Click here for editing instructions
- MC-102052 Structure Block Save Location / Save Issues
- MC-102085 polar bear stuck standing
- MC-102040 Magma sneaking no damage
- MC-102043 auto jump snow layers
- MC-102046 /summon WitherSkeleton etc. aliases don't work with summon
- MC-102047 pick block on mob variants
- MC-102048 blocks below sand show particles
- MC-102049 witches on magma
- MC-102050 horse spawn egg names
- MC-102069 bone block is transparent
- MC-102051 unable to place stuff on bone block nether wart block
- MC-102059 skeleton spawn egg in nether spawns wither
- MC-102070 nether wart fire
- MC-102103 savanna black smith burns down
- MC-102135 structure block empty names
- MC-102134 structure block name goes away changing page
- MC-102146 structure blocks : /
- MC-89030 Pistons warp
- MC-89915 no chunks load while in boat
- MC-89917 pick block on boats
- MC-89920 Ocelot AI is broken
- MC-89921 wings on mobs/armor stand
- MC-89923 ghost mobs from spawner tries
- MC-89926 replaceitem doesn't allow elytra on chest
- MC-89928 portals broken in SMP
- MC-89924 Horse AI is broken
- MC-88847 Upside down stairs are broken
- MC-87871 Iron golems attack friendlies
- MC-87872 Command blocks can't be opened after death and respawn
- MC-87877 Command block break particles don't appear after death and respawn
- MC-87878 Invisible floor for players under the end
- MC-39583 Server list clearing
- MC-86142 Spawn eggs don't spawn baby mob when used on adult
- MC-86282 Spawn eggs no longer use damage / data value
- MC-86130 shield durability and colors
- MC-86141 no left click with shields
- MC-86144 unable to decorate shield without a banner (aka cannot craft a shield like a banner)
- MC-86151 shields in head slot
- MC-86168 enchanted shields
- MC-82809 spectral arrow texture missing
- MC-82859 Arrows give stack when picked up
- MC-82808 Arrow as potion or bottle name
- MC-82841 arrows bright at night
- MC-83051 Spectral Arrow hits Endermen
- MC-83271 Spectral Arrow doesn't work on Ender Dragon
- MC-83301 spectral arrows and team outlines on items
- MC-83871 water arrow name
- MC-83084 Invisibility arrow still shows arrow
- MC-82896 Clear doesn't work (with offhand) /clear
- MC-82824 Items stack to inventory instead of offhand
- MC-82995 Blocking with both swords
- MC-82874 main hand setting is lost on death
- MC-82965 main hand swings in f5 when using off hand
- MC-82955 alex player model offhand items
- MC-83185 bobber disappears when fishing with off hand
- MC-82923 no bow in offhand slot
- MC-83105 Off-hand item shows in f5 mode when drawing bow
- MC-83099 Map partially off screen with certain resolutions
- MC-82853 Dragon stuck on bedrock
- MC-82832 end portal spawning incorrectly
- MC-82833 shulker projectile follows player in creative
- MC-82816 no dragon spawned
- MC-83239 Additional Ender Dragons don't display boss health bar
- MC-83702 Additional Dragons drop eggs
- MC-83001 two dragons
- MC-83039 end city spawning with items on ground
- MC-84191 shulkers in minecarts teleporting
- MC-82870 chorus plant hitbox
- MC-82855 invisible shulkers
- MC-84035 dead dragon flying around / doesn't die when not on portal
- MC-83241 chorus flower wrong texture
- MC-84198 chorus fruit can tp to top of nether
- MC-82961 Standing in dragon head (collision)
- MC-82944 Endermen become hostile when looking below their eyes
- MC-82884 gateway takes to empty region
