ASPICE example [WIP]
This document defines the documentation guidelines for SWE 3 (Detailed Design) and SWE 4 (Unit Verification).
- provide which doxygen tags needs to be set
- clarify alias for concurrent and error
- write documentation guideline
- someTag
- unit , use a type safe implementation if possible!
- min , use a type safe implementation if possible!
- max , use a type safe implementation if possible!
Edit the file Doxygen
and add the following alias.
ALIASES +="customTag=\par Custom Tag Description:\n"
ALIASES += "requirement=\xrefitem requirement \"Requirement\" \"Requirements\" "
The implementation documentation should never describe what happens, that does already the code for you. It should describe why it is implemented in the way it is.
Never add fancy lines in your comments like this: (exception is the fileheader which is Bosch-wide standard)
// My bad comment
// bla bla bla
void badCommentedFunction();
/// good comment: bla bla bla
void goodCommentedFunction();
- Try to give a usage example via @code / @endcode of more complex to use functions
Please see Header.
Every header and inl file needs to have an include guard. Pragma once is not allowed. The include guard is placed directly under the file header and needs to have the following scheme:
See the header files under iceoryx/doc/aspice_swe3_4/example.
if you want to make complex aspects of your implementation visible, you can write plantuml directly into the doxygen description of your class. An example can be found at example_base_class.hpp
For good examples on PlantUML checkout