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SP1 Audit Report - Recursion VM

Audited by rkm0959. Report Published by KALOS.

Executive Summary

Codebase Submitted for the Audit

For circuits, we audit the AIR constraints that are inside the eval() functions.


  • alu - add_sub, bitwise, divrem, lt, mul, sll, sr
  • bytes -,
  • cpu: air subfolder, columns subfolder
  • memory:
  • operations: all AIRs in folder in scope
  • program: all AIRs in folder in scope
  • syscall: all AIRs in precompiles/{edwards, keccak256, sha256, weierstrass, uint256}
  • air:,,,,
  • lookup:
  • utils: ec subfolder,
  • stark:,,,,,,
  • machine derive macro:


  • cpu: all AIRs in folder in scope
  • memory: all AIRs in folder in scope
  • program: all AIRs in folder in scope
  • poseidon2: all AIRs in scope
  • poseidon2_wide: all AIRs in scope
  • fri_fold all AIRs in scope
  • multi: all AIRs in scope
  • range check: all AIRs in scope
  • air folder
  • stark folder


  • zkvm/precompiles/src/
  • zkvm/precompiles/src/
  • zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/
  • zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/
  • zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/
  • zkvm/entrypoint/src/syscalls/

This audit report deals with the recursion/core/src part of the audit. The final commit hash is 22f51bb8e1f343661c1a54140401a7cb3e365928 on the dev branch.

Audit Timeline

  • 2024/04/15 - 2024/05/31 (6 engineer weeks)


1. [Critical] poseidon2/external is allows memory write at arbitrary location, and hash value is also underconstrained

Poseidon2Chip evaluates the Poseidon2 hash in-circuit, with SBOX $x^7$, 8 external rounds and 13 internal rounds. There are several underconstrains in the codebase which lead to a break of soundness of the hash function evaluation and the memory state in general.

First, the local.rounds are underconstrained. Currently the only constraint is that they are boolean and at most one of them can be true. These should be handled in a similar way to Plonky3's keccak round flags, keeping track of the 24-cycle. Avoid vuln #11 here.

The computation of is_external_layer is incorrect. The range of the iteration has to be [2, rounds_p_beginning) and [rounds_p_end, 2 + rounds_p + rounds_f).

    // First half of the external rounds.
    let mut is_external_layer = (2..rounds_p_beginning)
        .map(|i| local.rounds[i].into())

    // Second half of the external rounds.
    is_external_layer += (rounds_p_end..rounds_p + rounds_f)
        .map(|i| local.rounds[i].into())

The memory read from left_input and right_input doesn't constrain that the memory value doesn't change. This allows the memory to be overwritten with arbitrary value.

The syscall is received at the row where local.rounds[0] is true, so the ground source of truth for dst_input should be at this row. However, in eval_mem, the actually used address to write the hash value is the dst_input value at the row where is_memory_write = local.rounds[23] is true. As there is no check that dst_input is equal over the 24-cycle, one can write the hash value at an arbitrary location regardless of the actual syscall.

We recommend checking clk, dst_input, left_input, right_input to be equal across the 24-cycle. In general, a good point to look out for is to have memory accesses done only when a syscall is actually read, and have the cycle flags constrained regardless of is_real.

Fix Notes

This vulnerability is fixed in PR #747, this commit of PR #821, this commit of PR #821, and this commit of PR #821. We summarize the fixes below, going over each vulnerability.

The computation of is_external_layer is fixed. Also, the row 24-cycle is constrained regardless of is_real, starting with rounds[0] being true and shifting by one per each row. Also, clk, dst_input, left_input, right_input are held equal over the 24-cycle.

The value of is_real is held equal over the 24-cycle. Also, with vulnerability #19 fixed, the check in recursion_eval_memory_access_single is sufficient to constrain that is_real is boolean. When is_real is zero, both do_memory and do_receive is zero, leading to no table receives and memory accesses being done. On is_real = 1, the circuit constrains.

Also, on is_memory_read (i.e. rounds[0]) the memory access is constrained to be read-only.

2. [Low] recursion's eval_memory_access should constrain is_real to be boolean as done in core

While core's eval_memory_access checks the multiplicity to be boolean, this check is not present in recursion's recursion_eval_memory_access. For consistency, unless there is a specific reason, we recommend adding this boolean check to recursion.

