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This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 6, 2020. It is now read-only.

Releases: mpetrovich/cypress-scenario-runner


19 Jan 20:29
Choose a tag to compare

Bug fixes

  • Fixes handling of page URIs that are RegExp objects (#4)


05 Sep 09:00
Choose a tag to compare

New functionality

  • Automatic installer: The necessary glue files are created or edited, even if you have a customized Cypress installation or none at all. See the new installation process for details.


24 Aug 19:13
Choose a tag to compare

Breaking changes

  • Setting routes, custom steps, attribute names, and other options is simpler; see README
  • data-force="true|false" attributes are now data-options="{ force: true|false }"
  • Support for <input type="file"> has been dropped for now; use alternatives (one, two) instead
  • Placeholder login & logout steps are no longer included and must be added as custom steps
  • For the I set: step, the data table now requires column headers in the first row:
And I set:
| element        | value            |
| email input    | |
| password input | password123      |


21 Aug 04:39
Choose a tag to compare

New functionality

  • Added data table support for element text equality and contains assertions (see example below)
  • Added support for asserting input values (see example below)
Scenario: Input values can be set using inline data tables
Given I navigate to "input actions"
And I set:
| text input       | Text value     |
| password input   | Password value |
When I click "submit button"
Then "text input" should be "Text value"
Then "password input" should be "Password value"
  • Added support for multi-selects
  • Add ability to force click (ie. ignoring actionability) with the force attribute

Bug fixes

  • New values replace existing values when setting text input values. Previously, the new value was appended to the existing value.


20 Aug 02:57
Choose a tag to compare

New functionality

  • You can now assert the current page by path string or regex, not just by name:
Then I should be on "/path/to/page.html"
Then I should be on "/.*\.html$/"

Bug fixes

  • Setting file inputs now works correctly with multi-file inputs, eg. <input name="files" multiple>


19 Aug 07:59
Choose a tag to compare

Bug fixes

  • Radio and checkbox inputs can be selected by value. Previously only selection by a custom data value attribute was possible.


05 Jan 17:07
Choose a tag to compare

Bug fixes

  • Removes empty content check from {element} should be visible assertions