- MC-82882 going to the end takes to same coordinates as overworld (can't reproduce)
- MC-83013 Obsidian towers are out of place
- MC-83017 Shulkers don't despawn in peaceful mode
- MC-83030 Shulker death has no particles
- MC-83107 Arrows shot above shulkers act incorrectly
- MC-82839 black screen in 15w31a
- MC-83141 clock and compass show default location when being moved
- MC-82821 levitation potion name
- MC-83004 skin backwards in inventory
- MC-82938 Enderman arm/head misplaced
- MC-82811 creative eating glitch
- MC-82828 stairs rendering
- MC-82842 mining animation plays on all players
- MC-82846 enchant effect outlines full inventory tile
- MC-82847 achievements outside the achievement window
- MC-82863 outline effect and held items
- MC-82864 items floating in hands
- MC-82925 Pre-existing potions/bottles missing texture in snapshot
- MC-83196 thin pressure plate models\
- MC-83187 Quote marks on signs
- MC-83911 outline doesn't show for some people
- MC-82957 setblock gateway beacon colour issues
- MC-83041 /replaceitem doesn’t work properly
- MC-82876 Hiding particles does not work
- MC-58034 Cannot give portal blocks
- MC-82819 levitation kicks players
- MC-83284 Strict JSON causes client exception in multiplayer
- MC-82907 books displaying json stuff
- MC-82968 Kicked from server by signs
- MC-83309 opening inventory on horse crash
- MC-83449 Exception while updating neighbours (crash)
- MC-82880 Cocoa beans crash
- MC-82835 creative pearl usage decreases item count temporarily
- MC-83336 enchanted items not getting enchants
- MC-82901 path block height
- MC-82986 Items with same ID but different NBT will stack
- MC-82971 wither attacks before initial explosion
- MC-83709 Scrolling skips rows in creative tab
- MC-83490 Grow giant mushroom in unusual condition
- MC-83471 Custom potion effects do not work with splash potions
- MC-83468 Lead Duplication
- MC-83369 Levitation does not work in water
- MC-83015 rails not connecting nicely
- MC-83079 chest held awkwardly
- MC-84159 swords/tools not in same position
- MC-83729 can pick-block paths
- MC-83040 Two-handed map bug
- MC-83002 Villagers don't take beetroot
- MC-83095 Iron bar missing texture on face
- MC-83137 Skeleton arm moves into body
- MC-82903 using a bow without arrows causing the item to bob
- MC-82943 Witch holds potions like players
- MC-82945 Log spam tried to add duplicate UUID
- MC-82969 Corrupt pack.mcmeta causes crash
- MC-83350 Entities entering nether portals disappear instead of teleport
- MC-82854 stair orientation
- MC-82875 swords still block
- MC-3461 Player-built end portals won't activate (old report)
- MC-79972 targeting with only y and dy doesn't work in command block
- MC-40275 Credit screen/End Poem music not playing correctly
- MC-51804 Corner fences / cobblestone wall with a block next to them turn black (Smooth lighting off)
- MC-71163 Bed can overlap when placed on grass
- MC-76562 Hoppers don't work
- MC-76556 Creepers, Blazes, Pigs, Ocelots and Rabbits take damage every 0.5 seconds
- MC-417 Arrows first bounce back then appear at correct location
- MC-3885 Arrows shot into the underside of a block appear black
- MC-8578 Hopper sometimes doesn't suck items above when they are overlaying
- MC-41881 Hopper minecart acts like it is in a different position
- MC-59549 Graphical Arrow Glitch in Position
- MC-70104 Arrow visual glitch (fake arrow)
- MC-73866 Game crash when an item is thrown into a nether portal.
