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File metadata and controls

209 lines (142 loc) · 6.23 KB


GLAM is maintained on GitHub at:

To install a local copy of GLAM, you need:

  • Python (version 3.8+)
  • node.js (version 12+)
  • npm (v7+): run npm install -g npm@latest to upgrade to the latest npm
  • Docker: GLAM uses Docker for local development and deployment. Please make sure to install Docker and Docker Compose on your computer to contribute code or documentation changes. Note that GLAM requires a fair bit of disk space-- if you're using Docker for Mac, you might want to increase the allocation of disk space to the Docker virtual machine to at least 100G (via Preferences -> Resources -> Advanced).


To set the application up, please copy the .env-dist file to one named .env.

Set the DJANGO_SECRET_KEY and NGINX_SESSION_SECRET variables using the output of running the following command twice, after logging into the Docker container with make shell:

python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe(50))"

Reach out to someone on the #glam channel on Mozilla's internal Slack, or #datatools on Mozilla's Matrix for the values of the GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT and OIDC_CLIENT_ID variables.

Initial Setup

When first setting up the project you will need to set up the database and import data that the front-end is expecting.

First, from the project root, log into the Docker container with make shell.

Then run the Django migrations to create the tables:

./ migrate

To gather the probe data that populates the probe API, run the following:

./ import_probes

The next step requires viewer permissions in the non-prod GCP project, please reach out to someone on the #glam channel on Mozilla's internal Slack, or #datatools on Mozilla's Matrix if you need the proper authorization. First, log in to GCP or reauthenticate via gcloud (outside of the Docker container):

gcloud auth application-default login

Then, populate the aggregation tables with data from desktop Firefox:

./ import_desktop_aggs <CHANNEL>

where CHANNEL is one of nightly, beta, or release.

You can also import data from a custom bucket using the bucket argument. Remember to set the project accordingly:

gcloud auth login --update-adc

Starting the server

To start the application, run:

make up

This will launch 2 servers:

  • http://localhost:3000 is an nginx server configured to authenticate via Mozilla's auth0 backend and will proxy GLAM.
  • http://localhost:8000 is the Django server that contains the API endpoints and serves up the front-end HTML and static assets.

See below for building the front-end Javascript and other static assets.

With these servers running you can, e.g., query the data via curl:

curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8000/api/v1/data/ -d '{"query": {"channel": "nightly", "versions": ["70"], "probe": "gc_ms", "aggregationLevel": "version"}}' | python -m json.tool

Building the front-end

The front-end is installed and run on the host system, not in the Docker container.

To build the front-end, make sure you've installed the npm packages:

npm install

Then, run the following command:

npm run dev

This will build and live reload changes as they're made while developing.

Updating Python dependencies

Python dependencies are maintained in the file and “compiled” with hashes and dependencies of dependencies in the requirements.txt.

To add a new dependency, add it to the file and then do pip-compile.

Then, rebuild your Docker environment with make build.

After the image is built successfully, you can restart the Docker image with make up and the new dependency should be available.

Code quality

To automatically benefit from the code quality tools that are included with this project, use an editor (such as Visual Studio Code) with plugins for EditorConfig, ESLint, Prettier, and Svelte.

When installed correctly, these plugins will warn you when your code contains potential problems or when it's formatted inconsistently. If you choose to, you can also configure your editor to automatically format files with Prettier upon save.

Even with these plugins, you may want to run npm run format and npm test (front-end), and make format and make test (back-end), before sharing your code to be sure that you didn't miss anything. Also, be aware that Prettier and its plugins can rarely break existing code. You may want to double-check that everything works after running npm run format just in case.


To test whether the code conforms to the style rules, you can run:

  • npm run format and npm test for front-end code

  • make format and make test for back-end code

Run the tests

To run the GLAM server test suite, run the following command:

make test

This will spin up a Docker container to run the tests, so please set up the development setup first.

The default options for running the test are in pytest.ini. This is a good set of defaults.

Alternatively, e.g. when you want to only run part of the tests first open a console to the web container..

make shell

and then run pytest directly:


Some helpful command line arguments to pytest (won't work on make test):

--pdb: Drop into pdb on test failure.

--create-db: Create a new test database.

--showlocals: Shows local variables in tracebacks on errors.

--exitfirst: Exits on the first failure.

See pytest --help for more arguments.