- Dependencies-Windows
- Compiling tkDNN on Windows
- Run the demo on Windows
- Run tkDNN on WSL2 with cuda
- Known issues with tkDNN on Windows
This branch should work on every NVIDIA GPU supported in windows with the following dependencies:
- CUDA 11.2
- CUDNN 8.1.1
- TENSORRT 7.2.3
- OPENCV 4.2
- MSVC 16.9+
- NINJA 1.10
All the above mentioned dependencies except 7ZIP can be installed using Microsoft's VCPKG . After bootstrapping VCPKG the dependencies can be built and installed using the following command :
opencv4(normal) - vcpkg.exe install opencv4[tbb,jpeg,tiff,opengl,openmp,png,ffmpeg,eigen]:x64-windows yaml-cpp:x64-windows eigen3:x64-windows --x-install-root=C:\opt --x-buildtrees-root=C:\temp_vcpkg_build
opencv4(cuda) - vcpkg.exe install opencv4[cuda,nonfree,contrib,eigen,tbb,jpeg,tiff,opengl,openmp,png,ffmpeg]:x64-windows yaml-cpp:x64-windows eigen3:x64-windows --x-install-root=C:\opt --x-buildtrees-root=C:\temp_vcpkg_build
To build opencv4 with cuda and cudnn version corresponding to your cuda version,vcpkg's cudnn portfile needs to be modified by adding $ENV{CUDA_PATH}
at lines 16 and 17 in the portfile.cmake
After VCPKG finishes building and installing all the packages delete C:\temp_vcpkg_build and add C:\opt\x64-windows\bin and C:\opt\x64-windows\debug\bin to path
tkDNN is built with cmake(3.15+) on windows along with ninja.Msbuild and NMake Makefiles are drastically slower when compiling the library compared to windows
git clone https://github.com/ceccocats/tkDNN.git
cd tkdnn-windows
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -G"Ninja" ..
ninja -j4
This example uses yolo4_tiny.
To run the object detection file create .rt file bu running:
Once the rt file has been successfully create,run the demo using the following command:
.\demo.exe yolo4_fp32.rt ..\demo\yolo_test.mp4 y 80 ..\tests\darknet\cfg\yolo4.cfg ..\tests\darknet\names\cococ.names
For general info on more demo paramters,check Run the demo section on top To run the test_all_tests.sh on windows,use git bash or msys2
This is an untested feature on windows.To run the object detection demo with FP16 interference follow the below steps(example with yolo4tiny):
del /f yolo4tiny_fp16.rt
.\demo.exe yolo4tiny_fp16.rt ..\demo\yolo_test.mp4
To run object detection demo with INT8 (example with yolo4tiny):
set TKDNN_CALIB_LABEL_PATH=..\demo\COCO_val2017\all_labels.txt
set TKDNN_CALIB_IMG_PATH=..\demo\COCO_val2017\all_images.txt
del /f yolo4tiny_int8.rt # be sure to delete(or move) old tensorRT files
.\test_yolo4tiny.exe # run the yolo test (is slow)
.\demo.exe yolo4tiny_int8.rt ..\demo\yolo_test.mp4 y
tkDNN works on wsl2 with cuda,although not all networks (centernet,mobilenet) work properly.
If you encounter issues with running the network as a result of driver not found or cuda launch error,running the following command should solve the issue
cp /usr/lib/wsl/lib/lib* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
In theory all models (centernet,mobilenet,darknet,centertrack,cnet3d and shelfnet) should work on Windows.
On pascal cards(sm 6x) ,nvidia cuda wsl driver 510.06 don't work well with tkDNN both on windows and cuda wsl , Nvidia drivers >465+ and < 500 are completely supported .