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Max Paperno edited this page Jul 6, 2022 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the WASimCommander wiki!

Currently this site is just used to host images. But this will surely change soon!


OK here's a tip if you're not aware of it already.

Having trouble wrapping your head around Reverse Polish Notation? The Prepar3D SDK download includes a neat GUI app called Infix2Postfix.exe. "Postfix" is what they call RPN notation and "Infix" is what most humans (or at least programmers) are used to. :) So you can write "normal looking" code and have the tool translate that to RPN, or even vice-versa (which I found very helpful when trying to figure out what some example code does).

You can download their SDK from here, install it, then find the utility in the Panels and User Interface\Panels folder. It's a standalone EXE file (and a help .txt file) so it could be copied to some other folder and the rest of the SDK could be safely removed.

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