSrc of the CustomAction, optional attribute


Defines the Custom UI Extension XML, optional element.

   <!-- Any other XML content -->


A collection of File Properties

   <pnp:Property />

Here follow the available child elements for the FileProperties element.

Element Type Description
Property StringDictionaryItem


Defines a File element, to describe a file that will be provisioned into the target Site

   <pnp:Properties />
   <pnp:WebParts />

Here follow the available child elements for the File element.

Element Type Description
Properties FileProperties The File Properties, optional collection of elements
WebParts WebParts The webparts to add to the page, optional collection of elements

Here follow the available attributes for the File element.

Attibute Type Description
Src xsd:string The Src of the File, required attribute
Folder xsd:string The TargetFolder of the File, required attribute
Overwrite xsd:boolean The Overwrite flag for the File, optional attribute


The webparts to add to the page, optional collection of elements

   <pnp:WebPart />

Here follow the available child elements for the element.

Element Type Description
WebPart WebPartPageWebPart


Defines a Page element, to describe a page that will be provisioned into the target Site. Because of the Layout attribute, the assumption is made that you're referring/creating a WikiPage.

   <pnp:WebParts />

Here follow the available child elements for the Page element.

Element Type Description
WebParts WebParts The webparts to add to the page, optional collection of elements

Here follow the available attributes for the Page element.

Attibute Type Description
Url xsd:string Required: The server relative url of the page, supports tokens
Overwrite xsd:boolean Optional: if set, overwrites an existing page in the case of a wikipage.
Layout WikiPageLayout Required: Defines the layout of the wikipage
WelcomePage xsd:boolean Defines whether the page should be set as Welcomepage of the web rootfolder


The webparts to add to the page, optional collection of elements

   <pnp:WebPart />

Here follow the available child elements for the element.

Element Type Description
WebPart WikiPageWebPart


Defines a WebPart to be added to a WikiPage

   <pnp:Contents />

Here follow the available child elements for the WikiPageWebPart element.

Element Type Description
Contents xsd:string Required: Defines the WebPart XML

Here follow the available attributes for the WikiPageWebPart element.

Attibute Type Description
Title xsd:string Required: Defines the title of the WebPart
Row xsd:int Required: Defines the row to add the WebPart to
Column xsd:int Required: Defines the column to add the WebPart to


Defines a webpart to be added to a WebPart Page

   <pnp:Contents />

Here follow the available child elements for the WebPartPageWebPart element.

Element Type Description
Contents xsd:string Required: Defines the WebPart XML

Here follow the available attributes for the WebPartPageWebPart element.

Attibute Type Description
Title xsd:string Required: Defines the title of the WebPart
Zone xsd:string Required: defines the zone of a WebPart Page to add the webpart to
Order xsd:int Required: defines the index of the WebPart in the zone


Defines a ComposedLook element


Here follow the available attributes for the ComposedLook element.

Attibute Type Description
Name xsd:string The Name of the ComposedLook, required attribute
ColorFile xsd:string The ColorFile of the ComposedLook, required attribute
FontFile xsd:string The FontFile of the ComposedLook, required attribute
BackgroundFile xsd:string The BackgroundFile of the ComposedLook, optional attribute
MasterPage xsd:string The MasterPage of the ComposedLook, required attribute
SiteLogo xsd:string The SiteLogo of the ComposedLook, optional attribute
AlternateCSS xsd:string The AlternateCSS of the ComposedLook, optional attribute
Version xsd:int The Version of the ComposedLook, optional attribute


Defines an Extensibility Provider

   <pnp:Configuration />

Here follow the available child elements for the Provider element.

Element Type Description
Configuration Configuration Defines an optional configuration section for the Extensibility Provider. The configuration section can be any XML

Here follow the available attributes for the Provider element.

Attibute Type Description
Enabled xsd:boolean Defines whether the Extensibility Provider is enabled or not, optional attribute
HandlerType xsd:string The type of the handler. It can be a FQN of a .NET type, the URL of a node.js file, or whatever else, required attribute


Defines an optional configuration section for the Extensibility Provider. The configuration section can be any XML

   <!-- Any other XML content -->


An element that references an external file.


Here follow the available attributes for the ProvisioningTemplateFile element.

Attibute Type Description
File xsd:string Absolute or relative path to the file.
ID xsd:ID ID of the referenced template


An element that references an external file.


Here follow the available attributes for the ProvisioningTemplateReference element.

Attibute Type Description
ID xsd:IDREF ID of the referenced template


Each Provisioning file is split into a set of Sequence elements. The Sequence element groups the artefacts to be provisioned into groups. The Sequences must be evaluated by the provisioning engine in the order in which they appear.

   <pnp:SiteCollection />
   <pnp:Site />
   <pnp:TermStore />
   <pnp:Extensions />

Here follow the available child elements for the Sequence element.

Element Type Description
SiteCollection SiteCollection
Site Site
TermStore TermStore
Extensions Extensions

Here follow the available attributes for the Sequence element.

Attibute Type Description
SequenceType Instructions to the Provisioning engine on how the Containers within the Sequence can be provisioned.
ID xsd:ID A unique identifier of the Sequence


Defines a SiteCollection that will be created into the target tenant/farm

   <pnp:Templates />

Here follow the available child elements for the SiteCollection element.

Element Type Description
Templates Templates

Here follow the available attributes for the SiteCollection element.

Attibute Type Description
Url ReplaceableString Absolute Url to the site


Defines a Site that will be created into a target Site Collection

   <pnp:Templates />

Here follow the available child elements for the Site element.

Element Type Description
Templates Templates

Here follow the available attributes for the Site element.

Attibute Type Description
UseSamePermissionsAsParentSite xsd:boolean
Url ReplaceableString Relative Url to the site


A TermStore to use for provisioning of TermGroups

   <pnp:TermGroup />

Here follow the available child elements for the TermStore element.

Element Type Description
TermGroup TermGroup The TermGroup element to provision into the target TermStore through, optional element

Here follow the available attributes for the TermStore element.

Attibute Type Description
Scope The scope of the term store.


A TermGroup to use for provisioning of TermSets and Terms


Here follow the available attributes for the TermGroup element.

Attibute Type Description
Description xsd:string
Name xsd:string


Base type for TermSets and Terms


Here follow the available attributes for the TermSetItem element.

Attibute Type Description
Owner xsd:string
Description xsd:string
IsAvailableForTagging xsd:boolean


A TermSet to provision


Here follow the available attributes for the TermSet element.

Attibute Type Description
Language xsd:int
IsOpenForTermCreation xsd:boolean


A Term to provision into a TermSet or a hyerarchical Term


Here follow the available attributes for the Term element.

Attibute Type Description
Language xsd:int
CustomSortOrder xsd:int


A collection of Term Properties

   <pnp:Property />

Here follow the available child elements for the TaxonomyItemProperties element.

Element Type Description
Property StringDictionaryItem


A collection of Term Labels, in order to support multi-language terms

   <pnp:Label />

Here follow the available child elements for the TermLabels element.

Element Type Description
Label Label



Here follow the available attributes for the element.

Attibute Type Description
Language xsd:int
Value xsd:string
IsDefaultForLanguage xsd:boolean


A collection of TermSets to provision

   <pnp:TermSet />

Here follow the available child elements for the TermSets element.

Element Type Description
TermSet TermSet


Extensions are custom XML elements and instructions that can be extensions of this default schema or vendor or engine specific extensions.

   <!-- Any other XML content -->


Imports sequences from an external file. All current properties should be sent to that file.


Here follow the available attributes for the ImportSequence element.

Attibute Type Description
File xsd:string Absolute or relative path to the file.