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File metadata and controls

451 lines (380 loc) · 22 KB


Factory function that returns a React Mapbox component. Parameters of the factory function are static; properties of your component are dynamic and get updated if they change between rendering.

To use the original Mapbox API use the onStyleLoad property. The callback function will receive the map object as a first argument, then you can add your own logic alongside react-mapbox-gl. mapbox gl API.

How to use

import ReactMapboxGl from "react-mapbox-gl";


const Map = ReactMapboxGl({
  accessToken: "pk.eyJ1IjoiZmFicmljOCIsImEiOiJjaWc5aTV1ZzUwMDJwdzJrb2w0dXRmc2d0In0.p6GGlfyV-WksaDV_KdN27A"

<Map style="mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v8"/>

Factory parameters

  • accessToken (required) : string Mapbox access token.
  • apiUrl: string Define a custom URL to fetch the vector tiles.
  • minZoom (Default: 0): number Minimum zoom level. Must be between 0 and 20.
  • maxZoom (Default: 20): number Maximum zoom level. Must be between 0 and 20.
  • scrollZoom (Default: true): boolean See mapbox scrollZoom
  • hash (Default: false): boolean, See mapbox doc
  • preserveDrawingBuffer (Default: false): boolean, See mapbox doc
  • interactive (Default: true): boolean Set to false to disable interaction with the map.
  • attributionControl (Default: true): boolean Set to false to remove the attribution on the map.
  • logoPosition (Default: bottom-left): string Set the position of the mapbox logo. Possible values:
    • top-left
    • top-right
    • bottom-right
    • bottom-left
  • renderWorldCopies (Default: true): boolean If true, multiple copies of the world will be rendered, when zoomed out.
  • dragRotate (Default: true): boolean Set to false to disable drag rotation, see mapbox DragRotateHandler
  • trackResize (Default: true): boolean If true, the map will automatically resize when the browser window resizes.
  • touchZoomRotate (Default: true): boolean If true, the "pinch to rotate and zoom" interaction is enabled. An Object value is passed as options to TouchZoomRotateHandler#enable .
  • doubleClickZoom (Default: true): boolean If true, the "double click to zoom" interaction is enabled (see DoubleClickZoomHandler).
  • keyboard (Default: true): boolean If true , keyboard shortcuts are enabled (see KeyboardHandler).
  • dragPan (Default: true): boolean If true , the "drag to pan" interaction is enabled (see DragPanHandler).
  • refreshExpiredTiles (Default: true): boolean If false , the map won't attempt to re-request tiles once they expire per their HTTP cacheControl / expires headers.
  • failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat (Default: false): boolean If true , map creation will fail if the performance of Mapbox GL JS would be dramatically worse than expected (i.e. a software renderer would be used).
  • classes: string[] Mapbox style class names with which to initialize the map. Keep in mind that these classes are used for controlling a style layer's paint properties, so are not reflected in an HTML element's class attribute. To learn more about Mapbox style classes, read about Layers in the style specification.
  • bearingSnap (Default: 7): number The threshold, measured in degrees, that determines when the map's bearing (rotation) will snap to north. For example, with a bearingSnap of 7, if the user rotates the map within 7 degrees of north, the map will automatically snap to exact north.
  • injectCss (Default: true): boolean If false, the factory will not try to inject the default CSS for the map into the <head> element.

Component Properties

  • style (required) : string | object Mapbox map style, if changed, the style will be updated using setStyle.
  • center (Default: [ -0.2416815, 51.5285582 ]): [number, number] Center the map at the position at initialisation
    • Must be in longitude, latitude coordinate order (as opposed to latitude, longitude) to match GeoJSON (source:
    • Re-center the map if the value change regarding the prev value or the actual center position flyTo
  • zoom (Default: [11]): [number] Zoom level of the map at initialisation wrapped in an array.
    • Check for reference equality between the previous value of zoom and the new one in order to update it or not.
  • maxBounds : LngLatBounds | number[][] If set, the map is constrained to the given bounds [SouthWest, NorthEast]
  • fitBounds : number[][] If set, the map will center on the given coordinates, fitBounds
  • fitBoundsOptions : object Options for fitBounds
  • bearing: [number] Bearing (rotation) of the map at initialisation measured in degrees counter-clockwise from north.
    • Check the previous value and the new one, if the value changed update the bearing value flyTo
  • pitch: [number] Pitch (tilt) of the map at initialisation, range : 0 - 60
  • containerStyle : object The style of the container of the map passed as an object
  • className : string ClassName passed down to the container div
  • movingMethod (Default: flyTo): string define the method used when changing the center or zoom position. Possible value :
    • jumpTo
    • easeTo
    • flyTo
  • animationOptions : object Options for moving animation see
  • flyToOptions : object Options for flyTo animation see


All mapbox map events are implemented in this library, see events section on mapbox documentation api. All the events have the following signature (map: Mapbox.Map, evt: React.SyntheticEvent<any>) => void.

