The latest release of Community Solid Server at the time of writing — version 7 — expects Node to be v18 or later
It's likely that the Node version on your Debian is lower (i have v16).
node -v
If it's less than 18, use NVM to switch to v18 or later
First install NVM.
Install node v18 (or later)
# run as [user]
nvm install 18
No need to install, just run
# run as [user]
nvm exec 18 npx -y @solid/community-server@7 -p [port]
Install the package globally
# run as [user] or root
nvm exec 18 sudo npm install -g @solid/community-server@7
Run the server
# run as [user]
community-solid-server -p [port]
This is useful when you want to edit or debug the server code
Navigate to project folder, clone and install the project from github repository
# run as [user]
# navigate to project folder
cd ~/www/[projectname]
# clone from github
git clone
# go to CSS folder
cd CommunitySolidServer
# install
nvm exec 18 npm ci
# run the server
nvm exec 18 npm start -- -p [port]
If you managed to run the CSS, you can stop it now with Ctrl+C