diff --git a/ab/firefox-ios.xliff b/ab/firefox-ios.xliff
index f7205569ea..b92fa6fc5a 100644
--- a/ab/firefox-ios.xliff
+++ b/ab/firefox-ios.xliff
@@ -422,11 +422,6 @@
Ааигәа дахьнеизSection title label for recently visited websites
- Аҿацәқәа
- Section title label for Shortcuts
- Ацәаҳәақәа рхыԥхьаӡара
@@ -2662,11 +2657,6 @@
%@ анаартуаDescription displayed under the ”Offer to Open Copied Link” option. See https://bug1223660.bmoattachments.org/attachment.cgi?id=8898349. Placeholder is for the app name.
- Firefox анаартуа
- Description displayed under the ”Offer to Open Copied Link” option. See https://bug1223660.bmoattachments.org/attachment.cgi?id=8898349
- Иқәҭыху азхьарԥшқәа раартразы аҳәара
@@ -4055,6 +4045,22 @@ Private Tab
+ The body text for the placeholder screen shown when there are no saved bookmarks, located within a nested subfolder of the bookmarks panel within the libray modal
+ The title for the placeholder screen shown when there are no saved bookmarks, located within a nested subfolder of the bookmarks panel within the libray modal
+ The body text for the placeholder screen shown when there are no saved bookmarks, located at the root level of the bookmarks panel within the libray modal
+ The title for the placeholder screen shown when there are no saved bookmarks, located at the root level of the bookmarks panel within the libray modal
+ Зегьы
@@ -4777,11 +4783,6 @@ Private Tab
Еиӷьтәу ашьҭаԥшра ахьчараTitle for the switch to enable/disable enhanced tracking protection inside the menu.
- Ахьчара Ҿыцуп. Ҳара иҳабжьаҳгоит уи еиҭа аркра.
- A switch to disable enhanced tracking protection inside the menu.
- Ахьчара Ҿыцуп. Ҳара иҳабжьаҳгоит уи даҽазнык иаркырц.
@@ -5382,11 +5383,6 @@ Private Tab
АцҳараOn the main menu, a string below the Tool submenu tiitle, indicating what kind of tools are available in that menu. This string is for the Report Broken Site tool.
- Иԥхасҭоу асаит азы адырраҭара
- On the main menu, the title for the action that will take the user to the site where they can report a broken website to our web compatibility team.
- On the main menu, the title for the action that will take the user to the site where they can report a broken website to our web compatibility team.
@@ -5506,11 +5502,6 @@ Private Tab
АцҵараOn top of the bottom toolbar, there can be a microsurvey prompt, this is the title for the button that appears on the prompt that allows the user to tap on and navigates them to the microsurvey to respond to.
- Аҭҵаара азыҳәара арктәуп
- On top of the bottom toolbar, there can be a microsurvey prompt, this is the accessibility label for the close button that appears on the prompt that allows the user to dismiss the microsurvey prompt.
- Аркра
@@ -5531,11 +5522,6 @@ Private Tab
АшьҭраAfter engaging with the microsurvey prompt, the microsurvey pops up as a bottom sheet for the user to answer, this the title of button on the survey that a user can tap on to submit their responses.
- Иааигәаны аҭҵаара
- After engaging with the microsurvey prompt, the microsurvey pops up as a bottom sheet for the user to answer, this is the accessibility label for close button that dismisses the sheet.
- Аркра
@@ -5551,11 +5537,6 @@ Private Tab
Аҭҵаара хыркәшоупOn the microsurvey, which is a bottom sheet that pops up with a survey question and options, this is the title for the header on the microsurvey when the user has completed the survey.
- Ари аҭҵаара амҩаԥгара
- After engaging with the microsurvey prompt, the microsurvey pops up as a bottom sheet for the user to answer, this is the title for the header on the screen.