    // core
     fn eval_memory_access<E: Into<Self::Expr> + Clone>(
        &mut self,
        shard: impl Into<Self::Expr>,
        clk: impl Into<Self::Expr>,
        addr: impl Into<Self::Expr>,
        memory_access: &impl MemoryCols<E>,
        do_check: impl Into<Self::Expr>,
    ) {
        let do_check: Self::Expr = do_check.into();
        let shard: Self::Expr = shard.into();
        let clk: Self::Expr = clk.into();
        let mem_access = memory_access.access();


        // Verify that the current memory access time is greater than the previous's.
        self.eval_memory_access_timestamp(mem_access, do_check.clone(), shard.clone(), clk.clone());

        // Add to the memory argument.
        let addr = addr.into();
        let prev_shard = mem_access.prev_shard.clone().into();
        let prev_clk = mem_access.prev_clk.clone().into();
        let prev_values = once(prev_shard)
        let current_values = once(shard)

        // The previous values get sent with multiplicity = 1, for "read".

        // The current values get "received", i.e. multiplicity = -1

    // recursion
    fn recursion_eval_memory_access<E: Into<Self::Expr> + Clone>(
        &mut self,
        timestamp: impl Into<Self::Expr>,
        addr: impl Into<Self::Expr>,
        memory_access: &impl MemoryCols<E, Block<E>>,
        is_real: impl Into<Self::Expr>,
    ) {
        let is_real: Self::Expr = is_real.into();
        let timestamp: Self::Expr = timestamp.into();
        let mem_access = memory_access.access();

        self.eval_memory_access_timestamp(timestamp.clone(), mem_access, is_real.clone());

        let addr = addr.into();
        let prev_timestamp = mem_access.prev_timestamp.clone().into();
        let prev_values = once(prev_timestamp)
        let current_values = once(timestamp)


Fix Notes

This is fixed as recommended in PR #789.

3. [High] MemoryGlobalChip allows multiple initializations for one memory address, breaking the memory argument

The MemoryGlobalChip allows for memory to be initialized and finalized. Here, there are no checks that the memory addresses of each row are different.

    let main = builder.main();
        let local = main.row_slice(0);
        let local: &MemoryInitCols<AB::Var> = (*local).borrow();

        // Verify that is_initialize and is_finalize are bool and that at most one is true.
        builder.assert_bool(local.is_initialize + local.is_finalize);


This allows unexpected behavior - allowing unexpected values of prev_value to be read.

We show this with an example. Write memory for a fixed address as (value, timestamp).

  • initialize (5, 0) and (7, 0)
  • at clock 1, read previous value 5 from clock 0 and go (5, 0) -> (8, 1)
  • at clock 2, read previous value 7 from clock 0 and go (7, 0) -> (9, 2)
  • at clock 3, read previous value 8 from clock 1 and go (8, 1) -> (10, 3)
  • at clock 4, read previous value 9 from clock 2 and go (9, 2) -> (11, 4)
  • finalize (10, 3) and (11, 4)

This allows us to read incorrect previous values - at clock 2, the intuitive previous value is 8, but 7 was read. Note that this attack works with at most one memory access per clock.

The addresses of each row should be enforced to be different - this can be done by constraining that the address increases over the rows via bitwise decomposition. Note that adding this check in the initialize stage only is sufficient to resolve this issue.

Also, the verifier needs to enforce that only one table of MemoryGlobalChip exists, so that double initializtion/finalization cannot happen using multiple tables.

As similar vulnerability was found in the Core VM, and similar defenses can be applied here.

Fix Notes

This was fixed in this pull request as recommended.

4. [Critical] Recursion VM's cpu doesn't constrain the memory being loaded on to register in LOAD opcodes

For the load opcode, the cpu should load the value from the memory and put it onto the register corresponding to local.a. However, the only check for the load opcode is that the memory value doesn't change after the opcode. This means that there are no checks that the new value in the register is the value from the memory itself, allowing arbitrary values.

    // Constraints on the memory column depending on load or store.
    // We read from memory when it is a load.
    // When there is a store, we ensure that we are writing the value of the a operand to the memory.
        .assert_block_eq(*local.a.value(), *memory_cols.memory.value());

We recommend adding the check that a's value is the memory's value also for the case where is_load is true. Changing the selector for the second check in the code above suffice.

Fix Notes

The recommended fix was added in pull request #789.

