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stRange.js API Documentation

Range(begin, end, [bounds])

Create a new range object with the given begin and end endpoints.
You can also pass a two character string for bounds. Defaults to "[]" for an all inclusive range.

You can use any value for endpoints. Null is considered infinity for values that don't have a special infinity type like Number has Infinity.

An empty range is one where either of the endpoints is undefined (like new Range) or a range with two equivalent, but exculsive endpoints (new Range(5, 5, "[)")).


var Range = require("strange")


new Range(10, 20) // => {begin: 10, end: 20, bounds: "[]"}
new Range(new Date(2000, 5, 18), new Date(2000, 5, 22))


Range's beginning, or left endpoint.


Range's bounds.

Bounds signify whether the range includes or excludes that particular endpoint.

Pair Meaning
() open
[] closed
[) left-closed, right-open
(] left-open, right-closed


new Range(1, 5).bounds // => "[]"
new Range(1, 5, "[)").bounds // => "[)"


Range's end, or right endpoint.


Compares this range's beginning with the given value.
Returns -1 if this range begins before the given value, 0 if they're equal and 1 if this range begins after the given value.

null is considered to signify negative infinity for non-numeric range endpoints.


new Range(0, 10).compareBegin(5) // => -1
new Range(0, 10).compareBegin(0) // => 0
new Range(5, 10).compareBegin(0) // => 1
new Range(5, 10).compareBegin(null) // => 1


Compares this range's end with the given value.
Returns -1 if this range ends before the given value, 0 if they're equal and 1 if this range ends after the given value.

null is considered to signify positive infinity for non-numeric range endpoints.


new Range(0, 10).compareEnd(5) // => -1
new Range(0, 10).compareEnd(10) // => 0
new Range(0, 5).compareEnd(10) // => 1
new Range(0, 5).compareEnd(null) // => -1


Check if a given value is contained within this range.
Returns true or false.


new Range(0, 10).contains(5) // => true
new Range(0, 10).contains(10) // => true
new Range(0, 10, "[)").contains(10) // => false


Check if this range intersects with another.
Returns true or false.

Ranges that have common points intersect. Ranges that are consecutive and with inclusive endpoints are also intersecting. An empty range will never intersect.


new Range(0, 10).intersects(new Range(5, 7)) // => true
new Range(0, 10).intersects(new Range(10, 20)) // => true
new Range(0, 10, "[)").intersects(new Range(10, 20)) // => false
new Range(0, 10).intersects(new Range(20, 30)) // => false


Check whether the range is bounded.
A bounded range is one where neither endpoint is null or Infinity. An empty range is considered bounded.


new Range().isBounded() // => true
new Range(5, 5).isBounded() // => true
new Range(null, new Date(2000, 5, 18).isBounded() // => false
new Range(0, Infinity).isBounded() // => false
new Range(-Infinity, Infinity).isBounded() // => false


Check whether the range is empty.
An empty range is one where either of the endpoints is undefined (like new Range) or a range with two equivalent, but exculsive endpoints (new Range(5, 5, "[)")).

Equivalence is checked by using the < operators, so value objects will be coerced into something comparable by JavaScript. That usually means calling the object's valueOf function.


new Range().isEmpty() // => true
new Range(5, 5, "[)").isEmpty() // => true
new Range(1, 10).isEmpty() // => false


Alias of isBounded.


Alias of isUnbounded.


Check whether the range is unbounded.
An unbounded range is one where either endpoint is null or Infinity. An empty range is not considered unbounded.


new Range().isUnbounded() // => false
new Range(5, 5).isUnbounded() // => false
new Range(null, new Date(2000, 5, 18).isUnbounded() // => true
new Range(0, Infinity).isUnbounded() // => true
new Range(-Infinity, Infinity).isUnbounded() // => true


Alias of toString.
Stringifies the range when passing it to JSON.stringify.
This way you don't need to manually call toString when stringifying.


JSON.stringify(new Range(1, 10)) // "\"[1,10]\""


Stringifies a range in [a,b] format.

