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Display a georeferenced DEM surface in 3D

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91 lines (66 loc) · 2.93 KB

From Display a georeferenced DEM surface in 3D matplotlib

Matplotlib knows nothing about georeferenced surfaces, it only knows x,y,z coordinates. You can also use Visvis or Mayavi.

  • the original DEM

enter image description here

  • you must first extract the x,y, z coordinates of the grid ( a raster is a grid of pixels and with a DEM, the value of the pixel is the elevation, z) with osgeo.gdal. No script here because it is possible to find the solutions on Gis StackExchange or on the web.

  • after, you can plot the points in 3D

        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d import *
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib import cm
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = Axes3D(fig)

enter image description here

  • and you must reconstruct a 3D grid (surface) with the function griddata of matplotlib (Delaunay)
        import numpy as np
        from matplotlib.mlab import griddata
        # craation of a 2D grid
        xi = np.linspace(min(x), max(x))
        yi = np.linspace(min(y), max(y))
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)
        # interpolation
        Z = griddata(x, y, z, xi, yi)
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = Axes3D(fig)
        ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.jet,linewidth=1, antialiased=True)

The grid (with visvis):

enter image description here!

The coloured grid (with matplotlib):

enter image description here

  • but you can also use others interpolation algorithms (Scipy thin-plate spline here) and drape colours
        import scipy as sp
        import scipy.interpolate
        # 2D grid construction
        spline = sp.interpolate.Rbf(x,y,z,function='thin-plate')
        xi = np.linspace(min(x), max(x))
        yi = np.linspace(min(y), max(y))
        X, Y = np.meshgrid(xi, yi)
        # interpolation
        Z = spline(X,Y)

enter image description here

With Visvis, you can make animations:

enter image description here

You can even plot the 3D contours:

enter image description here

  • Comparison between a projected DEM (with GRASS GIS, x 1) and the equivalent non projected DEM (x,y,z, with Visvis x 1)

enter image description here enter image description here