"What's worse than a messy kitchen?
A kitchen that's never been messy"
As I helped my wife clean the kitchen after Eid, I remembered a conversation I had with my late mother when I was much younger.
My mother was teaching me how to make tea. Over the course of making tea, I had transformed her spick and span kitchen into a smouldering mess with milk and tea spilled all over the counter and floor. I apologised to her as I watched her clean it all up and told her that I won't be messy in the future.
She told me that it was fine that I made a mess because it meant that I was learning something new. What would be worse is if I never attempted to learn anything new because I was worried that it might make the kitchen messy.
I guess that advice applies to life as well. It's ok to make mistakes. What's worse is to never attempt anything because you are afraid to make mistakes.
P.S: Yes, I can make reasonably good tea.
Photo by Ayaneshu Bhardwaj on Unsplash