Last updated: March 2018
To help improve the WebVR API and the Unity WebVR Assets package, each time a web page built using the WebVR Assets is loaded, Mozilla automatically receives general-usage statistics and uncaught JavaScript errors encountered by end-users, using Google Analytics and Sentry, respectively. The complete list of collected data includes metrics for counting the number of unique web-page sessions; time for web pages to load and time open; JavaScript error exceptions occurred on the page; the number of times a VR device is mounted and worn; number of times VR mode is enabled and time spent; and a random identifier.
You as a developer can turn off this data collection by modifying the configuration snippet that comes with the VR template. It is your obligation to inform your end-users of this data collection and to inform them that it can be turned off by enabling “Do-Not-Track” in their browsers.
- Unique UUID-v4 random identifier (generated according to IETF RFC4122), persisted in the browser's
- JavaScript error (exception) messages (without file paths)
- Console messages (i.e., error, warning, log, info)
- Respects Do-Not-Track (i.e.,
DNT: 1
HTTP header andnavigator.doNotTrack === '1'
JavaScript value) - Dimensions (width × height) of the browser's
, ratio of the resolution (i.e.,navigator.devicePixelRatio
) - Release version of the Unity WebVR Assets package being used (e.g.,
) - JavaScript Heap memory used (measured in megabytes)
- WebXR API support (i.e.,
) - WebVR v1.1 API support (i.e.,
) - WebVR v1.1 events emitted by the browser (i.e., user-initiated actions and headset events) during a unique page load:
- Number of times and time until VR mode is entered (e.g., user keypress, user click, automatically presented)
- Number of times and time until VR mode is exiting (e.g., user keypress, user click, automatically exited, browser's Back button, browser's navigation to another page, etc.)
- Number of times and time until a VR device is worn/mounted
- Number of times and time until a VR device is taken off/unmounted
- Number of times and time until a VR device has been connected (or detected on page load)
- Number of times and time until a VR device has been disconnected/unplugged
- Number of times and time until a mouse cursor is temporarily disabled for input while "pointerlocked" in VR mode (e.g., for Windows Mixed Reality's desktop flat-pane views)
- Number of times and time until a mouse cursor is temporarily disabled for input while "pointerlocked" in VR mode (e.g., for Windows Mixed Reality's desktop flat-pane views)
- Amount of time the active page took to load and to reach:
- Loading screen
- Splash screen
- Unity game
- Amount of time the active page was open for ("session length")
- Browser's
string (i.e.,navigator.userAgent
) - WebGL 1.0 API support
- WebGL 2.0 API support
- Gamepad API
- Support of API (i.e.,
) - Names of connected gamepads (i.e.,
- Support of API (i.e.,
- Web Audio API support (i.e.,
) - WebAssembly (WASM) API support (i.e.,
) - Web Worker support (i.e.,
) - Service Worker API (i.e.,
) requestIdleCallback
API (i.e.,window.requestIdleCallback