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MobilizeAmerica API Pilot

Note: This API is in alpha development, and while we will strive to minimize breaking changes and keep this document up-to-date, we expect there will be some iteration before we land on a public stable version.

Please see the Changelog below for changes, and file any issues here

To stay updated on new releases or iterations, join the email list here


API Entry Point

All requests occur through


APIs will return responses in JSON, with the following shared format.

Field Type Description
data array object
error object Any errors with input or errors on the server. If this key is present, paging related keys will not be present, and data will be null.
count int If a paged response, the number of objects across all pages.
next url The next page if it exists, otherwise null.
previous url The previous page if it exists, otherwise null.


For API routes which require authentication (not all do) you must access the API with a key which we will provide you. This key should be passed as the token in a bearer auth header, i.e.:

Authorization: Bearer API_KEY

All requests must be made over HTTPS. Requests made with malformed, missing or otherwise incorrect API keys will return HTTP status 403.


Error responses will have an object value for the error field and data will be null. We will also return a relevant HTTP status code with each error response.

Here’s an example error response for /api/v1/events?organization_id=hello:

    "data": null,
    "error": {
        "organization_id": {
            "0": [
                "A valid integer is required."


All endpoints support paging, using the query params per_page and page. per_page defaults to 25. In the response, count describes the number of total objects, so ceiling(count / per_page) gives the total number of pages. Also, for convenience, next and previous will be links to the next and previous pages respectively.

Comparison Filters

Some endpoints will allow for filtering by comparing with a field within an object. In those cases, the format will be field_name=cmp_####. For example, to filter out events before Jan 1 2018 GMT, you can include timeslot_start=gte_1514764800. Multiple may also be used, e.g. timeslot_start=gte_1514764800&timeslot_start=lt_1515110400. The comparison operators are ≥ gte, > gt, ≤ lte, < lt. More may be added in the future.

OSDI compliance

OSDI is an exciting and important attempt to bring interoperability to the progressive data ecosystem, a cause we heartily support. However, there are a number of data model and format constraints of OSDI that made it a less-than-perfect fit for us and our consumers. While we have opted not to follow strict OSDI formats for our API responses at this stage, we have made our best effort to align field names and structure where possible. For example, many of the Event fields map directly onto OSDI field names. We hope this will make the job of anyone attempting to build an OSDI layer on top of our API easier.


Organization object

Field Type Description
id int
name string The public-facing name of the organization.
slug string The URL-safe string for this organization.
is_coordinated bool Whether this is a coordinated-side organization for campaign finance purposes. Opposite of is_independent
is_independent bool Whether this is an independent-side organization for campaign finance purposes. Opposite of is_coordinated
race_type enum One of GOVERNOR, CONGRESSIONAL, SENATE, STATE_SENATE, STATE_LEG, SEC_STATE, ATTY_GENERAL, OTHER_LOCAL, OTHER_STATEWIDE. New options may be added. null if not a campaign.
is_primary_campaign bool If the campaign is a primary. false if not a campaign.
state string The two-letter code of the state the organization is in. May be empty.
district string The district the organization is in, e.g., 14. May refer to different districts depending on the value of race_type.
candidate_name string The name of the candidate this organization represents. May be empty.
event_feed_url string The public event feed for this organization.
created_date int Unix timestamp
modified_date int Unix timestamp

List all organizations

Status: LIVE

Return all active organizations on the platform. This endpoint is publicly accessible.

Requires authentication: No


GET /api/v1/organizations

Request Params

  • updated_since: Unix timestamp of organizations to filter by modified_date


data is an array of Organization objects.

  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Example",
      "slug": "example",
      "is_coordinated": true,
      "is_independent": false,
      "is_primary_campaign": false,
      "state": "",
      "district": "",
      "candidate_name": "",
      "race_type": null,
      "event_feed_url": "",
      "created_date": 1524232122,
      "modified_date": 1524232122

List all the organizations promoted by an organization

Status: LIVE

Fetches a list of all the organizations that an organization has promoted. This endpoint is accessible only to members of the promoting organization.