5. [High] Recursion VM's op_a register value and fp value are underconstrained for jump opcodes

The following is the code for the jump instructions.

    pub fn eval_jump<AB>(
        builder: &mut AB,
        local: &CpuCols<AB::Var>,
        next: &CpuCols<AB::Var>,
        next_pc: &mut AB::Expr,
    ) where
        AB: SP1RecursionAirBuilder<F = F>,
        // Verify the next row's fp.
            .assert_eq(local.fp, F::from_canonical_usize(STACK_SIZE));
        let not_jump_instruction = AB::Expr::one() - self.is_jump_instruction::<AB>(local);
        let expected_next_fp = local.selectors.is_jal * (local.fp + local.c.value()[0])
            + local.selectors.is_jalr * local.a.value()[0]
            + not_jump_instruction * local.fp;
            .assert_eq(next.fp, expected_next_fp);

        // Add to the `next_pc` expression.
        *next_pc += local.selectors.is_jal * (local.pc + local.b.value()[0]);
        *next_pc += local.selectors.is_jalr * local.b.value()[0];

Compare this with the runtime behavior of recursion VM.

    Opcode::JAL => {
        self.nb_branch_ops += 1;
        let (a_ptr, b_val, c_offset) = self.alu_rr(&instruction);
        let a_val = Block::from(self.pc);
        self.mw_cpu(a_ptr, a_val, MemoryAccessPosition::A);
        next_pc = self.pc + b_val[0];
        self.fp += c_offset[0];
        (a, b, c) = (a_val, b_val, c_offset);
    Opcode::JALR => {
        self.nb_branch_ops += 1;
        let (a_ptr, b_val, c_val) = self.alu_rr(&instruction);
        let a_val = Block::from(self.pc + F::one());
        self.mw_cpu(a_ptr, a_val, MemoryAccessPosition::A);
        next_pc = b_val[0];
        self.fp = c_val[0];
        (a, b, c) = (a_val, b_val, c_val);

We see the following differences which should be fixed accordingly.

  • a value should be set with the relevant value with the pc
  • JALR's expected next fp value is c_val[0], not a_val[0]

Fix Notes

These two differences were fixed in pull request #789.

6. [Medium] BNEINC opcode of the recursion VM underconstrains the newly written value to the register a

    // If the instruction is a BNEINC, verify that the a value is incremented by one.
        .assert_eq(local.a.value()[0], local.a.prev_value()[0] + one.clone());

The BNEINC increments the value in the register a, and branches depending on whether or not the new value in a matches op_b_value. However, note that only the a.value()[0] part is constrained in the code above. The check that a.value()[1..4] is equal to a.prev_value()[1..4] is a missing constraint that should be added to the circuit.

We also note that the comment regarding BNEINC is incorrect - indeed, the opcode uses the new value in the register a, not the previous value as stated in the comment below.

    // Convert operand values from Block<Var> to BinomialExtension<Expr>.  Note that it gets the
    // previous value of the `a` and `b` operands, since BNENIC will modify `a`.
    let a_ext: BinomialExtension<AB::Expr> =
        BinomialExtensionUtils::from_block(local.a.value().map(|x| x.into()));
    let b_ext: BinomialExtension<AB::Expr> =
        BinomialExtensionUtils::from_block(local.b.value().map(|x| x.into()));

We recommend adding the constraint as explained above, and fixing the comment as well.

Fix Notes

This was fixed in pull request #789 as recommended.

7. [Critical] All selectors being zero and imm_b = imm_c = 1 should be constrained when is_real is zero in CpuChip

Note that the preprocessed program information is taken from the ProgramChip with multiplicity is_real at the CpuChip. This means that on is_real = 0, the program information at that row can be arbitrary and not preprocessed.

    // Constrain the program.
    builder.send_program(local.pc, local.instruction, local.selectors, local.is_real);

Therefore, in this case, one should avoid any syscalls or lookups being sent over as an interaction. This can be easily done by enforcing all selectors are zero, and imm_b and imm_c are equal to one. This will set all memory accesses and lookups to be done with multiplicity zero when is_real = 0, as desired. Note that without this additional constraint, we can use the rows of is_real = 0 to do arbitrary memory accesses on arbitrary clock.

Fix Notes

This was added here. Note that selector's is_noop is turned on to be true, which is correct.

8. [Informational] ALU division allows 0/0 to be arbitrary

    // For div operation, we assert that b == a * c (equivalent to a == b / c).
        .assert_ext_eq(b_ext, a_ext * c_ext);

To check a == b / c, the circuit simply checks b == a * c. This works in usual cases, but this allows a to be arbitrary when b = c = 0. While this by itself is not a serious vulnerability, all usecases of the Recursion VM should be aware of this behavior.

Fix Notes

The authors made an acknowledgement by adding a comment here.

9. [Medium] Some selectors are not considered in is_op_a_read_only_instruction

Some instructions only use the register op_a as read-only, while some instructions use it to write on the register. The read-only behavior is checked as follows.

