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Lightwallet API

This document describes a reference standard specification for the Monero lightwallet server/client API. It’s implemented by OpenMonero, MyMonero, and the official Monero project, and is maintained with the purpose of organizing and recording the consensus of Monero lightwallet API projects, and to support alternate implementations.

Modifications to this specification should only be made with consensus of the projects which participate by implementing the specification.

Encoding Schemes


JSON is the original and required encoding scheme used for the API. Binary values (public keys, hashes, etc) are sent as an ascii-hex string. Some integers, that may exceed 2^53, are sent as strings. This is to due to the limitation within Javascript where all integers are double floating point values.

Transport Layers


When calling an API method, the client must use HTTP POST to a path with the method name. As an example, to invoke the get_address_txs method, the client sends a POST message to /get_address_txs where the body contains the JSON request object associated with that method name. If the requested method does not exist, a HTTP 404 "Not Found" error must be returned. If the request type is not POST, the server shall return a HTTP 405 "Method Not Allowed" error. If the server is unable to complete a request temporarily due to load, then the server shall return a HTTP 503 "Service Unavailable" error to indicate to the client that the request may be serviceable later.

Servers must support the JSON encoding scheme. The client must send the HTTP field Content-Type: application/json; if the server is not provided that content type from the client then the server shall respond with a HTTP 415 "Unsupported Media Type" error.

This transport layer does not use HTTP authentication, and instead uses the view_key field for authorization. Documentation for a specific method will indicate whether view_key is required. When it is not necessary, anyone can invoke the method.


The ascii name of the field is used as a key in JSON encoding. If a field has a * indicator, that means the field is optional. If * is used next to the type, the value can be "null" or a value valid according to the type.



A hex-ascii string in JSON. This is generally some irreducible cryptographic concept - a public key or hash.


A standard Monero public address encoded as a string in JSON.

output object

Information needed to spend an output.

Field Type Description
tx_id uint64 Index of tx in blockchain
amount uint64-string XMR value of output
index uint16 Index within vout vector
global_index uint64-string Index within amount
rct binary Bytes of ringct data
tx_hash binary Bytes of tx hash
tx_prefix_hash binary Bytes of tx prefix hash
public_key binary Bytes of output public key
tx_pub_key binary Bytes of the tx public key
spend_key_images array of binary objects Bytes of key images
timestamp timestamp Timestamp of containing block
height uint64 Containing block height

tx_id is determined by the monero daemon. It is the offset that a transaction appears in the blockchain from the genesis block.

global_index is determined by the monero daemon. It is the offset from the first time the amount appeared in the blockchain. After ringct, this is the order of outputs as they appear in the blockchain.

tx_hash and tx_prefix_hash are determined by how monerod computes the hash.

rct is, for ringct outputs, a 96-byte blob containing the concatenation of the public commitment, then the ringct mask value, and finally the ringct amount value. For ringct coinbase outputs, the mask is always the identity mask and the amount is zero; for non-coinbase ringct outputs, the mask and amount are the respective raw encrypted values, which must be decrypted by the client using the view secret key. For non-ringct outputs, this field is nil.

rates object

Field Type Description
AUD * float32 AUD/XMR exchange rate
BRL * float32 BRL/XMR exchange rate
BTC * float32 BTC/XMR exchange rate
CAD * float32 CAD/XMR exchange rate
CHF * float32 CHF/XMR exchange rate
CNY * float32 CNY/XMR exchange rate
EUR * float32 EUR/XMR exchange rate
GBP * float32 GBP/XMR exchange rate
HKD * float32 HKD/XMR exchange rate
INR * float32 INR/XMR exchange rate
JPY * float32 JPY/XMR exchange rate
KRW * float32 KRW/XMR exhcnage rate
MXN * float32 MXN/XMR exchange rate
NOK * float32 NOK/XMR exchange rate
NZD * float32 NZD/XMR exchange rate
SEK * float32 SEK/XMR exchange rate
SGD * float32 SGD/XMR exchange rate
TRY * float32 TRY/XMR exchange rate
USD * float32 USD/XMR exchange rate
RUB * float32 RUB/XMR exchange rate
ZAR * float32 ZAR/XMR exchange rate

If an exchange rate is unavailable, the server field shall omit the field from the JSON object.

spend object

Field Type Description
amount uint64-string XMR possibly being spent
key_image binary Bytes of the key image
tx_pub_key binary Bytes of the tx public key
out_index uint16 Index of source output
mixin uint32 Mixin of the spend

out_index is a zero-based offset from the original received output. The variable within the monero codebase is the vout array, this is the index within that. It is needed for correct computation of the key_image.

mixin does not include the real spend - this is the number of dummy inputs.


A string in JSON. The string format is "YYYY-HH-MM-SS.0-00:00". Monero blockchain timestamps do not have sub-seconds.

transaction object

Field Type Description
id uint64 Index of tx in blockchain
hash binary Bytes of tx hash
timestamp * timestamp Timestamp of block
total_received uint64-string Total XMR received
total_sent uint64-string XMR possibly being spent
unlock_time uint64 Tx unlock time field
height * uint64 Block height
spent_outputs array of spend objects List of possible spends
payment_id * binary Bytes of tx payment id
coinbase boolean True if tx is coinbase
mempool boolean True if tx is in mempool
mixin uint32 Mixin of the receive

id is determined by the monero daemon. It is the offset that a transaction appears in the blockchain from the genesis block.

timestamp and height are not sent when mempool is true.

hash is determined by how the monero core computes the hash.

spent_outputs is the list of possible spends in this transaction only.

payment_id is omitted if the transaction had none. It is decrypted when the encrypted form is used. The decryption may be incorrect - if the transaction was TO another address, then this will be random bytes. This happens frequently with outgoing payment ids; the received XMR in the transaction is change and the payment id is for the real recipient.

mixin does not include the real spend - this is the number of dummy inputs.

uint16 / uint32 / uint64

Sent as a standard decimal encoded number in JSON. The JSON decoder must reject number values that exceed the specified bit-width.


