For keymaps you are mapping yourself (as opposed to mappings set by other plugins),
the first two elements are the key and the handler, respectively. The handler
can be a command string like :wa<CR>
or a Lua function.
local keymaps = {
{ '<leader>s', ':wa<CR>', description = 'Write all buffers', opts = {} },
{ '<leader>fm', vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync, description = 'Format buffer with LSP' },
For "anonymous" mappings (you want them to appear in the finder but don't want legendary.nvim
to handle creating them, e.g. for plugin keymappings), just omit the second entry (the "implementation"):
local keymaps = {
{ '<leader>s', description = 'Write all buffers', opts = {} },
{ '<leader>fm', description = 'Format buffer with LSP' },
If you want to include a description, but do not want the item to appear in the finder:
local keymaps = {
description = 'Write all buffers',
opts = {},
-- hide from finder
hide = true,
If you need to pass parameters to the Lua function or call a function dynamically from a plugin, you can use the following helper functions:
local toolbox = require('legendary.toolbox')
local keymaps = {
{ '<leader>p', toolbox.lazy(vim.lsp.buf.formatting_sync, nil, 1500), description = 'Format with 1.5s timeout' },
{ '<leader>f', toolbox.lazy_required_fn('telescope.builtin', 'oldfiles', { only_cwd = true }) },
-- you can use a dot in the 2nd parameter to access functions nested in tables
{ '<leader>tt', toolbox.lazy_required_fn('neotest', '') },
The keymap's mode defaults to normal (n
), but you can set a different mode, or list of modes, via
the mode
local keymaps = {
{ '<leader>c', ':CommentToggle<CR>', description = 'Toggle comment', mode = { 'n', 'v' } },
Alternatively, you can map separate implementations for each mode by passing the second element as a table, where the table keys are the modes:
local keymaps = {
{ '<leader>c', { n = ':CommentToggle<CR>', v = ':VisualCommentToggle<CR>' }, description = 'Toggle comment' },
If you need to pass separate opts per-mode, you can do that too:
local keymaps = {
n = { ':CommentToggle<CR>' opts = { noremap = true } },
v = { ':VisualCommentToggle<CR>' opts = { silent = false } }
description = 'Toggle comment'
-- if outer opts exist, the inner opts tables will be merged,
-- with the inner opts taking precedence
opts = { expr = false }
If you want the per-mode mappings to be treated as separate keymaps, you can specify a separate description per-mode:
local keymaps = {
n = {
description = 'Something in normal mode',
opts = { noremap = true }
v = {
opts = {
-- you can also specify description through opts.desc
-- if you prefer
desc = 'Something else in visual mode',
silent = false,
description = 'Toggle comment'
-- if outer opts exist, the inner opts tables will be merged,
-- with the inner opts taking precedence
opts = { expr = false }
You can also pass options to the keymap via the opts
property, see :h vim.keymap.set
see available options.
local keymaps = {
description = 'Format buffer with LSP',
opts = { silent = true, noremap = true },
If you want a keymap to apply to both normal and insert mode, use a Lua function.
The legendary.toolbox
module has utilities for determining visual mode and getting marks. This allows you to create
mappings like:
local keymaps = {
if require('legendary.toolbox').is_visual_mode() then
-- comment a visual block
-- comment a single line from normal mode
description = 'Toggle comment',
mode = { 'n', 'v' },
You can also organize keymaps, commands, and functions into groups that will show up in the finder UI like a folder, selecting it will then trigger another finder for items within the group. If groups are given the same name, they will be merged.
local keymaps = {
-- name, indicates that this table is an item group
itemgroup = 'short ID',
-- you can also customize the icon for item groups
icon = '',
-- you can also customize the description (first text column)
description = 'A group of items, this can be a little longer...',
keymaps = {
-- regular keymaps here