- Ҳаҳәоит, аҭҵаара мҩаԥыжәга
@@ -5606,11 +5587,6 @@ Private Tab
Амаӡаратә рдырраҭараAfter engaging with the microsurvey prompt, the microsurvey pops up as a bottom sheet for the user to answer, this the title of a link on the survey and allows the user to navigate to our privacy policy details.
- Иалху
- After engaging with the microsurvey prompt, the microsurvey pops up as a bottom sheet for the user to answer, this is the accessibility label that states whether the survey option was selected.
- Иалкаау аныхуп
@@ -5633,11 +5609,6 @@ Private Tab
АрҿыцраOn error page, this is the text on a button that will try to load the page again.
- SSL агха ҟалеит, насгьы асервер ахь ашәарҭадаратә еиқәыршәара ашьақәыргылара залымшеит.
- On error page, this is the description for generic error.
- On error page, this is the description for generic error. The placeholder will be replaced by the site url
@@ -5831,11 +5802,6 @@ Private Tab
Ардыррақәа аҿактәупString used to describe the option to continue to ask for the notification permission in Firefox Onboarding screens.
- Уанҭалалак, насгьы асинхронизациа аныҟауҵалак, еиҳа ушәарҭадахоит. %@ ашәҟәы ҭанаҵоит уԥсыӡажәақәа, уҭыжьымҭақәа уҳәа убас иҵегьы.
- String used to describes the description of what Firefox is on the Sync onboarding page for current version in our Onboarding screens. Placeholder is for the app name.
- %@ асинхронизациа аан уԥсыӡажәақәа, уҭыжьымҭақәа уҳәа убас иҵегьы еиқәнаршәоит.
@@ -6281,11 +6247,6 @@ Private Tab
АԥхьаӡараSettings section title for the old Firefox account
- Адресқәа автохарҭәаара
- Label used as an item in Settings screen. When touched, it will take user to address autofill settings page to that will allow user to add or modify saved addresses to allow for autofill in a webpage.
- Адресқәа
@@ -6356,11 +6317,6 @@ Private Tab
Альтернативтә ԥшаагақәаTitle for alternate search engines settings section in the Search page in the Settings menu.
- Аԥшаара алҵшәақәа, алаԥшхгара аҭоурых, анҵамҭақәа уҳәа убас иҵегьы
- Footer for the `default search engine` settings section in the Search Settings page, which explains in more details what the `Show Search Suggestions` setting includes.
- Аԥшаага машьына ишыҟоу еиԥш
@@ -6381,26 +6337,11 @@ Private Tab
Ахатә сесиақәа рҿы аԥшаага машьынақәа рҟынтәи абжьгарақәа аарԥштәупDescription for `Show in Private Sessions` toggle, located in `Suggestions from Search Engines` section in the Search page in the Settings menu.
- Ахатә ԥшаараҿы аҳамҭақәа аарԥштәуп
- Label for toggle. Explains that in private browsing mode, the search suggestions which appears at the top of the search bar, can be toggled on or off. Located in the Private Session section in the Search page in the Settings menu.
- Ахатә ԥенџьырқәа рҿы иаарԥштәупLabel for toggle. Explains that in private browsing mode, the search suggestions which appears at the top of the search bar, can be toggled on or off. Located in `Suggestions from Search Engines` and `Address Bar - Firefox Suggest` sections in the Search page in the Settings menu.
- Ахатә ԥшаара
- Title for the `Private Browsing` settings section in the Search page in the Settings menu.
- Ирццаку аԥшааратә системақәа
- Title for quick-search engines settings section in the Search page in the Settings menu.
- Аԥшааратә ажәалагалақәа аарԥштәуп
@@ -6436,21 +6377,11 @@ Private Tab
Аԥсҭҳәа абларҭақәа рыԥшаараIn the Search page of the Settings menu, the title for the setting to enable synced tabs.
- Уԥшаара инақәыршәаны ауеб аҟынтәи аҳәарақәа уоурц
- In the Search page of the Settings menu, the description for the setting to enable Suggestions from Firefox.
