Starting from the provided source, below are the changes introduced:
- The original cars were saved into a CSV file which is then loaded by using the apache-commons-csv library (introduced in the pom) - loading from an external source introduces flexibility, and improves testability.
- The list of cars was loaded, as the original code, into a Set, although a list would be a more natural container. Deduping
on a list is a bit more involved, thus for simplicity the Set was kept as it's a structure that provide the dedupe
functionality out of the box. Although
was used as input/output parameter, as they are a better abstraction and would allow changing Set to List with no breaking of the downstream processing. - To perform check for duplicates the
implements anequals
method that uses only the field required for the deduplication as required (i.e. the price is not used in both methods);equals
were implemented using helper methods from Apachecommons-lang3
. Although this may not implement the "natural" equality, those, together with loading data into a Set, allowed "for free" the resulting deduplication of the input dataset. - A separate class takes care of the sorting according to spec, as per SOLID pattern
- Filtering of the above median FULFULL cars is handled by a separate service (again, SOLID). Behaviour is togglable via
command line by specifying the
switch. - Introduction of command line allowed to use also a different input file for testing.
- Maven pom is set up so it packages everything into a runnable jar that can be invoked directly, like
java -jar challenge-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar [--filterAboveMedian] [file to read]