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Installs and configures ZFS On Linux (


At least one un-used physical hard-drive to create ZFS Pool


Spin up a test environment using Vagrant

vagrant up

This will spin up a server w/ some ZFS volumes including iSCSI devices... You can view/use iSCSI volumes from the client node...

vagrant ssh client
sudo iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p
sudo iscsiadm -m node --login

You should now have /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc on your client to format and mount

sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sdb: 1073 MB, 1073741824 bytes
34 heads, 61 sectors/track, 1011 cylinders, total 2097152 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00000000

Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table

Disk /dev/sdc: 2147 MB, 2147483648 bytes
67 heads, 62 sectors/track, 1009 cylinders, total 4194304 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00000000

Disk /dev/sdc doesn't contain a valid partition table
vagrant@client:~$ sudo fdisk /dev/sdb
Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel
Building a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0xa1af287f.
Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
After that, of course, the previous content won't be recoverable.

Role Variables

# defaults file for ansible-zfs

# Defines if ZFS filesystem(s) are created
zfs_create_filesystems: false

# Defines if ZFS pool(s) are created
zfs_create_pools: false

# Defines if ZFS volumes(s) are created
zfs_create_volumes: false
zfs_debian_package_version: 6
zfs_debian_package: "zfsonlinux_{{ zfs_debian_package_version }}_all.deb"
zfs_enable_auto_snapshots: true

# Defines if iscsitarget is installed to server iSCSI volumes
zfs_enable_iscsi: false

# Defines if NFS Kernel Server should be installed to serve NFS
zfs_enable_nfs: false

# Defines if paramaters defined in zfs_performance_tuning are applied
zfs_enable_performance_tuning: false

# Defines if Samba is installed and configured
zfs_enable_samba: false

# Defines if keys for encrypted filesystems are loaded on boot
zfs_autoload_encryption_keys: false

# Defines filesystems to manage
zfs_filesystems: []
  # - name: nfs
  #   pool: tank
  #   atime: off
  #   # on | off (default) | lzjb | gzip | gzip-1 | gzip-2 | gzip-3 | gzip-4 | gzip-5 | gzip-6 | gzip-7 | gzip-8 | gzip-9 | lz4 | zle
  #   compression: lz4
  #   # latency (default) | throughput
  #   logbias: latency
  #   # Define an alternate mountpoint
  #   # mountpoint: /var/lib/docker
  #   # all (default) | none | metadata
  #   primarycache: all
  #   quota: 3G
  #   # Defines recordsize.. 16K | 32K | 64K | 128K (default) | and etc.
  #   recordsize: 16K
  #   sharenfs: on
  #   # standard (default) | always | disabled    sync: disabled
  #   # Controls whether the snapshots devices of zvol's are hidden or visible. hidden (default) | visible
  #   snapdev: visible
  #   # Controls whether the .zfs directory is hidden or visible in the root of the file system. hidden (default) | visible
  #   snapdir: visible
  #   state: present
  # - name: Shares/Movies
  #   compression: lz4
  #   group: nogroup
  #   mountpoint: /TANK/Shares/Movies
  #   owner: nobody
  #   pool: TANK
  #   quota: none
  #   sharesmb: true
  #   smb_options:
  #     browseable: "yes"
  #     comment: ""
  #     create_directory_mask: "0755"
  #     create_mask: "0777"
  #     guest_ok: "yes"
  #     read_only: "no"
  #     share_name: Movies
  #     writable: "yes"
  #   xattr: sa
  #   acltype: posixacl
  #   state: present
  #   #standard (default) | always | disabled
  #   sync: disabled
  # - name: encrypted-fs
  #   pool: tank
  #   state: present
  #   # The encryption algorithm to use, or just "on" to use the default one picked by ZFS.
  #   encryption: aes-256-gcm
  #   # Where to lookup the key on the filesystem.  Prompt is not supported by this role.
  #   keylocation: "file:///use/local/etc/zfs/keys/tank/encyrpted-fs"
  #   # passphrase | hex | raw
  #   keyformat: "hex"

