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520 lines (290 loc) · 13 KB

File metadata and controls

520 lines (290 loc) · 13 KB

rspolib Python bindings reference



Raised when there is an error parsing the content of a MO file.


Raised when there is an error parsing the content of a PO file.


Raised when there is an error unescaping a string.

This error is not directly raised by the parsing functions, only is useful when you are calling unescape.


pofile(path_or_content: str, wrapwidth: int = 78) -> POFile

Parse a PO file by path or content and returns a POFile object.

Can raise a SyntaxError if a problem is found parsing the file.

mofile(path_or_content: str, wrapwidth: int = 78) -> MOFile

Parse a MO file by path or content and returns a MOFile object.

Can raise an IOError if a problem is found parsing the file.



__init__(self, path_or_content: str = "", wrapwidth: int = 78)

Create a new POFile object, by default empty.

get_entries(self) -> List[POEntry]

Returns a copy of the entries of the file.

@setter entries(self, entries: List[POEntry])

Sets the entries of the file.

from rspolib import POFile, POEntry

po = POFile()
po.entries = [
    POEntry(msgid="Hello", msgstr="Hola"),
    POEntry(msgid="Goodbye", msgstr="Adiós"),

@getter header(self) -> str

Returns a copy of the header of the file.

@setter header(self, header: str)

Sets the header of the file.

get_metadata(self) -> Dict[str, str]

Returns a copy of the metadata of the file.

@setter metadata(self, metadata: Dict[str, str])

Sets the metadata of the file.

update_metadata(self, metadata: Dict[str, str])

Updates the metadata of the file.

The previous metadata fields will be overwritten by the new one.

remove_metadata_field(self, key: str)

Removes a metadata field from the file.

@getter metadata_is_fuzzy(self) -> bool

Returns whether the metadata is fuzzy.

@setter metadata_is_fuzzy(self, is_fuzzy: bool)

Sets whether the metadata is fuzzy.

save(self, path: str)

save_as_pofile(self, path: str)

save_as_mofile(self, path: str)

Save the file to a path.

remove(self, entry: POEntry)

Removes an entry from the file.

remove_by_msgid(self, msgid: str)

Removes an entry from the file by its msgid.

remove_by_msgid_msgctxt(self, msgid: str, msgctxt: str)

Removes an entry from the file by its msgid and msgctxt.

append(self, entry: POEntry)

Appends an entry to the file.

find(value: str, by: str = "msgid", include_obsolete_entries: bool = False, msgctxt: Optional[str] = None) -> List[POEntry]

Finds entries by a given value.

  • value: The value to search.
  • by: The field to search. Can be msgid, msgstr, msgctxt, msgid_plural, previous_msgid, previous_msgid_plural or previous_msgctxt.
  • include_obsolete_entries: Whether to include obsolete entries in the search.
  • msgctxt: The context to match against too while searching. Only used when by is not msgctxt.

If you are doing a search by msgid or msgid + msgctxt the functions find_by_msgid and find_by_msgid_msgctxt are more efficient.

find_by_msgid(self, msgid: str) -> Optional[POEntry]

Finds an entry by its msgid.

find_by_msgid_msgctxt(self, msgid: str, msgctxt: str) -> Optional[POEntry]

Finds an entry by its msgid and msgctxt.

percent_translated(self) -> float

Returns the percentage of translated entries.

translated_entries(self) -> List[POEntry]

Returns a list with copies of the translated entries.

untranslated_entries(self) -> List[POEntry]

Returns a list with copies of the untranslated entries.

obsolete_entries(self) -> List[POEntry]

Returns a list with copies of the obsolete entries.

fuzzy_entries(self) -> List[POEntry]

Returns a list with copies of the fuzzy entries.

__len__(self) -> int

Returns the number of entries in the file.