- MC-74580 Marker Tag doesn't make hitbox small anymore
- MC-76239 Minecraft Realms main menu button's text between quotation marks
- MC-68718 Redstone dust on torch destroy the torch
- MC-68720 Server Spams .. Skipping Entity with id WitherSkull & Fireball
- MC-68723 Armor not fitting with the new player model
- MC-68726 Skin is using wrong model
- MC-68732 Starting the game a second time crashes the game on Linux
- MC-68740 Cannot Summon Fireball With/Without Direction (Unable To Summon Object)
- MC-68745 /resourcepacks/ folder is not automatically created when initially starting the game
- MC-68748 Crash : fire and Command "Summon SmallFireball"
- MC-68754 Exiting Fullscreen Disables Maximize
- MC-68797 Sticky Command Key Pasting Copying Cutting All
- MC-68809 Held Items Lighting Incorrect In Torch Blocks
- MC-68817 @ (arobase, at) key fires up Twitch broadcast
- MC-68267 Void fog gone
- MC-68233 Missing texture skin
- MC-68403 dying near 524289 x -524288 coordinates makes drops invisible after death
- MC-67626 Item frames do not work outside 524289 x -524288 coordinates
- MC-27538 Drop stack broken
- MC-68642 Alt+V does not make @ / cannot make @
- MC-68574 Bow is drawn when no arrows in inventory
- MC-66166 New colored wood doors drop oak door when broken
- MC-66163 Pick block key on new colored wood gives oak door
- MC-65668 Endermen still teleport without AI
- MC-65512 Red Sandstone Slab Crash
- MC-65533 Shovel and Axe Efficiency Broken
- MC-63354 Banners don’t sway in SMP
- MC-63007 Render distance only 16
- MC-63590 Watching server Crash
- MC-62958 Massive Visual Glitching with VBO turned off and Chunk distance over 16
- MC-61246 OSX: Retina and F+11 Fullscreen Broken
- MC-62197 Signs and chests display cracking animation incorrectly. (wrong center)
- MC-63365 Chest connection incorrect
- MC-62987 Banners in blocks
- MC-61601 Bonemeal consumes on full grown crops
- MC-61245 Stair hitboxes
- MC-63507 Snooper settings crashes game
- MC-63093 Slow chunk loading / missing chunks with high view distance
- MC-63534 Only one mob head dropped per type from lighting creeper
- MC-62140 2 block tall flowers generated in previous snapshot removes the 2nd block
- MC-59996 Falling sand/gravel invisible or solid colored texture
- MC-60039 Server logging broken
- MC-60151 Redstone repeater tick setting inverted / placed wrong
- MC-59946 Trap doors placed on opposite side
- MC-59533 Beacons will not consume item or apply effect
- MC-58898 Debug world issues
- MC-60033 All game modes available in debug mode
- MC-59294 Corrupted world when updating from 14w26a / 14w26b
- MC-56849 Broken OS X (also 1.7.10-pre4)
- MC-56862 Guardians swimming on land / lava etc.
- MC-56868 Broken map texture
- MC-56877 Snow Golem head
- MC-56884 Prismarine color square??
- MC-56886 Resourcepack all textures broken
- MC-56887 Jungle leaves wrong texture
- MC-56891 Mushrooms on trees
- MC-56896 MP Terrain Loading Errors
- MC-56897 Chunks don't render
- MC-56898 Endermen broken holding
- MC-56899 Chickens always flap wings
- MC-56917 invisible stacked blocks
- MC-56920 Signs in inventory
- MC-56921 repeater powered rendering / repeater delay
- MC-56922 bed no drop
- MC-56941 torch floating (placed ceiling)
- MC-56947 dragon egg render
- MC-56914 Fast Graphics leaves texture
- MC-56952 trapdoor duplicate
- MC-56957 Dispensers / droppers
- MC-56858 Lava water rendering
- MC-56852 burning rendering on fire rendering
- MC-56865 Stairs placement (world)
- MC-57895 Stairs placement (inventory)
- MC-56975 Chest falling sand crash
- MC-56880 splash Potion throwing
- MC-56981 wood texutre
- MC-56893 Log placing crash
- MC-56951 repeater directions
- MC-57112 guardian crash potion
- MC-57127 tall grass texture
- MC-57188 When placing a pumpkin, its face does not face the player
- MC-47513 Black line at the horizon when using shaders
- MC-56853 F3 hovering over grass and log model: IDUNNOMYNAME:*C
- MC-56982 Rendering bug with pistons
- MC-56984 Floating Items Dropped on floor
- MC-56990 Chiselled quartz block turns into regular quartz
- MC-57020 Burning furnaces change orientation
- MC-57023 wrong animation while breaking blocks in survival
- MC-57041 Missing Barrier Texture
- MC-57045 Comparators appear as powered when put into subtraction mode.
- MC-57075 custom item names don’t get displayed in itemframes
- MC-57079 Elder Guardian able to apply mining fatigue to someone in spectator mode
- MC-57102 Grass all neatly lined up
- MC-57121 Superflat world customization visually replaces water ID with Air ID
- MC-57134 Items in item frames facing wrong way
- MC-57178 Vines are placed on opposite side
- MC-57234 placing ladders causes a crash.
- MC-57312 Minecraft default world generator crashes.