The event names are written in camelCase:

const events = {
  // Triggered when style of the map has loaded

  // mapbox-gl events
  onResize: 'resize',
  onDblClick: 'dblclick',
  onClick: 'click',
  onMouseMove: 'mousemove',
  onMouseOut: 'mouseout',
  onMoveStart: 'movestart',
  onMove: 'move',
  onMoveEnd: 'moveend',
  onMouseUp: 'mouseup',
  onMouseDown: 'mousedown',
  onDragStart: 'dragstart',
  onDrag: 'drag',
  onDragEnd: 'dragend',
  onZoomStart: 'zoomstart',
  onZoom: 'zoom',
  onZoomEnd: 'zoomend',
  onPitch: 'pitch',
  onPitchStart: 'pitchstart',
  onPitchEnd: 'pitchend',
  onWebGlContextLost: 'webglcontextlost',
  onWebGlContextRestored: 'webglcontextrestored',
  onRemove: 'remove',
  onContextMenu: 'contextmenu',
  onRender: 'render',
  onError: 'error',
  onSourceData: 'sourcedata',
  onDataLoading: 'dataloading',
  onStyleDataLoading: 'styledataloading',
  onTouchCancel: 'touchcancel',
  onData: 'data',
  onSourceDataLoading: 'sourcedataloading',
  onTouchMove: 'touchmove',
  onTouchEnd: 'touchend',
  onTouchStart: 'touchstart',
  onStyleData: 'styledata',
  onBoxZoomStart: 'boxzoomstart',
  onBoxZoomEnd: 'boxzoomend',
  onBoxZoomCancel: 'boxzoomcancel',
  onRotateStart: 'rotatestart',
  onRotate: 'rotate',
  onRotateEnd: 'rotateend'


Creates a new Mapbox layer and creates all the sources depending on the child Feature components. Layer also creates a source if no sourceId is passed.

If you change the value of the paint or the layout property of the layer, it will automatically update this property using setPaintProperty or setLayoutProperty respectively.

Only works with the first depth of the object.

How to use

import { Layer } from "react-mapbox-gl";


  layout={{ "icon-image": "harbor-15" }}>


  • id : string The id of the layer or generate an incremented number as id
  • type (Default: symbol) : string The type of the features childrens elements, possible values :
    • symbol, Include a Mapbox symbol (Point GeoJson)
    • line, Include a Mapbox line (LineString GeoJson)
    • fill, Include a Mapbox polygon (Fill GeoJson)
    • circle, Include a Mapbox circle (Point GeoJson)
    • raster, Include a Mapbox raster layer
    • fill-extrusion, Include a Mapbox fill extrusion layer
    • background, Include a Mapbox background layer
    • heatmap, Include a Mapbox heatmap layer
  • layout: object Mapbox layout object passed down to mapbox map.addLayer method mapbox layout api
  • paint: object Mapbox paint object passed down to mapbox map.addLayer method mapbox paint api
  • geoJSONSourceOptions: object Source options merged to object passed to map.addSource
  • metadata: object metadata parameter passed to map.addLayer
  • sourceLayer: string source-layer parameter passed to map.addLayer
  • minZoom: number minzoom parameter passed to map.addLayer
  • maxZoom: number maxzoom parameter passed to map.addLayer
  • filter: any[] filter parameter passed to map.addLayer, see how to use expressions to filter elements
  • sourceId: string When passed to the layer, the source will not be created but only the layer and it will use the given source id.
  • before: string Pass the id of a layer, it will display the current layer before the layer defined by the id. mapbox api
  • images: [imageKey: string, image: HTMLImageElement, options: object] Also accepts array of the previous image tuple. Add images for use in layout with prop icon-image. The value should be the imageKey string of the tuple. Alternatively, use mapbox studio to upload the image, it will be fetched with the map style object. (see map.addImage options for the tuple options).


Add a source to the map (for layers to use, for example).