# Defines if this role should manage the installation of ZFS, including updates.
zfs_install_update: true

# Defines if iscsitarget service is enabled
zfs_iscsistarget_enable: "{{ zfs_enable_iscsi }}"

# Define your FQDN in reverse...(local.vagrant)

zfs_iscsistarget_max_sleep: 3
zfs_iscsistarget_options: ""
  # Define IP address to listen for iSCSI connections | ALL (default) | cidr (x.x.x.x/xx) | disable ALL if defining cidr
  - ALL
#  -
#  -

# Defines if ZFS Filesystem mountpoint permissions are managed
zfs_manage_filesystem_permissions: false

  - param: zfs_prefetch_disable
    value: 1
  - param: zfs_txg_timeout
    value: 5
  - param: zfs_arc_max
    # 1/2 total system memory
    value: "{{ (ansible_memtotal_mb | int * 1024 * 1024 * 0.5) | round | int }}"
  - param: zfs_arc_meta_limit
    # 1/4 zfs_arc_max
    value: "{{ (ansible_memtotal_mb | int * 1024 * 1024 * 0.125) | round | int }}"
  - param: zfs_arc_min
    # 1/2 zfs_arc_meta_limit
    value: "{{ (ansible_memtotal_mb | int * 1024 * 1024 * 0.0625) | round | int }}"

# Defines zpool(s) to manage
zfs_pools: []
  # - name: SSD-TANK
  #   action: create
  #   # set permanent options at creation time
  #   options:
  #     ashift: 13
  #   # atime: on
  #   # on | off (default) | lzjb | gzip | gzip-1 | gzip-2 | gzip-3 | gzip-4 | gzip-5 | gzip-6 | gzip-7 | gzip-8 | gzip-9 | lz4 | zle
  #   compression: lz4
  #   # Define devices to create pool with...can define multiple by | sdb sdc sdd sde sdf | all on one line w/spaces
  #   devices:
  #     - ata-INTEL_SSDSC2BW240A4_CVDA352100YL2403GN
  #     - ata-INTEL_SSDSC2BW240A4_BTDA329505KM2403GN
  #   # Define pool type... | basic (no-raid) | mirror | raidz | raidz2 | raidz3
  #   type: mirror
  #   state: present
  #   # override global scrub cron job parameters per zpool
  #   scrub_cron:
  #     # enable: False  # disable scrub cron job creation for this specific zpool
  #     hour: 2
  #     weekday: sat
  # - name: SSD-TANK
  #   action: add
  #   # atime: on
  #   compression: lz4
  #   devices:
  #     - ata-INTEL_SSDSC2BW240A4_CVDA352100GP2403GN
  #     - ata-INTEL_SSDSC2BW240A4_CVDA401000Q02403GN
  #   type: mirror
  #   state: present
  # - name: SSD-TANK
  #   action: add
  #   # atime: on
  #   compression: lz4
  #   devices:
  #     - ata-INTEL_SSDSC2BW240A4_CVDA4010045B2403GN
  #     - ata-INTEL_SSDSC2BW240A4_BTDA329501102403GN
  #   type: mirror
  #   xattr: sa
  #   acltype: posixacl
  #   state: present

# defines global scrub cron job parameters. Only applies when `zfs_enable_monitoring` is set to True.
  minute: 0
  hour: 0
  day: *
  month: *
  weekday: sun
zfs_ubuntu_ppa: ppa:zfs-native/stable

# Defines block-device volumes to manage
zfs_volumes: []
  # - name: backups
  #   pool: tank
  #   # Defines if iscsitarget should serve volume... | on | off | or not defined
  #   shareiscsi: on
  #   # Defines volsize for block devices
  #   volsize: 1G
  #   lun: 0
  #   allow:
  #     - ALL
  #   state: present
  # - name: data
  #   pool: tank
  #   shareiscsi: on
  #   volsize: 2G
  #   lun: 1
  #   allow:
  #     # -
  #     -
  #   state: present
  # - name: encrypted-vol
  #   pool: tank
  #   state: present
  #   # The encryption algorithm to use, or just "on" to use the default one picked by ZFS.
  #   encryption: on
  #   # Where to lookup the key on the filesystem.  Prompt is not supported by this role.
  #   keylocation: "file:///use/local/etc/zfs/keys/tank/encyrpted-vol"
  #   # passphrase | hex | raw
  #   keyformat: "hex"
  #   volsize: 3G