- MC-57374 Stacked "Enchanted" Items Render Incorrectly
- MC-57385 End portal frames must be placed in reverse to work correctly.
- MC-57415 Scoreboard setdisplay won't show up in tab menu
- MC-57429 Magma cubes rendering wrong
- MC-57555 Blocks are held wrong
- MC-57574 Mipmapping does not work in Inventory
- MC-57603 Powered rail icon is powered
- MC-56917 Invisible blocks in empty chunks
- MC-46776 Monster despawn spectator / peaceful spectator
- MC-53384 Redstone Dust Orientation
- MC-45458 Lag / FPS issues
- MC-36812 Chat opacity broken
- MC-53439 Double flowers leave a sunflower / peony for a tick, Two high flowers sunflower peony
- MC-45009 Inventory and container empty/world corrupted after downgrading to older version.
- MC-1759 Chests and item frame clipping
- MC-49334 Lan Host cannot see other's skins
- MC-52974 Lan host's skin loads for self but not others.
- MC-52773 Skin doesn't load for self, loads for others.
- MC-55018 Players can see own skin, but not others.
- MC-57233 Error 6003/4 Upload Limit Reached
- MC-297 Bad Video Card Drivers
- MC-438 Enderpearls don't work in creative
- MC-545 Sheep invisibility
- MC-4061 Ocelots in Jungles Spawn rates
- MC-5157 Can't place slabs of different types onto each other
- MC-5770 Water Keeps Flowing w/ Signs
- MC-13818 No Horse Health in Creative
- MC-13823 Leads incorrectly placed on ocelots and wolves
- MC-17840 Language Files with Resource Packs
- MC-18368 Swords not working in creative
- MC-19082 Signs placed on fences don't have text
- MC-20163 Chatting / Joining Modded Servers
- MC-22927 Animals Run Forever
- MC-1797 Creative Inventory Sort Acacia Dark Oak New Logs Blocks
- MC-2301 Sprint 1 block gap
- MC-3892 Video settings don’t save
- MC-68497 Copy / Cut Clears Clipboard With No Selection
- MC-679 Compass points wrong direction after returning from nether
- MC-4923 Flint and Steel+Blocks that can't be set on fire
- MC-57933 Comparator stays on after running (WAI)
- MC-4449 Bedrock in repeater (WAI)
- MC-594 command + q (cmd + q, cmd+q) doesn't quit on mac
- MC-80476 command + q (cmd + q, cmd+q) quits on mac
- MC-22882 control+q (cntrl+q, control + q) doesn’t work
- MC-32813 bad water/lava from worldgen
- MC-3923 Fences mob ai don’t interact well spinning mobs
- MC-20440 Accents on Mac (unable to type, pasting works)
- MC-87364 commands.scoreboard.players.tag.tagError
- MCL-1394 Custom Directory not used when using old game versions
- MCL-1421 Custom Directory not used when using old game versions
- MCL-2991 Old versions use new or no sounds
- MCL-3983 nativelog.txt appears on Desktop
- MCL-4934 Launcher forgets login token when switching Wi-Fi networks
- MCL-5290 Launcher does not have a minimum Window size
- MCL-5367 "Unable to save download" - "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" (caused by Antivirus software)
- MCL-5511 Launcher stays white after launch
- MCL-5523 OSX: "Minecraft quit unexpectedly" on launcher startup
- MCL-5546 Unable to save download or <.xml file> or <.json file> or <.ogg file> (caused by ByteFence)
- MCL-5638 Unable to locate the Java runtime
- MCL-5646 Launcher stays on "Preparing..." after pressing "Play"
- MCL-5830 New game output incompatible with some mods & older versions
- MCL-6157 Game output stays open when the launcher is closed
- MCL-6280 No sound in older versions on native launcher, despite working in the Java launcher
- MCL-6544 Launcher opens up on nonexistent monitor
- MCL-6550 Discord/Java stopped responding/exit codes after pressing play
- MCL-6859 Unable to launch Minecraft on macOS (Request error -101)
- MCL-7152 Can't play offline with new (2.0) launcher
- MCL-7919 Launcher is display negative total size of files remaining
- MCL-9685 Download server for resources (<MC 1.5.2) returns 403 response code (
- MCL-9775 Server JAR download options missing for version before 1.2.5
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