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Complete stack

Complete Stack

Mocko API

A NestJS application used by Mocko UI to manage Mocko resources, it saves and reads the mocks from Redis as well as publishing a deploy message when changes are made to any Mock. That way, all the mocko-proxies can load the new mock definitions from Redis to update the routes.

Mocko Proxy

The heart of Mocko. It's a Hapi application that receives the requests from the user and provides mocks or proxies to the real API.

On startup or on deploy messages from Mocko API or from Mocko CLI, it loads the mocks from the mocks dir and from Redis (if it's enabled in the config), parses all the handlebars templates and maps all the routes.

When it receives a request, it tries to match a mock route. If a mock is found, it builds the handlebars context, processes the mock template and responds with the result.

When no mocks are found, it proxies to your actual API and responds with it's response.

Standalone mode

On standalone mode, only mocko-proxy is present and it loads its mocks from the mocks directory. Mocko-proxy can also be called from Mocko CLI: Complete Stack

In that case, mocko-cli reads the settings from the admin and passes to mocko-proxy. It also watches for file changes (when told to do so) and notifies mocko-proxy with a deploy message.

Running Mocko from the repository

As you've seen above, mocko-proxy is the main component so let's get started with it. Clone Mocko's repository, navigate to mocko-proxy and install its dependencies.

$ git clone
$ cd mocko/mocko-proxy
$ npm install

Now create a sample mock file inside mocko-proxy/mocks and start mocko-proxy (inside the mocko-proxy dir) with:

$ npm run start:dev

Now you're ready to contribute to Mocko! Some files that might be useful:

  • mocko-proxy/src/api/definition/definition.provider.ts: Reads mocks from Redis and the mocks dir
  • mocko-proxy/src/api/mock/data/mock-options.ts: Converts the .hcl definitions to the internal Mock object
  • mocko-proxy/src/api/mock/mock.handler.ts: Processes the request pipeline:
    • Builds handlebars context
    • Builds the response body from the template (with the context previously built)
    • Waits for the specified amount of millis
    • Proxies if the template told so
    • Builds the Hapi response
  • mocko-proxy/src/api/mock/mock.service.ts: Registers custom Handlebars helpers

Running tests

Run mocko-proxy tests with:

$ cd mocko-proxy
$ docker-compose up -d
$ npm test
$ docker-compose down

Run end-to-end tests with:

$ cd e2e-tests
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
$ npm test
$ docker-compose down