    // If the instruction only reads from operand A, then verify that previous and current values are equal.
    let is_op_a_read_only = self.is_op_a_read_only_instruction::<AB>(local);
        .assert_block_eq(*local.a.prev_value(), *local.a.value());

We quickly go over each instruction.

  • all ALU clearly write on op_a, so they are not read-only
  • for branch, BEQ and BNE are read-only, but BNEINC increment op_a
  • the heap expansion is done alongside the ADD instruction, so not read-only
  • for jump, the instructions write pc related values to op_a
  • for memory, LOAD writes a memory value to a register, but STORE writes a register value to memory, so STORE is read-only while LOAD is not read-only
  • the syscalls use op_a as read-only
  • COMMIT, TRAP, HALT should be read-only

Therefore, the op_a read-only instructions are BEQ, BNE, STORE, all the syscalls, COMMIT, TRAP, HALT. However, it seems that the newly added instructions are missing.

    /// Expr to check for instructions that only read from operand `a`.
    pub fn is_op_a_read_only_instruction<AB>(&self, local: &CpuCols<AB::Var>) -> AB::Expr
        AB: SP1RecursionAirBuilder<F = F>,
            + local.selectors.is_bne
            + local.selectors.is_fri_fold
            + local.selectors.is_poseidon
            + local.selectors.is_store
            + local.selectors.is_noop
            + local.selectors.is_ext_to_felt

In general, we recommend reviewing newly added instructions for read-only-ness.

Fix Notes

New instructions were added in is_op_a_read_only_instruction here.

10. [High] clk and pc are not initialized in CpuChip

The first row of clk and pc are not constrained in the Recursion VM CpuChip. This is different with, for example, Recursion VM's fp, which is constrained in air/

 // Verify the next row's fp.
        .assert_eq(local.fp, F::from_canonical_usize(STACK_SIZE));

Also, note that clk and pc are constrained in the Core VM by

  • for clk, it's explicit that the first row has clk == 0
  • for pc, it's constrained that the first row has public input's pc as the program counter

We recommend adding appropriate constraints for the first row of clk and pc.

Fix Notes

The initial clk and pc are now both constrained to be zero here.

11. [High] MultiBuilder's handling of the first and last rows of the stacked table is incorrect, leading to potential soundness break

The MultiChip aims to "stack" a FriFoldChip and Poseidon2Chip within a same table. To do so, it has two boolean columns is_fri_fold and is_poseidon2, denoting whether or not the row belongs to a FriFold chunk or a Poseidon2 chunk. After that, it constrains that the chunks go, in order, a FriFold chunk, then a Poseidon2 chunk, and finally a chunk which is just a padding. The FriFoldChip's constraint system is evoked with a MultiBuilder, which uses is_fri_fold as whether or not the current row is an "actual row" to be constrained. Also, using the memory accesses and syscall reads are modified to be only turned on when is_fri_fold is turned on. A similar strategy is used for the Poseidon2Chip.

    let mut sub_builder =
            MultiBuilder::new(builder, local.is_fri_fold.into(), next.is_fri_fold.into());
    let fri_columns_local = local.fri_fold();
        local.is_fri_fold * FriFoldChip::<3>::do_memory_access::<AB::Var>(fri_columns_local),
        local.is_fri_fold * FriFoldChip::<3>::do_receive_table::<AB::Var>(fri_columns_local),
    let fri_fold_chip = FriFoldChip::<3>::default();
        &mut sub_builder,

    // similar for Poseidon2...

The MultiBuilder works as follows. The builder receives a local_condition, whether or not the current row is "real", and a next_condition, whether or not the next row is "real". Then,

  • is_first/last_row: uses the same is_first/last_row as the generic builder, also local_condition must be turned on for the constraints to be actually placed
  • is_transition_window: uses the same is_transition_window as the generic builder, also local_condition and next_condition must be turned on for the constraints
  • assert_zero: requires local_condition to be true for the constraints to be placed

Here, while most constraints are fine, the issue arises in the is_first/last_row cases. For example, consider the first row of the Poseidon2Chip. Here, the Poseidon2Chip may have (indeed, after fix of vulnerability #1, it does) constraints on the first row for initialization. However, when constrained through the MultiBuilder in the MultiChip, this constraint may not be placed. Indeed, if there is a nonempty FriFoldChip stack on top, the first row conditions will not be placed as is_poseidon2 will be zero in the first row.