__contains__(self, entry: POEntry) -> bool

Returns whether the file contains an entry.

from rspolib import POFile, POEntry

file = POFile()
entry = POEntry(msgid="Hello", msgstr="Hola")
assert entry in file

__getitem__(self, index: int) -> POEntry

Returns an entry from the file.

from rspolib import POFile, POEntry

file = POFile()
entry = POEntry(msgid="Hello")
assert file[0].msgid == "Hello"

__str__(self) -> str

Returns the content of the file as a string.

__eq__(self, other: POFile) -> bool

__ne__(self, other: POFile) -> bool

Returns whether two files are equal or not comparing by their produced contents.

__iter__(self) -> Iterator[POEntry]

Returns an iterator over the entries of the file.

from rspolib import POFile, POEntry

file = POFile()

for entry in file:


MAGIC: int


Possible magic numbers for MO files.

Indicate that the bytes of the file must be read in little endian (MAGIC) or big endian byte order (MAGIC_SWAPPED).

__init__(self, path_or_content: str = "", wrapwidth: int = 78)

Creates a new MOFile object, by default empty.

@getter magic_number(self) -> int

Returns the magic number of the file.

@getter version(self) -> int

Returns the revision number of the file.

get_entries(self) -> List[MOEntry]

Returns a list with copies of the entries of the file.

@setter entries(self, entries: List[MOEntry])

Sets the entries of the file.

from rspolib import MOFile, MOEntry

file = MOFile()
file.entries = [
    MOEntry(msgid="Hello", msgstr="Hola"),
    MOEntry(msgid="Goodbye", msgstr="Adiós"),

get_metadata(self) -> Dict[str, str]

Returns a copy of the metadata of the file.

@setter metadata(self, metadata: Dict[str, str])

Sets the metadata of the file.

update_metadata(self, metadata: Dict[str, str])

Updates the metadata of the file.

The previous metadata fields will be overwritten by the new one.

remove_metadata_field(self, key: str)

Removes a metadata field from the file.

save(self, path: str)

save_as_pofile(self, path: str)

save_as_mofile(self, path: str)

Save the file to a path.

remove(self, entry: MOEntry)

Removes an entry from the file.

remove_by_msgid(self, msgid: str)

Removes an entry from the file by its msgid.

remove_by_msgid_msgctxt(self, msgid: str, msgctxt: str)

Removes an entry from the file by its msgid and msgctxt.

append(self, entry: MOEntry)

Appends an entry to the file.

find(value: str, by: str = "msgid", include_obsolete_entries: bool = False, msgctxt: Optional[str] = None) -> List[MOEntry]

Finds entries by a given value.

  • value: The value to search.
  • by: The field to search. Can be msgid, msgstr, msgctxt, msgid_plural, previous_msgid, previous_msgid_plural or previous_msgctxt.
  • include_obsolete_entries: Whether to include obsolete entries in the search.
  • msgctxt: The context to match against too while searching. Only used when by is not msgctxt.

If you are doing a search by msgid or msgid + msgctxt the functions find_by_msgid and find_by_msgid_msgctxt are more efficient.

find_by_msgid(self, msgid: str) -> Optional[MOEntry]

Finds an entry by its msgid.

find_by_msgid_msgctxt(self, msgid: str, msgctxt: str) -> Optional[MOEntry]

Finds an entry by its msgid and msgctxt.

__len__(self) -> int

Returns the number of entries in the file.

__contains__(self, entry: MOEntry) -> bool

Returns whether the file contains an entry.

__getitem__(self, index: int) -> MOEntry

Returns an entry from the file.

__str__(self) -> str

Returns the content of the file as a string.

__eq__(self, other: POFile) -> bool

__ne__(self, other: POFile) -> bool

Returns whether two files are equal or not comparing by their produced contents.

__iter__(self) -> Iterator[MOEntry]

Returns an iterator over the entries of the file.