A uint64 encoded as a decimal string value in JSON. Used when a value may exceed 2^53 - all numbers are 64-bit floats in JavaScript.

random_output object

Field Type Description
global_index uint64-string Index within amount
public_key bytes Bytes of output public key
rct bytes Bytes containing ringct commitment

global_index is determined by the monero daemon. It is the offset from the first time the amount appeared in the blockchain. After ringct, this is the order of outputs as they appear in the blockchain.

random_outputs object

Randomly selected outputs for use in a ring signature.

Field Type Description
amount uint64-string XMR amount, 0 if ringct
outputs * array of random_output objects Selected outputs

outputs is omitted by the server if the amount does not have enough mixable outputs.



Returns the minimal set of information needed to calculate a wallet balance. The server cannot calculate when a spend occurs without the spend key, so a list of candidate spends is returned.

Request object

Field Type Description
address base58-address Address to retrieve
view_key binary View key bytes for authorization

If address is not authorized, the server must return a HTTP 403 "Forbidden" error.

Response object

Field Type Description
locked_funds uint64-string Sum of unspendable XMR
total_received uint64-string Sum of received XMR
total_sent uint64-string Sum of possibly spent XMR
scanned_height uint64 Current tx scan progress
scanned_block_height uint64 Current scan progress
start_height uint64 Start height of response
transaction_height uint64 Total txes sent in Monero
blockchain_height uint64 Current blockchain height
spent_outputs array of spend objects Possible spend info
rates * rates Current exchange rates

rates is omitted if unavailable.


Returns information needed to show transaction history. The server cannot calculate when a spend occurs without the spend key, so a list of candidate spends is returned.

Request object

Field Type Description
address base58-address Address to retrieve
view_key binary View key bytes for authorization

If address is not authorized, the server must return a HTTP 403 "Forbidden" error.

Response object

Field Type Description
total_received uint64-string Sum of received outputs
scanned_height uint64 Current tx scan progress
scanned_block_height uint64 Current scan progress
start_height uint64 Start height of response
blockchain_height uint64 Current blockchain height
transactions array of transaction objects Possible spend info


Selects random outputs to use in a ring signature of a new transaction. If the amount is 0 then the monerod RPC get_output_distribution should be used to locally select outputs using a gamma distribution as described in "An Empirical Analysis of Traceability in the Monero Blockchain". If the amount is not 0, then the monerod RPC get_output_histogram should be used to locally select outputs using a triangular distribution (uint64_t dummy_out = * sqrt(float64(random_uint53) / float64(2^53))).

Request object

Field Type Description
count uint32 Mixin (name is historical)
amounts array of uint64-string objects XMR amounts that need mixing

Clients must use amount 0 when computing a ringct output.

If clients are creating multiple rings with the same amount, they must set count to the mixin level and add the value to amounts multiple times. Server must respond to each value in amounts, even if the value appears multiple times.

Response object

Field Type Description
amount_outs array of random_output objects Dummy outputs for each amounts

If there are not enough outputs to mix for a specific amount, the server shall omit the outputs field in amount_outs.


Returns a list of received outputs. The client must determine when the output was actually spent.

Request object

Field Type Description
address base58-address Address to create/probe
view_key binary View key bytes
amount uint64-string XMR send amount
mixin uint32 Minimum mixin for source output
use_dust boolean Return all available outputs
dust_threshold * uint64-string Ignore outputs below this amount

If the total received outputs for the address is less than amount, the server shall return a HTTP 400 "Bad Request" error code.

Response object

Field Type Description
per_byte_fee uint64-string Estimated network fee
fee_mask uint64-string Fee quantization mask
amount uint64-string The total value in outputs
outputs array of output objects Outputs possibly available for spending


Request an account scan from the genesis block.

Request object

Field Type Description
address base58-address Address to create/probe
view_key binary View key bytes

Response object

Field Type Description
payment_address * base58-address Payment location
payment_id * binary Bytes for payment_id tx field
import_fee * uint64-string Fee required to complete request
new_request boolean New or existing request
request_fulfilled boolean Indicates success
status string Custom message

payment_id, import_fee, and payment_address may be omitted if the client does not need to send XMR to complete the request.


Check for the existence of an account or create a new one.

Request object

Field Type Description
address base58-address Address to create/probe
view_key binary View key bytes
create_account boolean Try to create new account
generated_locally boolean Indicate that the address is new

The view key bytes are required even if an account is not being created, to prevent metadata leakage.

If the server does not allow account creations, HTTP 501 "Not Implemented" error must be returned.

If approval process is manual, a successful HTTP 200 OK and response object must be returned. Subsequent requests shall be HTTP 403 "Forbidden" until account is approved.

Response object

Field Type Description
new_address boolean Whether account was just created
generated_locally * boolean Flag from initial account creation
start_height * uint64 Account scanning start block


Submit raw transaction to be relayed to monero network.

Request object

Field Type Description
tx binary Raw transaction bytes, in format used by daemon p2p comms

This format is tricky unfortunately, it is custom to the monero daemon. The internal code of monerod must be read to determine this format currently.

Response object

Field Type Description
status string Status of relay

status is typically the response by the monero daemon attempting to relay the transaction.