This is different from the expected behavior, which would be that the is_first_row constraints for the Poseidon2Chip apply for the first row of the Poseidon2Chip stack. A similar idea also applies for the is_last_row of the FriFoldChip stack - such constraints will require the row being the last row of the entire table for it to be placed.

We recommend either

  • removing the MultiChip architecture, simply using two tables separately
  • adding more columns in MultiChip to directly constrain correct stacking
  • having is_first_row, is_last_row to be explicitly sent over to the MultiBuilder

In the third case, we recommend the following values to be sent over.


  • is_first_row: is_first_row * is_fri_fold
  • is_last_row
    • Case 1: we are in a transition window, next row isn't FriFold
      • is_fri_fold * (1 - next.is_fri_fold)
    • Case 2: we are in the last row and this is FriFold
      • is_fri_fold


  • is_first_row: this one is very tricky as you need access to previous row in some way
    • make a new column for this, call it start. constrain it as follows
    • on first row, start == is_poseidon2
    • on transition window, next.start == is_fri_fold * next.is_poseidon2
  • is_last_row: similar as is_last_row of FriFoldChip

Fix Notes

The fixes are implemented in Pull Request #997 as recommended.

12. [High] FriFoldChip allows incorrect behavior as syscall reads and memory accesses aren't connected properly

The FriFoldChip handles syscalls that require a variable number of rows. To handle this, two columns are used, which we will denote is_real and is_last_iteration. We note that on the case where vulnerability #11 is fixed, then on the case where we are on the FriFoldChip stack, memory_access is equal to is_real and receive_table is equal to is_last_iteration. Also, in the case where we are not on the FriFoldChip stack, both memory_access and receive_table are forced to be zero, so no syscalls or memory accesses will be done, as we desire. Here, we assume vulnerability #11 to be fixed.

    pub const fn do_receive_table<T: Copy>(local: &FriFoldCols<T>) -> T {

        pub const fn do_memory_access<T: Copy>(local: &FriFoldCols<T>) -> T {

Also, there is a column m, clk, input_ptr which describes the behavior or the current iteration of the syscall handling. To be more exact, the m value starts at zero for each chunk, increments one by each row, and resets to zero on the start of the new chunk handling a new syscall. The clk simply increments by one over each chunk, but can be completely different over different chunks. The input_ptr must be held equal over a single chunk, as it is one of the syscall parameters received from the CpuChip. This is implemented as follows.

    // Ensure that all first iteration rows has a m value of 0.

    // Ensure that all rows for a FRI FOLD invocation have the same input_ptr, clk, and sequential m values.
        .assert_eq(next.m, local.m + AB::Expr::one());
        .assert_eq(local.input_ptr, next.input_ptr);
        .assert_eq(local.clk + AB::Expr::one(), next.clk);

We outline various attack ideas below, and give concrete list of constraints for defense.

First, there's the case where no syscalls are actually read but memory accesses are being done. One can set is_last_iteration zero so that no syscalls are read, then put is_real value and other column values in an incorrect manner. Here, one can also note that there's no real constraints put on is_real - so this value can behave arbitrarily between zero and one.

This can also be viewed differently - note that this can be also seen as the fact that there's no check that an on-going chunk with all is_real = 1 will be finalized at some point.

Also, there's the case where is_last_iteration is indeed 1, but is_real is just zero - so no memory accesses are actually done. We again note that is_real is not being constrained.

To fix this, the goal should be to have

  • is_last_iteration == 1 should have all relevant rows have is_real == 1
  • no rows within a chunk with is_last_iteration == 1 should have is_real == 1

To do this, we recommend adding the following constraints.

  • #1: local.is_last_iteration, local.is_real are both boolean
  • #2: local.is_last_iteration == 0 implies local.is_real == next.is_real
  • #3: local.is_last_iteration == 1 implies local.is_real == 1
  • #4: local.is_real == 0 implies next.is_real == 0
  • #5: on the final row, we have either local.is_real == 0 or is_last_iteration == 1

We note that #1 is already done (note that is_real is boolean due to issue #2's fix).

Basically, the idea is to have all is_real = 1 rows at the top as usual, done via constraint #4. First, we have to constrain is_last_iteration to be zero in the padding rows at the bottom. This is done with constraint #3. Now, all it remains is to check that on the final non-padding row, is_last_iteration must be true. If this final non-padding row is not the last row, constraint #2 is sufficient to constrain this fact. If the final non-padding row is simply the last row, then constraint #5 is sufficient to constrain this fact. Completeness is similar.

Fix Notes

This was fixed in pull request #946 as recommended.