This project implement facials recognition models using both traditional and deep learning methods. It also has a naive algorithm for Optical Character Recognition (OCR).
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This is a basic implementation of the Bag of Visual Features (BoVW) algorithm. It extracts SIFT, SURF, and ORB features and trains MLP and SVM classifiers.
2 - TrainFacialRecognition.ipynb
This is the same implemenation of the Bag of Visual Features algorithm adapted to run in a Colab Notebook. Also includes an implementation of a VG166-based CNN for facial recognition using Keras. Colaboratory gives access to NVIDIA GPU which was necessary to speed up training when using the full data set.
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This is a naive algorithm for Optical Character Recognition (OCR). It uses morphological transformations (thresholding, erosion, dilation) and MSER regions for text detection, and Pytesseract for text recognition.
4 - DetectNum.ipynb
This is the same algorithm from adapted for a Colaboratory Notebook.
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This file processes image and video raw data to extract faces, fix rotation, and generate train/test splits.