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Mickael Daniel edited this page Apr 7, 2012 · 2 revisions


The dom task is a special task using jsdom to do some nasty thing to a bunch of html files. The idea is to rely on a set of selectors and plugins.

These plugins are special jQuery plugins that can use the node api to do their task.

The following plugins are implemented

  • Relies on @import statement mainly which are inlined (with nested path rewrite) to serve a single optimized stylesheet.

  • js Concats, minify through uglify and serve a single concat'd / minified script.

Each plugin is able to modify the DOM tree to replace references to optimized files.


Using the h5bp executable:

h5bp dom


Minimal, most of the configuration is derived from html markup, by using special semantics on data-* attributes, probably always namespaced to data-build-*.

var h5bp = require('node-build-script');

module.exports = function(grunt) {


      dom: {
          files: ['*.html', 'views/**/*.html'],
          'script[data-build]'    : h5bp.plugins.script,
          'link'                  :,
          'img'                   : h5bp.plugins.img,
          'script, link, img'     : h5bp.plugins.rev


  • files: list of glob pattern to expand. The files in the resulted array are then passed through each of the processors.

  • script, link, img a list of selectors may be associated with plugins that will be executed with the set of matching DOM elements.

selectors / plugins are run sequentially, and the DOM tree is modified all allong the way to the last selector / plugin couple. Read that the selectors result depends on the modified DOM tree from previous processors.

One can use a totally different set of selectors, with custom plugin, ex.

  • just script, link and img
  • or .js-plugin
  • or script[src*="jquery"] or script[src*=backbone]
  • script[data-main] --> triggers a r.js build

Plugin API

Plugins are valid commonjs package and should expose a single function, a jQuery like plugin that will be run with the associated set of DOM elements for a given selector.

Plugins needs to export a few things:

  • name is the plugin name and used to extend the jQuery namespace, eg its prototype $.fn
  • defaults a Hash object of default configuration value.
  • handler the main function, that is the jQuery plugin implementation.

Here's the link plugin:

var plugin = module.exports;

// give it a name = 'link';

// give it some defaults
plugin.defaults = {
  dir: process.cwd(),
  output: 'css/style.min.css'

// and the main plugin handler, mixed in jsdom's jquery as $.fn.pluginame
plugin.handler = function link($, options, cb) {
  options = options || {};

  // size of the passed in collection,
  // used to emit `success` on last iteration.
  var ln = this.length;

  // don't act on zero-element
  if(!ln) {
    return this;

  // default configuration here..
  options.whatev = options.whatev || 'whatev';

  // will hold the concatenated script,
  // in the order they appear in the collection
  var files = [];

  return this.each(function(i, target) {
    var el = $(this); // === $(target)

    var src = el.attr('href'),
      last = ln === (i + 1),
      file = path.resolve(options.dir, src);

    if(!path.existsSync(file)) return cb(new Error('no ' + src));
    files = files.concat(fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8'));

    // remove dom element from dom tree, when not on last loop
    if(!last) return el.remove();

    var output ='build') || options.output;
    // update dom tree accordingly
    el.attr('href', output);

    // finally, write to destination output
    log.writeln((' › writing to output ' + output).bold);
    task.helper('mkdir', path.dirname(path.resolve(output)));
    fs.writeFile(output, task.helper('mincss', files), cb);

One could think do to some crazy stuff on their html files, and use a jQuery like api mixed here and there with the node api to handle all sort of things with a bunch of custom plugins, on an arbitrary set of selectors.

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