Requires authentication: Yes


GET /api/v1/organizations/:organization_id/promoted_organizations

Request Params

  • None


data is an array of Organization objects.

  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Example Organization",
      "slug": "example",
      "is_coordinated": true,
      "is_independent": false,
      "is_primary_campaign": false,
      "state": "",
      "district": "",
      "candidate_name": "",
      "race_type": null,
      "event_feed_url": "",
      "created_date": 1524232122,
      "modified_date": 1524232122


Event object

Field Type Description
id int
title string The public name of the event
summary string The public subheading of the event
description string Long-form HTML description of the event
featured_image_url string Path to the image for the event
high_priority bool Whether the event is marked high priority for the provided organization
sponsor Organization The owning Organization, with the fields defined above
timeslots Timeslot[] Array of past and future timeslots
location Location The event location, or null if the event is virtual
timezone string A timezone database string for the event, e.g., America/New_York.
event_type enum The type of the event, one of: CANVASS, PHONE_BANK, TEXT_BANK, MEETING, COMMUNITY, FUNDRAISER, MEET_GREET, OTHER. This list may expand.
browser_url string Canonical URL of the event
created_date int Unix timestamp
modified_date int Unix timestamp


Field Type Description
id int
start_date int Unix timestamp
end_date int Unix timestamp


Field Type Description
venue string The name of the location, e.g., “Campaign HQ” or “Starbucks”
address_lines string[] The lines of the address. Should always have exactly two values in our system, which may be empty strings.
locality string The city
region string The two-character state code
postal_code string The zipcode
location object The geocoded location, or null if geocoding failed.
location.latitude float
location.longitude float

Deleted Event

Field Type Description
id int
deleted_date int Unix timestamp

List all public events

Status: LIVE

Fetch all public events on the platform.

Requires authentication: No


GET /api/v1/events

Request params

  • organization_id: One or more Organization IDs to filter to. If multiple, should be supplied as multiple query params, e.g., organization_id=1&organization_id=2, etc.
  • updated_since: Unix timestamp to filter by Events’ modified_date
  • timeslot_start: Comparison to filter by Events' Timeslots' start date. Will only return Timeslots on those Events that meet the filter conditions
  • timeslot_end: Comparison to filter by Events' Timeslots' end date. Will only return Timeslots on those Events that meet the filter conditions


data is an array of Event objects.

  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "description": "example",
      "timezone": "America/New_York",
      "title": "Example",
      "summary": "",
      "featured_image_url": "",
      "high_priority": null,
      "sponsor": {
        Organization object
      "timeslots": [
              "id": 1,
              "start_date": 2,
              "end_date": 3
              "id": 2,
              "start_date": 3,
              "end_date": 4
      "location": {
          "venue": "",
          "address_lines": [
          "locality": "",
          "region": "",
          "postal_code": "10003",
          "location": {
              "latitude": 40.7322535,
              "longitude": -73.9874105
      "event_type": "CANVASS",
      "created_date": 1,
      "modified_date": 1,
      "browser_url": ""

List organization events

Status: LIVE

Fetch all public events for an organization. This includes both events owned by the organization (as indicated by the organization field on the event object) and events of other organizations promoted by this specified organization.

Requires authentication: No


GET /api/v1/organizations/:organization_id/events

Request params

  • updated_since: Unix timestamp to filter by Events’ modified_date
  • timeslot_start: Comparison to filter by Events' Timeslots' start date. Will only return Timeslots on those Events that meet the filter conditions
  • timeslot_end: Comparison to filter by Events' Timeslots' end date. Will only return Timeslots on those Events that meet the filter conditions


data is an array of Event objects.

