diff --git a/doc/realtime_servo/realtime_servo_tutorial.rst b/doc/realtime_servo/realtime_servo_tutorial.rst
index a415eca2b..4ecd89892 100644
--- a/doc/realtime_servo/realtime_servo_tutorial.rst
+++ b/doc/realtime_servo/realtime_servo_tutorial.rst
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ An `rqt_graph` of the servo node is shown below (Enlarge by clicking it). Most o
.. image:: servo_rqt_graph.png
:width: 700px
-Configuring Control Devices (Gamepads, Joysticks, etc)
+Configuring Control Devices (Gamepads etc.)
The ``moveit_servo/config`` folder contains two examples of converting `SpaceNavigator `_ 3D mouse commands to servo commands. ``spacenav_teleop_tools.launch`` loads a config file then publishes commands to the servo node on the ``spacenav/joy topic``. It is easy to create your own config file for a particular joystick or gamepad.
@@ -152,7 +152,19 @@ See the following video for an example usage:
+Configuring Joystick as a Control Device
+As an alternative, you can use a joystick to control the robot. Assuming you have already compiled the workspace and sourced it, simply run. ::
+ roslaunch ur5_moveit_tutorials ur5_moveit_servo_w_joy.launch
+See the following video for an example usage:
+.. raw:: html