<Heatmap /> Component API Note: Supported on Google Maps only. Props Prop Type Default Note points Array<WeightedLatLng> Array of heatmap entries to apply towards density. radius Number 20 The radius of the heatmap points in pixels, between 10 and 50. opacity Number 0.7 The opacity of the heatmap. gradient Object Heatmap gradient configuration (See below for Gradient Config). Gradient Config Android Doc | iOS Doc Prop Type Default Note colors Array<String> Colors (one or more) to use for gradient. startPoints Array<Number> Array of floating point values from 0 to 1 representing where each color starts. Array length must be equal to colors array length. colorMapSize Number 256 Resolution of color map -- number corresponding to the number of steps colors are interpolated into. Types type WeightedLatLng = { latitude: Number; longitude: Number; weight?: Number; }