- Уԥшаара иадҳәалоу аҳәарақәа %@ аҟынтә иуоурIn the Search page of the Settings menu, the description for the setting to enable Suggestions from Firefox. Placeholder is for the app name - Firefox.
- Аҳәарақәа %@ аҟынтә
- In the Search page of the Settings menu, the title for setting to enable Suggestions from Firefox. Placeholder is for the app name - Firefox.
- Интернет аҟынтәи ажәалагалақәа
@@ -6655,11 +6586,6 @@ Private Tab
Уи 60 секунд раҟара аамҭа аҭаххар ауеит.Description for info card when the product is in analysis mode
- Ахҳәаақәа рхаҭабзиара агәаҭара
- Title for info card when the product is in analysis mode
- Ахҳәаа ахаҭабзиара агәаҭара (%@)
@@ -6690,11 +6616,6 @@ Private Tab
Арҭ ахҳәаақәа ирызкны макьаназы адыррақәа ыҟамTitle for card displayed when a shopping product has not been analysed yet.
- “Ааи, иԥышәшәа” ҳәа иалхны, шәара шәақәшаҳаҭуп %@ аҟынтә:
- Text for the disclaimer that appears underneath the rating image of the Shopping Experience Opt In onboarding Card (Fakespot). The parameter will be replaced by the Fakespot app name. After the colon, what appears are two links, each on their own line. The first link is to a Privacy policy. The second link is to Terms of use.
- “Иаҳҳәап, иԥышәшәа” ҳәа иалхны, шәақәшаҳаҭуп:
@@ -6725,11 +6646,6 @@ Private Tab
Ааи, иԥышәаText for the main button of the Shopping Experience Opt In onboarding Card (Fakespot)
- Амаӡаратә политика
- Show Firefox Browser Privacy Policy page from the Privacy section in the Shopping Experience Opt In onboarding Card (Fakespot). See https://www.mozilla.org/privacy/firefox/
- Амаӡаратә рдырраҭара %@
@@ -6745,11 +6661,6 @@ Private Tab
Уажәазы акәымText for the secondary button of the Shopping Experience Opt In onboarding Card (Fakespot)
- Ахархәара аԥҟарақәа
- Show Firefox Browser Terms of Use page from the Privacy section in the Shopping Experience Opt In onboarding Card (Fakespot). See https://www.mozilla.org/privacy/firefox/
- Ахархәара аԥҟарақәа %@
@@ -6800,11 +6711,6 @@ Private Tab
Ҳара ҳхы иаҳархәоит %1$@ by %2$@ AI атехнологиа аалыҵ ахҳәаа аиашара агәаҭаразы. Уи шәара ишәыцхраауеит ахҳәаа ахаҭабзиара мацара ахәшьара аҭараҿы, аалыҵ ахаҭабзиара акәымкәа.Label of the headline from How we determine review quality card displayed in the shopping review quality bottom sheet. The first parameter will be replaced by the Fakespot app name and the second parameter by the company name of Mozilla.
- *Ихадоу адыррақәа* аҵыхәтәантәи 80 мшы рзы %1@ аҟны ахҳәаақәа рҟынтәи иаагоуп, урҭ рыгәра угартә иҟоуп ҳәа ҳгәы иаанагоит.
- Highlights label from How we determine review quality card displayed in the shopping review quality bottom sheet. The parameter substitutes the partner website the user is coming from. The *text inside asterisks* denotes part of the string to bold, please leave the text inside the '*' so that it is bolded correctly.
- *Ихадоу адыррақәа* аҵыхәтәантәи 80 мшы рзы %@ аҟны ахҳәаақәа рҟынтәи иаагоуп, урҭ рыгәра угартә иҟоуп ҳәа ҳгәы иаанагоит.
@@ -6939,7 +6845,7 @@ Private Tab
@@ -6950,7 +6856,7 @@ Private Tab