How to use

import { Source } from "react-mapbox-gl";


  "type": "raster",
  "tiles": [
  "tileSize": 512

<Source id="source_id" tileJsonSource={RASTER_SOURCE_OPTIONS} />
<Layer type="raster" id="layer_id" sourceId="source_id" />


  • id (required): string
  • geoJsonSource : object GeoJson source, see mapbox-gl GeoJson for options
  • tileJsonSource : object TileJson source, see mapbox-gl TileJson for options
  • onSourceAdded : function Executed once the source is added to the map, the source is passed as a first argument.
  • onSourceLoaded : function Executed once the source data has been loaded for the first time (after mapbox-gl map.event:load), the source is passed as a first argument.


Display on the map all the information contained in a geoJSON file.

Note: GeoJSONLayer will not render any layers (line, circle, fill, etc...) unless an associated [layer]Layout or [layer]Paint prop is provided.

How to use

import { GeoJSONLayer } from "react-mapbox-gl";


    "text-field": "{place}",
    "text-font": ["Open Sans Semibold", "Arial Unicode MS Bold"],
    "text-offset": [0, 0.6],
    "text-anchor": "top"


  • data (required): string | object The url to the geojson file or the geojson file itself.
  • lineLayout | symbolLayout | circleLayout | fillLayout | fillExtrusionLayout: Object Layer layout information. mapbox layout api
  • linePaint | symbolPaint | circlePaint | fillPaint | fillExtrusionPaint: Object Paint information. mapbox paint api
  • lineOnMouseDown | symbolOnMouseDown | circleOnMouseDown | fillOnMouseDown | fillExtrusionOnMouseDown: function Mouse down handler. mapbox map mouse event
  • lineOnMouseUp | symbolOnMouseUp | circleOnMouseUp | fillOnMouseUp | fillExtrusionOnMouseUp: function Mouse up handler. mapbox map mouse event
  • lineOnMouseMove | symbolOnMouseMove | circleOnMouseMove | fillOnMouseMove | fillExtrusionOnMouseMove: function Mouse move handler. mapbox map mouse event
  • lineOnMouseEnter | symbolOnMouseEnter | circleOnMouseEnter | fillOnMouseEnter | fillExtrusionOnMouseEnter: function Mouse enter handler. mapbox map mouse event
  • lineOnMouseLeave | symbolOnMouseLeave | circleOnMouseLeave | fillOnMouseLeave | fillExtrusionOnMouseLeave: function Mouse leave handler. mapbox map api
  • lineOnClick | symbolOnClick | circleOnClick | fillOnClick | fillExtrusionOnClick: function Mouse click handler. mapbox map mouse event
  • sourceOptions: object Options object merged to the object used when calling GeoJSONSource method
  • layerOptions: object Passed down to the layer object when setting it out.
  • before: string Pass the id of a layer, it will display the current layer before the layer defined by the id. mapbox api


Displays a feature on the map. Can only be used when wrapped in a Layer component. The type of the feature is defined at the Layer level. If you want to create a new type, create an associated new layer.

How to use

import { Feature } from "react-mapbox-gl";


<Feature coordinates={[-0.13235092163085938,51.518250335096376]}/>


  • coordinates (required) : number[] Display the feature at the given position.
  • properties : object Properties object passed down to the feature at the creation of the source.
  • onClick : (mapWithEvt: object) => void Triggered when user click on the feature
    • Args contain the feature object, the map object and the arguments passed by mapbox from the event click
  • onMouseEnter : (mapWithEvt: object) => void Triggered when the mouse enter the feature element
    • Args contain the feature object, the map object and the arguments passed by mapbox from the event onmousemove
  • onMouseLeave : (mapWithEvt: object) => void Triggered when the mouse leave the feature element
    • Args contain the map object and the arguments passed by Mapbox from the event onmousemove
  • draggable (Default: false) : boolean Define wether the feature is draggable or not.
  • onDragStart : (mapWithEvt: object) => void Triggered when the user start dragging the feature.
  • onDrag : (mapWithEvt: object) => void Triggered when the user continue dragging the feature (ie. move).
  • onDragEnd : (mapWithEvt: object) => void Triggered when the user stop dragging the feature.


A custom react zoom control component.

