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153 lines (134 loc) · 11.6 KB

File metadata and controls

153 lines (134 loc) · 11.6 KB


1.5.0 (future release)

1.4.9 (released 19. 9. 2015)

Complete list of commits included is here
List of closed issues is here

  • IMPORTANT, We've switched library from using org.apache.http to use, you have to update all your code
  • Library is from now on using upstream version of HttpClient libraries, provided by repackaging project
  • Achieved API23 Compatibility, see #830 for more info
  • Added HeadSample into sample application, to verify Head request works as it should
  • FileAsyncHttpResponseHandler now has constructor with usePoolThread param, which causes callbacks to be fired from ThreadPool instead of main looper

1.4.8 (released 17. 7. 2015)

Complete list of commits included is here
List of closed issues is here

  • New constructor for BinaryHttpResponseHandler which takes Looper as argument (thanks to @ScottFrank)
  • SaxAsyncHttpResponseHandler can be now provided with custom charset, instead of just using default one
  • Library LogCat tags now use shorter form (forced through Lint checks), appendix "ResponseHandler" shortened to "RH"
  • Updated documentation on RequestHandle.cancel(boolean) and returning correct response according to handle state
  • SaxAsyncHttpResponseHandler onFailure(int, Header[], byte[], Throwable) used wrong fallback to onSuccess(int, Header[], T), fixed to onFailure(int, Header[], T), where T extends SAX DefaultHandler
  • Regression fix on onProgress(int,int) documentation
  • Sample application now can be built with LeakCanary, use i.e. gradle :sample:installWithLeakCanaryDebug to use it
  • Updated RequestParams documentation on handling arrays, sets and maps, along with new RequestParamsDebug sample
  • Added BlackholeHttpResponseHandler implementation, which discards all response contents and silents all various log messages (see #416)
  • Added LogInterface, it's default implementation and interface option to disable/enable logging library-wide and set logging verbosity
  • Added option to TAG RequestHandle and cancel all requests matching specified TAG through AsyncHttpClient.cancelRequestsByTAG(Object TAG)
  • Removed deprecated getTimeout() replaced by getConnectTimeout() and getResponseTimeout() respectively
  • Removed deprecated clearBasicAuth() replaced by clearCredentialsProvider()

1.4.7 (released 9. 5. 2015)

Complete list of commits included is here
List of closed issues is here

  • Fixed crash when canceling through RequestHandle from UI Thread (NetworkOnMainThreadException)
  • Fixed URL encoding feature, that was breaking whole URL, not just path and query parts
  • FileAsyncHttpResponseHandler now checks that target file path is available or can be created
  • DataAsyncHttpResponseHandler was sending cancel notification instead of progress notification, fixed
  • Added support for HTTP PATCH requests
  • Fixed Assert exception when mkdirs in FileAsyncHttpResponseHandler tries to create dirs that already exists
  • Provided option to easily override ClientConnectionManager provision in AsyncHttpClient
  • Changed onProgress from (int,int) to (long,long) for dealing with large transfers
  • Renamed typo of preemtive to preemptive (preemptive basic auth)
  • Added option to put File array in RequestParams
  • RequestParams now support forcing Content-Type into multipart/form-data even if there are no files/streams to be multiparted
  • Gradle added support for installing to local maven repository, through gradle installArchives task
  • Added support for Json RFC5179 in JsonHttpResponseHandler

1.4.6 (released 7. 9. 2014)

Complete list of commits included is here
List of closed issues is here

  • Fixed missing boundary when passing content-type as call param along with HttpEntity
  • Added warnings for not overriden calls in JsonHttpResponseHandler (and others)
  • RequestParams now implement Serializable, to support storing them and passing them along
  • Added option to add File part with custom file name (overriding the real file name)
  • Fixed not-escaped contents in JsonStreamEntity
  • Separated connect and response timeout settings
  • Allowed to pass Looper into *HttpResponseHandler classes
  • Fixed reporting progress on GZIP compressed down-streams
  • Added more samples (eg.,,
  • Added option to pre- and post- process data in via subclass (see
  • Fixed ConcurrentModificationException on AsyncHttpClient.cancelRequests
  • Fixed handling BOM in decoding response in TextHttpResponseHandler and JsonHttpResponseHandler

1.4.5 (released 22. 6. 2014)