This happens to match the string format used by PostgreSQL's range type format. You can therefore use stRange.js to parse and stringify ranges for your database.


new Range(1, 5).toString() // => "[1,5]"
new Range(1, 10, "[)").toString() // => "[1,10)"


Returns an array of the endpoints and bounds.

Useful with Egal.js or other libraries that compare value objects by their valueOf output.


new Range(1, 10, "[)").valueOf() // => [1, 10, "[)"]

Range.compareBeginToBegin(a, b)

Compares two range's beginnings.
Returns -1 if a begins before b begins, 0 if they're equal and 1 if a begins after b.


Range.compareBeginToBegin(new Range(0, 10), new Range(5, 15)) // => -1
Range.compareBeginToBegin(new Range(0, 10), new Range(0, 15)) // => 0
Range.compareBeginToBegin(new Range(0, 10), new Range(0, 15, "()")) // => 1

Range.compareBeginToEnd(a, b)

Compares the first range's beginning to the second's end.
Returns <0 if a begins before b ends, 0 if one starts where the other ends and >1 if a begins after b ends.


Range.compareBeginToEnd(new Range(0, 10), new Range(0, 5)) // => -1
Range.compareBeginToEnd(new Range(0, 10), new Range(-10, 0)) // => 0
Range.compareBeginToEnd(new Range(0, 10), new Range(-10, -5)) // => 1

Range.compareEndToEnd(a, b)

Compares two range's endings.
Returns -1 if a ends before b ends, 0 if they're equal and 1 if a ends after b.


Range.compareEndToEnd(new Range(0, 10), new Range(5, 15)) // => -1
Range.compareEndToEnd(new Range(0, 10), new Range(5, 10)) // => 0
Range.compareEndToEnd(new Range(0, 10), new Range(5, 10, "()")) // => 1

Range.parse(range, [parseEndpoint])

Parses a string stringified by Range.prototype.toString.

To have it also parse the endpoints to something other than a string, pass a function as the second argument.

If you pass Number as the parse function and the endpoints are unbounded, they'll be set to Infinity for easier computation.


Range.parse("[a,z)") // => new Range("a", "z", "[)")
Range.parse("[42,69]", Number) // => new Range(42, 69)
Range.parse("[15,]", Number) // => new Range(15, Infinity)
Range.parse("(,3.14]", Number) // => new Range(-Infinity, 3.14, "(]")

Range.union(union, a, b)

Merges two ranges and returns a range that encompasses both of them.
The ranges don't have to be intersecting.


Range.union(new Range(0, 5), new Range(5, 10)) // => new Range(0, 10)
Range.union(new Range(0, 10), new Range(5, 15)) // => new Range(0, 15)

var a = new Range(-5, 0, "()")
var b = new Range(5, 10)
Range.union(a, b) // => new Range(-5, 10, "(]")

RangeTree(ranges, left, right)

Create an interval tree node.

For creating a binary search tree out of an array of ranges, you might want to use RangeTree.from.


var RangeTree = require("strange/tree")


var left = new RangeTree([new Range(-5, 0)])
var right = new RangeTree([new Range(5, 10)])
var root = new RangeTree([new Range(0, 5), new Range(0, 10)], left, right] // => [new Range(0, 10), new Range(5, 10)]

Search for ranges that include the given value or, given a range, intersect with it.
Returns an array of matches or an empty one if no range contained or intersected with the given value.


var tree = RangeTree.from([new Range(40, 50)]) // => [new Range(40, 50)] // => [] Range(30, 42)) // => [new Range(40, 50)]


Create an interval tree (implemented as an augmented binary search tree) from an array of ranges.
Returns a RangeTree you can search on.

If you need to relate the found ranges to other data, add some properties directly to every range or use JavaScript's Map or WeakMap to relate extra data to those range instances.


var ranges = [new Range(0, 10), new Range(20, 30), new Range(40, 50)]
RangeTree.from(ranges).search(42) // => [new Range(40, 50)]