How to use

import { ZoomControl } from "react-mapbox-gl";




  • onControlClick : (map: object, zoomDiff: number) => void triggered when user clicks on minus or plus button
  • style : object Style object merged with internal style into the container
  • className: string Custom style using className for the container
  • zoomDiff : number The shift number passed to the callback onControlClick
  • position (Default: top-right): string The control position, Possible values :
    • top-right
    • top-left
    • bottom-right
    • bottom-left
  • tabIndex : number define the tab index value of the top container tag


A custom react scale feedback control component.

How to use

import { ScaleControl } from "react-mapbox-gl";




  • measurement (Default: km): string, Possible values:
    • km
    • mi
  • style: object Style object merged with internal style into the container
  • className: string Custom style using className for the container
  • position (Default: bottom-right): string The control position, Possible values :
    • top-right
    • top-left
    • bottom-right
    • bottom-left
  • tabIndex : number define the tab index value of the top container tag


Displays the current map rotation, also resets the rotation to it's origin value on click.

How to use

import { RotationControl } from "react-mapbox-gl";




  • style : object Style object merged with internal style into the container
  • className : string Get passed to the container div
  • position (Default: top-right): string The control position, Possible values :
    • top-right
    • top-left
    • bottom-right
    • bottom-left
  • tabIndex : number define the tab index value of the top container tag


The popup component allows you to display a popup tooltip on top of the map using mapbox-gl-js.

How to use

import { Popup } from "react-mapbox-gl";


    'bottom-left': [12, -38],  'bottom': [0, -38], 'bottom-right': [-12, -38]


  • coordinates (required): [number, number] Display the popup at the given position.
  • anchor: string Set the anchor point of the popup, Possible values:
    • top
    • bottom
    • left
    • right
    • top-left
    • top-right
    • bottom-left
    • bottom-right
    • null | undefined: When not set, the anchor is automatically calculated to keep the content of the popup visible.
  • offset (Default: 0): number | number[] | object Set the offset of popup, where the tip of the popup will be pointing.
    • When number is passed, the popup will be offset by that number for all anchor positions.
    • When an number[] is passed (e.g. [-12, 30]), the popup will be offset by that point.
    • When object is passed, it must contain keys for different anchor positions and values as the offset (number or number[])
  • onClick: function Triggered whenever user click on the popup
  • style: object Apply style to the marker container
  • className: string Apply the className to the container of the popup
  • tabIndex : number define the tab index value of the top container tag


Add an HTML marker to the map.

Note: When rendering many objects, avoid using Markers as it will negatively affect performance. Use Layers and Features instead.

How to use

import { Marker } from "react-mapbox-gl";


  coordinates={[-0.2416815, 51.5285582]}
  <img src={markerUrl}/>


  • coordinates (required): [number, number] Display the marker at the given position.
  • anchor: string Same as Popup's anchor property.
  • offset: string Same as Popup's offset property.
  • onClick: function Triggered whenever user click on the marker
  • style: object Apply style to the marker container
  • className: string Apply the className to the container of the Marker
  • tabIndex : number define the tab index value of the top container tag


Create a cluster of Marker.

How to use

import { Cluster } from "react-mapbox-gl";


clusterMarker = (coordinates) => (
  <Marker coordinates={coordinates} style={styles.clusterMarker}>


<Cluster ClusterMarkerFactory={this.clusterMarker}>
  {, key) =>
        onClick={this.onMarkerClick.bind(this, feature.geometry.coordinates)}>


  • ClusterMarkerFactory (required): (coordinates: number[], pointCount: number, getLeaves: (limit?: number, offset?: number) => Array<React.ReactElement<any>>) => Marker A function called for every cluster, the function must return a Marker component

    • getLeaves() return Cluster children of a cluster, with pagination support: limit is the number of points to return (set to Infinity for all points, default to 10), and offset is the amount of points to skip (for pagination).
  • radius: Default: 60:number Cluster radius, in pixels.

  • minZoom: Default: 0:number Minimum zoom level at which clusters are generated.

  • maxZoom: Default: 16:number Maximum zoom level at which clusters are generated.

  • extent: Default: 512:number (Tiles) Tile extent. Radius is calculated relative to this value.

  • nodeSize: Default: 64:number Size of the KD-tree leaf node. Affects performance.

  • log: Default: false:boolean Whether timing info should be logged.

  • zoomOnClick: Default: false:boolean Zoom to bounds of cluster on click.

  • zoomOnClickPadding: Default: 20:number The amount of padding in pixels to add to the cluster bounds for the zoom.

  • style: object Apply style to the marker container

  • className: string Apply the className to the container of the Marker

  • tabIndex : number define the tab index value of the top container tag