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Marcel Kloubert edited this page Jun 5, 2017 · 21 revisions

Home >> Targets >> prompt


Asks the user for a list of settings that will be applied to one or more other targets.

The following example lets the user input an username and password and writes these values to user and password settings of FTP server template.

    "deploy": {
        "targets": [
                "type": "prompt",
                "name": "FTP server",

                "prompts": [
                        "text": "Please enter your username",

                        "properties": [ "user" ],
                        "defaultValue": "/my_package_files",

                        "cache": true,
                        "showAlways": true
                        "valuePlaceHolder": "Please enter the password for '${user}'",
                        "isPassword": true,
                        "properties": [ "password" ],
                        "cache": true
                "targets": [ "FTP server template" ]
                "name": "FTP server template",
                "type": "ftp",
                "isHidden": true,

                "user": "<NO NEED TO SET: This is done by 1st prompt of 'FTP server' target>",
                "password": "<NO NEED TO SET: This is done by 2nd prompt of 'FTP server' target>"
Name Description
prompts One or more prompt entry.
targets One or more target name to deploy to.


Name Description
cache Save value in cache or not. Default: (false)
defaultValue The initial value.
description A description for the entry.
ignoreFocusOut Set to (true) to keep the input box open when focus moves to another part of the editor or to another window. Default: (true)
isPassword Input value is secret / a password. Default: (false)
properties A list of one or more property names inside the target where to write the value to.
showAlways Always show input box even if cached. Default: (false)
text The text for the input box.
type The value type. Default: string
validator The path to a script that validates an user input.
validatorOptions The options for the validator script.
valuePlaceHolder The placeholder for the input box.


Name Description
``, string Does no conversion.
bool, boolean Convert to a boolean value.
file Loads data from a file and parses it as JSON string.
float, number Convert to a number / float value.
int, integer Convert to an integer value.
json, object, obj Parses a value as JSON string.

Validator script

A script must have a public / exported validate function:

exports.validate = function(args) {
    // check for value in
    // args.value

    // return (true) for valid
    // or (false) for invalid

    // (true) is the default value
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