  "data": [
      "id": 1,
      "description": "example",
      "timezone": "America/New_York",
      "title": "Example",
      "summary": "",
      "featured_image_url": "",
      "high_priority": true,
      "sponsor": {
        Organization object
      "timeslots": [
              "id": 1,
              "start_date": 2,
              "end_date": 3
              "id": 2,
              "start_date": 3,
              "end_date": 4
      "location": {
          "venue": "",
          "address_lines": [
          "locality": "",
          "region": "",
          "postal_code": "10003",
          "location": {
              "latitude": 40.7322535,
              "longitude": -73.9874105
      "event_type": "CANVASS",
      "created_date": 1,
      "modified_date": 1,
      "browser_url": ""

List deleted public events

Status: LIVE

Fetch deleted public events on the platform.

Requires authentication: No


GET /api/v1/events/deleted

Request params

  • organization_id: One or more Organization IDs to filter to. If multiple, should be supplied as multiple query params, e.g., organization_id=1&organization_id=2, etc.
  • updated_since: Unix timestamp to filter by Events’ modified_date


data is an array of Deleted Event objects.

List deleted organization events

Status: LIVE

Fetch all deleted public events for an organization. This includes both events owned by the organization (as indicated by the organization field on the event object) and events of other organizations promoted by this specified organization.

Requires authentication: No


GET /api/v1/organizations/:organization_id/events/deleted

Request params

  • updated_since: Unix timestamp to filter by Events’ modified_date


data is an array of Deleted Event objects.


Person object

Field Type Description
id int
created_date int Unix timestamp
modified_date int Unix timestamp
given_name string First name
family_name string Last name
email_addresses Email[] Array of length 1 with an email
phone_numbers Phone[] Array of length 1 with a phone number
postal_addresses Address[] Array of length 1 with a zip code
sms_opt_in_status enum For the current organization; one of UNSPECIFIED, OPT_IN or OPT_OUT


Field Type Description
primary bool Always true
address string Email address


Field Type Description
primary bool Always true
number string Phone number


Field Type Description
primary bool Always true
postal_code string Zip code

List organization people

Status: LIVE

Fetch all people (volunteers) who are affiliated with the organization

Requires authentication: Yes


GET /api/v1/organizations/:organization_id/people

Request params

  • updated_since: Unix timestamp to filter by Persons’ modified_date


data is an array of Person objects.


Attendance object

Field Type Description Coordinated/Independent notes
id int
created_date int Unix timestamp
modified_date int Unix timestamp
person Person Person who attended the event
event Event Associated event If the requesting organization is independent and the event’s organization is coordinated, all but event_type is omitted.
timeslot Timeslot Selected timeslot on event If the requesting organization is independent and the event’s organization is coordinated, id is omitted.
sponsor Organization The promoting organization if it exists, otherwise the event’s organization If the requesting organization is coordinated and the promoting organization is independent, this is omitted.
attended bool Whether the person actually attended or not. Will be null if not set.
referrer Referrer UTM tracking information


Field Type Description
utm_source string
utm_medium string
utm_campaign string
utm_term string
utm_content string
url string

List organization attendances

Status: LIVE

Fetch all attendances which were either promoted by the organization or were for events owned by the organization

Requires authentication: Yes


GET /api/v1/organizations/:organization_id/attendances

Request params

  • updated_since: Unix timestamp to filter by Attendances’ modified_date


data is an array of Attendance objects.

List organization’s affiliated person’s attendances

Status: LIVE

Fetches all attendances that are either for that person with that organization, or are for public events and were created after the affiliation between the person and the organization began.

Requires authentication: Yes


GET /api/v1/organizations/:organization_id/people/:person_id/attendances

Request params

  • updated_since: Unix timestamp to filter by Attendances’ modified_date


data is an array of Attendance objects.



  • Add timeslot_end filter to public events and organization events endpoints


  • Add high_priority to Event object


  • Add sms_opt_in_status to Person object


  • Add attended to Attendance object


  • Add endpoint for deleted events
  • Add endpoint for deleted events for an organization and its promoted organizations
  • Add filtering by comparisons for timeslot start dates on events


  • Add endpoint to fetch promoted organizations
  • Add endpoint to fetch affiliated people
  • Add endpoint to fetch attendences for an organization
  • Add endpoint to fetch attendences for a person
  • Added url to Referrer object