Complete list of commits included is here
List of closed issues is here

  • Support for circular and relative redirects
  • Added support for SAX parsing, see SaxAsyncHttpResponseHandler
  • Fixed Threading issue when used in Service or non-UI Thread context
  • Fixed GZIPInputStream issue when running in StrictMode
  • Removed unnecessary (ambiguous) callback methods (were deprecated in 1.4.4)
  • Added JsonStreamerEntity to allow up streaming JSON data
  • Added possibility to modify blacklisted/whitelisted exceptions (see RetryHandler)
  • Using newCachedThreadPool() as default ExecutorService in library, with option to change it via main interface
  • Added ResponseHandlerInterface to support completely custom implementations of response handlers
  • Added onProgress(int,int) callback, which is used for upstream progress logging (eg. Progressbar dialogs)
  • Fixed "division by zero" in default response handler
  • Added DataAsyncHttpResponseHandler, which has extra callback method which receives partially received data
  • Fixed problem with uploading more than 2 files (changes in SimpleMultipartEntity)
  • Fixed problem where on GarbageCollectors activity there was no callback received
  • Added warning for cases, where headers overwrite each other (between common headers and per-request headers)
  • Safely closing IO streams (both upstream and downstream)
  • Fixed PersistentCookieStore issue, where non-persistent cookies were stored and added option to delete stored cookie
  • Fixed networkOnMainThreadException when canceling requests (AsyncHttpClient#cancel(boolean))
  • Removed default User-Agent definition from library
  • Fixed handling null URLs in default interface calls
  • Allowed to subclass AsyncHttpClient and simply provide custom AsyncHttpRequest object (AsyncHttpClient#newAsyncHttpRequest)
  • Changed project structure to be default Intellij IDEA structure (eg. library/src/main/java)
  • Catching UnsupportedEncodingException default Async and Text response handlers
  • Added strict Lint checking for both Library and Sample application
  • Added example implementations in Sample application
    • Requests threading (ThreadPool usage, 6 seconds delay on response)
    • Synchronous request (from Activity and IntentService)
    • SAX Parsing the response
    • Retry request sample
    • Handling 302 redirects
    • RangeResponse (working with partially received data)
    • Basic usage of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
    • JSON response parsing
    • GZIP compressed communication
    • Binary handler (receives byte[] without parsing/converting)
    • File response handler (saving response directly into given File)
    • Self-signed CA sample (how to pin SSL certificate or add custom trust-chain for requests)
    • Persistent cookies store (persisting cookies between requests)
    • Post multi-part encoded Files (SimpleMultipartEntity)
    • Jackson JSON integration

1.4.4 (released 28. 10. 2013)

Complete list of commits included is here
List of closed issues is here

  • Added FileAsyncHttpResponseHandler for direct saving response into File instead of device memory
  • JsonHttpResponseHandler now parsing JSON in separate thread
  • Interface method to allow/deny handling of http redirects
  • Added method to delete previously set header (
  • Not creating new Thread if call initiated outside of UI Thread (broken, fixed in 1.4.5)
  • Support for changing response Charset (default still UTF-8)
  • Allow setting maximum retries count (
  • SimpleMultipartEntity now allows repeated usage (HttpEntity.isRepeatable())
  • Added custom SSLSocketFactory to allow certificate pinning and accepting self-signed or untrusted SSL certificates
  • Callbacks to return HTTP status code and response Headers
  • Added support for unsetting Basic Auth params
  • Added support for non-standard HTTP and HTTPS ports (new constructors of AsyncHttpClient)
  • Allowed to change dynamically allowed content-types for BinaryHttpResponseHandler per-response-handler (was static previously)
  • Added support for setting proxy, optionally with authentication
    • AsyncHttpClient#setProxy(String hostname, int port, String username, String password)
  • Support for passing Maps, Sets and Lists via RequestParams
  • Properly chaining callback methods (onSuccess, onFailure, ...) in descendant order by number of function params
  • Fixed incorrect handling of URLs with spaces after redirect
    • now sanitizes spaces within URL both on-request and on-redirect
  • Added RequestHandle which can be used to cancel and/or check request status
    • Is returned for each call (.post(...), .get(...), .head(...), .put(...), etc..)
  • Added BaseJsonHttpResponseHandler to simplify integration with Jackson JSON, Gson and other JSON parsing libraries
  • Added Sample application to demonstrate functions and usage
  • Enforcing INTERNET permission
  • Support for Gradle buildscript
  • Support for Travis CI (Continuous Integration) testing
  • Dropped support for Eclipse ADT usage (obsolete)
  • Added HTTP HEAD method support
  • Releasing both AAR and JAR (+javadoc and sources) into Maven Central repository
  • Added tons of mising Javadoc for both classes and methods