zfs_enable_monitoring: False

# in percentage.
zfs_monitoring_capacity_threshold: 80

# in days.
zfs_monitoring_scrub_max_age: 8

zfs_monitoring_email_dest: root@localhost



Example Playbook


        - name: Installs ZFS On Linux
          hosts: all
          become: true
            - zfs_iscsistarget_iqn: iqn.2001-04.local.vagrant  #define your FQDN in reverse...(local.vagrant)
            - zfs_iscsitarget_target_portals:
            - zfs_enable_iscsi: true
            - zfs_enable_nfs: true
            - role: ansible-zfs
        #### Galaxy
        - name: Installs ZFS On Linux
          hosts: all
          become: true
            - zfs_iscsistarget_iqn: iqn.2001-04.local.vagrant  #define your FQDN in reverse...(local.vagrant)
            - zfs_iscsitarget_target_portals:
            - zfs_enable_iscsi: true
            - zfs_enable_nfs: true
            - role: mrlesmithjr.zfs

Advanced Example ZPool Creation

zfs_pools:  #defines zpool(s) to manage
  - name: 'SSD-TANK'
    action: 'create'
#    atime: 'on'
    options: # set permanent options at creation time
      ashift: 13
    compression: 'lz4'  # on | off (default) | lzjb | gzip | gzip-1 | gzip-2 | gzip-3 | gzip-4 | gzip-5 | gzip-6 | gzip-7 | gzip-8 | gzip-9 | lz4 | zle
    devices:  #define devices to create pool with...can define multiple by | sdb sdc sdd sde sdf | all on one line w/spaces
      - 'ata-INTEL_SSDSC2BW240A4_CVDA352100YL2403GN'
      - 'ata-INTEL_SSDSC2BW240A4_BTDA329505KM2403GN'
      - 'ata-INTEL_SSDSC2BW240A4_CVDA352100GP2403GN'
      - 'ata-INTEL_SSDSC2BW240A4_CVDA401000Q02403GN'
      - 'ata-INTEL_SSDSC2BW240A4_CVDA4010045B2403GN'
      - 'ata-INTEL_SSDSC2BW240A4_BTDA329501102403GN'
      - 'ata-INTEL_SSDSC2BW240A4_BTDA329503XM2403GN'
      - 'ata-INTEL_SSDSC2BW240A4_CVDA4010011R2403GN'
    type: 'raidz2'  #define pool type... | basic (no-raid) | mirror | raidz | raidz2 | raidz3
    state: 'present'
  - name: 'SSD-TANK'
    action: 'add'
    compression: 'lz4'  # on | off (default) | lzjb | gzip | gzip-1 | gzip-2 | gzip-3 | gzip-4 | gzip-5 | gzip-6 | gzip-7 | gzip-8 | gzip-9 | lz4 | zle
      - 'ata-INTEL_SSDSC2BW240A4_BTDA3300022F2403GN'
    type: 'spare'
    state: 'present'
  - name: 'TANK'
    action: 'create'
#    atime: 'on'
    compression: 'lz4'  # on | off (default) | lzjb | gzip | gzip-1 | gzip-2 | gzip-3 | gzip-4 | gzip-5 | gzip-6 | gzip-7 | gzip-8 | gzip-9 | lz4 | zle
    devices:  #define devices to create pool with...can define multiple by | sdb sdc sdd sde sdf | all on one line w/spaces
      - 'ata-ST2000VN000-1HJ164_W522KVAS'
      - 'ata-ST2000VN000-1HJ164_W522KW2J'
    type: 'mirror'  #define pool type... | basic (no-raid) | mirror | raidz | raidz2 | raidz3
    state: 'present'
  - name: 'TANK'
    action: 'add'
    compression: 'lz4'  # on | off (default) | lzjb | gzip | gzip-1 | gzip-2 | gzip-3 | gzip-4 | gzip-5 | gzip-6 | gzip-7 | gzip-8 | gzip-9 | lz4 | zle
    devices:  #define devices to create pool with...can define multiple by | sdb sdc sdd sde sdf | all on one line w/spaces
      - 'ata-ST2000DM001-1CH164_Z1E957EP'
      - 'ata-ST2000DM001-1ER164_W4Z08B5M'