__init__(self, ...)

  • msgid: str = "": The singular form of the message.
  • msgstr: Optional[str] = None: The translation of the message.
  • msgid_plural: Optional[str] = None: The plural form of the message.
  • msgstr_plural: List[str] = []: The translations of the plural of the message.
  • msgctxt: Optional[str] = None: The context of the message.
  • tcomment: Optional[str] = None: A generated comment for translators.
  • comment: Optional[str] = None: A generated comment for machines.
  • flags: List[str] = []: A list of flags.

@getter msgid(self) -> str

@setter msgid(self, msgid: str)

@getter msgstr(self) -> Optional[str]

@setter msgstr(self, msgstr: Optional[str])

@getter msgid_plural(self) -> Optional[str]

@setter msgid_plural(self, msgid_plural: Optional[str])

get_msgstr_plural(self) -> List[str]

@setter msgstr_plural(self, msgstr_plural: List[str])

@getter msgctxt(self) -> Optional[str]

@setter msgctxt(self, msgctxt: Optional[str])

@getter obsolete(self) -> bool

@setter obsolete(self, obsolete: bool)

@getter tcomment(self) -> Optional[str]

@setter tcomment(self, tcomment: Optional[str])

@getter comment(self) -> Optional[str]

@setter comment(self, comment: Optional[str])

get_flags(self) -> List[str]

@setter flags(self, flags: List[str])

get_occurrences(self) -> List[(str, str)]

@setter occurrences(self, occurrences: List[(str, str)]

@getter previous_msgid(self) -> Optional[str]

@setter previous_msgid(self, previous_msgid: Optional[str])

@getter previous_msgid_plural(self) -> Optional[str]

@setter previous_msgid_plural(self, previous_msgid_plural: Optional[str])

@getter previous_msgctxt(self) -> Optional[str]

@setter previous_msgctxt(self, previous_msgctxt: Optional[str])

@getter linenum(self) -> int

Returns the line number of the entry in the file.

@getter fuzzy(self) -> bool

Returns whether the entry is fuzzy.

Convenient way to check "fuzzy" in entry.flags.

translated(self) -> bool

Returns whether the entry is translated.

merge(self, other: POEntry)

Merges the entry with another one.

__str__(self) -> str

__eq__(self, other: POEntry) -> bool

__ne__(self, other: POEntry) -> bool

__gt__(self, other: POEntry) -> bool

__ge__(self, other: POEntry) -> bool

__lt__(self, other: POEntry) -> bool

__le__(self, other: POEntry) -> bool

__cmp__(self, other: POEntry) -> int


__init__(self, ...)

  • msgid: str = "": The singular form of the message.
  • msgstr: Optional[str] = None: The translation of the message.
  • msgid_plural: Optional[str] = None: The plural form of the message.
  • msgstr_plural: List[str] = []: The translations of the plural of the message.
  • msgctxt: Optional[str] = None: The context of the message.

@getter msgid(self) -> str

@setter msgid(self, msgid: str)

@getter msgstr(self) -> Optional[str]

@setter msgstr(self, msgstr: Optional[str])

@getter msgid_plural(self) -> Optional[str]

@setter msgid_plural(self, msgid_plural: Optional[str])

get_msgstr_plural(self) -> List[str]

@setter msgstr_plural(self, msgstr_plural: List[str])

@getter msgctxt(self) -> Optional[str]

@setter msgctxt(self, msgctxt: Optional[str])

translated(self) -> bool

Returns whether the entry is translated.

merge(self, other: POEntry)

Merges the entry with another one.

__str__(self) -> str

__eq__(self, other: POEntry) -> bool

__ne__(self, other: POEntry) -> bool

__gt__(self, other: POEntry) -> bool

__ge__(self, other: POEntry) -> bool

__lt__(self, other: POEntry) -> bool

__le__(self, other: POEntry) -> bool

__cmp__(self, other: POEntry) -> int


unescape(text: str) -> str

Unescapes a PO file string.

Can raise an EscapingError if one of the next problems is found:

  • A escape character is escaping a character that should not be escaped.
  • There is an escape character at the end of the string.

escape(text: str) -> str

Escapes a PO file string.