- Remember to set "filter_ignored" property of function M.setup(opts) in ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-tree.lua/lua/nvim-tree/populate.lua to false
- Remind nvm bt solved by writing export 3lines tozshrc orbashrc
- Remind stow ignore list
- Ryanoasis nerdfonts repo
- Keybindings for insert mode? %% * [ ] @MOHITDMAK: Turned Hardware acc usage off in brave (1.46.xxx) else caused blank rendering on overflow/github/few sites
- NOTE: For obsidian/other desktop apps integration with rofi see answer by "notachraf" here - https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/364773/how-to-get-installed-application-to-be-detected-by-rofi
- specific version of picom fork required, see its stow folder
- Lookup 'locate' command - useful
- $mod+shift+space toggles float/non-float
- tokyonight package modifications? - placed the whole site package in dotfiles, directly use it in ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/tokyonight.nvim/
- super neovim/vim collection for reference - https://alpha2phi.medium.com/learn-neovim-the-practical-way-8818fcf4830f#ceef
- NOTEEE: ":e" reloads buffer, used to syntax highlight fenced code by language in vimwiki
- Works for Keychron K3. I presume K2 has the same hotkeys. disable auto sleep: fn+s+l+o Auto sleep in 10mins: Press fn+s+l+r for four seconds Auto sleep in 20mins: Press fn+s+l+t for four seconds Auto sleep in 30mins: Press fn+s+l+y for four seconds
- browser open ranger for file upload download
- upload multiple files? - lel prolly too complex as of now - has to do with creating a re modded kdialog script
- [O] allow mouse inputs -
- >>toggling sys keyboard /
- system shut/sleep / power /
- brightness/volume/bt fullscreen etc
- allow above/some of above from sleep locked screen?
- ask for save location scrot screenshot
- maybe ranger enugh?
- [o] rofi bluetooth and network
- bluetooth
- network
- tmux/alacritty vim nav
- bell in alacritty
- fzf_lua telescope search
- htop config, launch as .desktop with i3 for_window settings like pulsemixer's
- F search text - toggling between allowing search on hidden/gitignored files or not
- Customize recently added Grammarly LSP
- op status bar but too bad, only for macos - https://github.com/FelixKratz/SketchyBar
- https://github.com/folke/todo-comments.nvim
- Battery low warning more verbal
- keychron k2 extend sleep timeout
- nvim startify add systemd config page and batterypopup
- maybe replace current to use mason.nvim later
- lazy.nvim?
- wine configs - picom, fonts, etc
- fingerprint reader for sudo/etc?
- TOO risky, for corruption due to 2 drivers from windows/linux
- screen blackout / saver timeout configurable?
- lookup tmux/zsh vim keybindings
- tokyonight border on float term
- script run from i3.config to start all custom --user services on startup
- Stream mobile notififications on linux
- Way to save tmux sessions locally periodically (maybe even on cloud)
- systemd service to keep gh repos for dotfiles/local settings updated periodically
- obstidian hack for above
- Try out later: https://www.reddit.com/r/vim/comments/s1f14h/the_vimium_extension_for_chrome_is_amazing/
- Try out later: https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Browsing_programs_with_tags
- z reversal
- indent lines plus reversal
- just another mac font, try later - https://github.com/shaunsingh/SFMono-Nerd-Font-Ligaturized
- Fix vim conceal for colorized tags in vimwiki
- Fix: visual and normal mode to switch bw '', "", (), {}, [], <>
- Nvim tree current dir doesnt set, causing further problems in telescope file and text search
- Remove line numberings in situations where its not needed
- Battery low indicator (more verbal)
set lazydraw
for improved macro performance? - n & N mappings for VWS interfere with that of normal search
- Default app for pdf/png alacritty - feh
- Installer scripts
- Nvim
- Zsh
- Misc
- I3
- etc
- Nvim-tree doesnt copy to clipboard
- Vim wiki setup
- Table bindings?
- etc
- LSP doesnt asynchronously check for each file in background, only the ones open.
- Spell as nvim-cmp source for lsp
- Map H/L, unused
- Map H/L, unused, window move left/right, switch bw horizontal and vertical layout. - not really neeeded
- Started using ultisnips, but removing luasnips causes cmp to die altogether?
- Lookup /usr/share/doc/ranger