    type: 'mirror'  #define pool type... | basic (no-raid) | mirror | raidz | raidz2 | raidz3
    state: 'present'
  - name: 'TANK'
    action: 'add'
    compression: 'lz4'  # on | off (default) | lzjb | gzip | gzip-1 | gzip-2 | gzip-3 | gzip-4 | gzip-5 | gzip-6 | gzip-7 | gzip-8 | gzip-9 | lz4 | zle
    devices:  #define devices to create pool with...can define multiple by | sdb sdc sdd sde sdf | all on one line w/spaces
      - 'ata-ST2000DM001-1ER164_W4Z08FPX'
      - 'ata-ST2000DM001-1ER164_W5009JQ4'
    type: 'mirror'  #define pool type... | basic (no-raid) | mirror | raidz | raidz2 | raidz3
    state: 'present'
  - name: 'TANK'
    action: 'add'
    compression: 'lz4'  # on | off (default) | lzjb | gzip | gzip-1 | gzip-2 | gzip-3 | gzip-4 | gzip-5 | gzip-6 | gzip-7 | gzip-8 | gzip-9 | lz4 | zle
    devices:  #define devices to create pool with...can define multiple by | sdb sdc sdd sde sdf | all on one line w/spaces
      - 'ata-ST2000DM001-1CH164_W1E3XCBV'
      - 'ata-ST2000DM001-1CH164_W1E3V7VA'
    type: 'mirror'  #define pool type... | basic (no-raid) | mirror | raidz | raidz2 | raidz3
    state: 'present'
  - name: 'TANK'
    action: 'add'
    compression: 'lz4'  # on | off (default) | lzjb | gzip | gzip-1 | gzip-2 | gzip-3 | gzip-4 | gzip-5 | gzip-6 | gzip-7 | gzip-8 | gzip-9 | lz4 | zle
    devices:  #define devices to create pool with...can define multiple by | sdb sdc sdd sde sdf | all on one line w/spaces
      - 'ata-ST31000340NS_9QJ814GW'
      - 'ata-ST31000340NS_9QJ80NQK'
    type: 'mirror'  #define pool type... | basic (no-raid) | mirror | raidz | raidz2 | raidz3
    state: 'present'
  - name: 'TANK'
    action: 'add'
    compression: 'lz4'  # on | off (default) | lzjb | gzip | gzip-1 | gzip-2 | gzip-3 | gzip-4 | gzip-5 | gzip-6 | gzip-7 | gzip-8 | gzip-9 | lz4 | zle
    devices:  #define devices to create pool with...can define multiple by | sdb sdc sdd sde sdf | all on one line w/spaces
      - 'ata-INTEL_SSDSC2CW120A3_CVCV248102U3120BGN'
    type: 'cache'  #define pool type... | basic (no-raid) | mirror | raidz | raidz2 | raidz3
    state: 'present'
  - name: 'TANK'
    action: 'add'
    compression: 'lz4'  # on | off (default) | lzjb | gzip | gzip-1 | gzip-2 | gzip-3 | gzip-4 | gzip-5 | gzip-6 | gzip-7 | gzip-8 | gzip-9 | lz4 | zle
    devices:  #define devices to create pool with...can define multiple by | sdb sdc sdd sde sdf | all on one line w/spaces
      - 'ata-INTEL_SSDSC2CW120A3_CVCV2515011Y120BGN'
    type: 'cache'  #define pool type... | basic (no-raid) | mirror | raidz | raidz2 | raidz3
    state: 'present'
  - name: 'TANK'
    action: 'add'
    compression: 'lz4'  # on | off (default) | lzjb | gzip | gzip-1 | gzip-2 | gzip-3 | gzip-4 | gzip-5 | gzip-6 | gzip-7 | gzip-8 | gzip-9 | lz4 | zle
    devices:  #define devices to create pool with...can define multiple by | sdb sdc sdd sde sdf | all on one line w/spaces
      - 'ata-ST2000DL003-9VT166_5YD48V54'
    type: 'spare'  #define pool type... | basic (no-raid) | mirror | raidz | raidz2 | raidz3
    state: 'present'



Author Information

Larry Smith Jr.


Installs and configures ZFS On Linux



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